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    Entire Sukhoi-30MKI fleet to arrive by 2019

    That's an invalid view. Blaming DRDO and HAL scientists is wrong and incorrect. The bad work culture and ethics starts form the top down. It has gotten much better but there is room for improvement. Then you got the issue of senior scientists who practice caste politics and stupid cultural...
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    Entire Sukhoi-30MKI fleet to arrive by 2019

    Well where is the Russian punitive measures that publicly state be will used against anyone who engages in reverse engineering? With China doing it since day 1, there is no teeth to it. I agree 2000%, India is being run by a bunch of idiots and morons who do not care about INDIA only their...
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    Entire Sukhoi-30MKI fleet to arrive by 2019

    Russia bled us dry AGAIN. ....And look at the double standards. China is given peferential treatment over India, who in turn arms Pakistan with related tech. Im surprised India has not been able to gain any leverage or equal footing
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    Cyber space, a new domain of war: Antony

    If he realizes this after being in office for so many years, THEN WE ARE IN DEEPER SHIT THAN I EVER IMAGINED! Its quite obvious, This government and everyone who is a part of it except NSA are either clueless, corrupt or blind. You will only no change if you keep electing morons idiots like...
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    Is India Found Ist Reagan?

    Great to hear man! I did also. I am tried of Congress and their BS. If anyone has paid attention, all Rahul and Sonia has done is use caste politics and divide us on religion. Modi has not even uttered a single word unless asked speicifically.
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    Is India Found Ist Reagan?

    So the world has a stake on India. Wake up and realize if you continue to vote for idiots like Mayawati, Sonia, Rahul , Mulayam, etc India will be the laughing stock of the world. We need strong, capable leadership not BS
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    Deterrence debates and defence

    This is what happens when you have a fuking Italian whore and dumbass family running India to the ground. Its disgusting you clueless Indians will vote her back in power AGAIN>
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    India and China to discuss steps for better border management

    China just seized a Japanese cargo ship for war reparations. India better wake up. China is just playing games to stop any alliance from happening so it can take out one country at a time..
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    Indian forces took part in Lankan war(2009): Plea

    I don't know. They all have their own hidden agenda.....quite simply....turmoil prevents progress and allows them to lengthen their lead. Support all sides and have them fight in conflict, slowing their progress.
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    Is tide turning finally ? Angry mob sets ablaze house of Lashkar operative in Kashmir

    So you think that is the solution to helping India? Reservation? Even hindus who convert to Islam get to keep their reservation, so much for progress:o:
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    Indian forces took part in Lankan war(2009): Plea

    Oh please. You talk about maturity, yet all G8 nations engage in this BS till now...perhaps they are talking a cue and heeding that advice.
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    Indian Paramilitary-Children of lesser god!!!!

    Thats why Naxals gather bigger numbers everyday. That's why India is a cesspool of shit flowing the Ganges. Then we stuck with idiots like Sonia and Rahul, CONgress, the BJP, Mayawati....while a leader who actually get things done, can attract FDI, can transform India is sidelined. His name...
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    India puts civil aircraft plan back on runway

    Sry but I wont fly in it. They want to create civilian planes but forget another important parameter: THE EXPERIENCE. If India cannot take steps to correct Air India, then I and others won't give it a chance.
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    Is tide turning finally ? Angry mob sets ablaze house of Lashkar operative in Kashmir

    Let's keep it real. The whole Caste system the way it was being used not 2000 yrs ago which we cannot verify but in the 19th and 20th century, was a complete utter disgrace. Brahmins worked hand in hand with the Mughals to make a buck and preserve their skin. Not all but most....the worst part...
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    Is tide turning finally ? Angry mob sets ablaze house of Lashkar operative in Kashmir

    Damn this pic shows we are behind shipbuilding tech. Why wont Congress repeal article 370? It is time for Kashmir to be accepted us a part of us.
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    Rafale Vs Su-30 MKi

    The results shouldn;t be leaked on this site or by the media. It will help your enemies..
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    BJP will make army training compulsory: VK Singh

    I agree nutrition is another issue. The issues you and I both mentioned need to corrected by the Centre but I like the states would get in the way and act as a stumbling block. The political system is not perfect. Lawmakers need to speed up the process of smoothening gov't but then again that is...
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    BJP will make army training compulsory: VK Singh

    Exactly. Anyone who has parents from India will know how common this is.
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    BJP will make army training compulsory: VK Singh

    Budget is an isssue. But who do we blame for not implementing education at all levels with access to all? GONGRESS!
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    Should India resort to Propaganda and Deceptive warfare on Large Scale?

    India does honestly appraise its shortfalls, the problems is the politicans who waste our money and chang eour direction. Add to that are some scientists who chew more than they can swallow.....
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