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    INDO-US Trade War : India prepares to battle US pressure on trade laws

    STFU....i have seen your half *** post son this site...a waste of time....do us all a favor....and just remain a guest. You add nothing of value to this site. DUMbass
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    Some thoughts!!

    Got to think with keeping the future in mind. However, shooting a gun shouldn't fall under the gov't. it should be free willl. But candidates who go thru NCC should be given a chance to hone that skill. Yup issues like this are taboo and are not covered at home or by society at large. TV...
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    Pro-LTTE website claims IAF operating Runway in Northern Srilanka

    Hey man, folks think I am anti india but I am far from it. But I do everything to correct their views when I see an opportunity or to give them a different pov. Thanks for being civil and keep an open debate. I too can learn quite a bit from you and others
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    Some thoughts!!

    I think the educational system in India should revamped entirely especially HISTORY. The textbooks being used are not great, in fact the history books have been diluted and rewritten to suit hidden agendas and politics. HISTORY should be the truth, no matter if it hurts ppl's sentiments. It is...
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    INDO-US Trade War : India prepares to battle US pressure on trade laws

    Bhopal? As much as Union Carbide is to blame for the disaster, what about the responsibility of the politicans? They formulated laaws that lacked any regulation at the time. They purposely hid data and made it impossible to get to any real justice. The settlement was a sham which much of the...
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    INDO-US Trade War : India prepares to battle US pressure on trade laws

    OH STFU. You got no point so you ramble some BS. This wouldn;t be an issue if INDIA didn't break patent rules. If you were so worried about it, then INDIA should be in better position to provide medication without US TECH, RESEARCH, EXPERTISE....got it What r u stoopid? WHY won't you read...
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    INDO-US Trade War : India prepares to battle US pressure on trade laws

    W/e if you read carefully ....biotechnology has allowed 15,000 patents to be created based off turmeric. And the intial patents for turmeric were given to 2 Indian Americans! Don;t cry like a Biaatch and change the positions of the issue. Its all inclusive.
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    Japan Navy chief’s message for new Indian govt.

    Let me ask you and others what prevented China from being close to India before, all these decades? India made numerous attempts at peace but it was rebuffed one way or another by the Chinese. For the most part, China was just stringing us along. Why? Businessmen care about $$$, nothing more...
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    Japan Navy chief’s message for new Indian govt.

    I think an aliiance against aggression is the need of the hour and the future. It will also help in resolving any nation who thinks it can use force to solve past issues.
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    'Encouraged' by Modi's remark, Pak wants to start talks 'quickly'

    Dont be naive. Pakistan has done inumerable thigns to cast doubts on any talks before they begin. Make some efforts to prove you are truly sincere but when we find links with IM and a host of other anti nationals with ISI, thus killing our ppl.......we will question every detail
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    Japan Navy chief’s message for new Indian govt.

    Dude, our biggest issue is that we are NOT willing to call a spade a spade. We try to play this game of non alignment. It doesn;t work ...though some will beg to differ. Our voice lacks spine unless we stand up and create waves...
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    INDO-US Trade War : India prepares to battle US pressure on trade laws

    Im **** nor a troll. Is it hard to believe Im an Indian? Why? Because I point out the flaws in our arguements? There was a patent for turmeric in the US, It was successfully fought by India. This issue regarding patents and meds is much bigger and more complex to grasp. It requires the entire...
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    Pro-LTTE website claims IAF operating Runway in Northern Srilanka

    Wrong to give credit to MMS or SONIA or any of these jokers. The only one who deserves mention is NSA Menon.....the guy is leagues above
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    INDO-US Trade War : India prepares to battle US pressure on trade laws

    Please...Turmeric is not new either but it was granted patent for its ability to fight cancer. Educate yourself on patent law
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    Japan Navy chief’s message for new Indian govt.

    Talk about lack of strategic consensus. You still have some cocksuckers who think India and China are going to have normal relations. Meanwhile, Pakistan is given access and tech that no other sane country will give EXCEPT CHINA. Clueless armchair generals..
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    INDO-US Trade War : India prepares to battle US pressure on trade laws

    Then INdia should develop its OWN resources and capabilities instead of stealing, copying and infringing on patent rights...
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    INDO-US Trade War : India prepares to battle US pressure on trade laws

    Nah I pretty sure India is not following compliance on certain things. But what about the double standards with regard to CHina?
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    Indian Navy ship draws large crowds at Chinese port

    It would been a great opportunity for the Indian Navy to strategically place eavesdropping equiment and personnel fluent in Mandarin/Cantonese to hear what the ppl really think..
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    Chinese defence delegation in India for talks on enhancing cooperation

    THey are just buying time. Even if they settle it will only be temporary, until they meet their objectives
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    INDO-US Trade War : India prepares to battle US pressure on trade laws

    The funny thing is where was the US and the world when yoga forms and techniques as well as Ayrudeva knowledge from our anicent books were being patented in outside of INDIA? Hare Krishna is multi billion orgnaization because it was able to patent our historical knowledge. The trust that runs...
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