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  1. MeshFree

    Muslim men chopped Bodies burnt in CAR(Africa)

    In their situation, rich in natural resource is not a good thing. A old Chinese proverb says: A people is not guilty but having a jade plate is his crime. For example, Sierra Leone, this country has a lot of diamond but it's among the worst countries in the world. Maybe poor in natural...
  2. MeshFree

    Chinese man sentenced to death for killing toddler after argument over parking space

    Only a single case and you call it culture? How many baby eating cases do you know, and in which how many happened in China? Please give references.
  3. MeshFree

    Chinese man sentenced to death for killing toddler after argument over parking space

    This case is very well-known in China recently. This guy once was put into prison because of stealing. And now he killed the little girl. He just deserve it.
  4. MeshFree

    China to set new train speed record

    Really? 600 km/h is the average speed of airplane...So if equipped with a pair of wings it can fly?
  5. MeshFree

    China could defeat US in East Pacific conflict by 2020: Russian analyst

    2020? Without nuclear weapon I think it would be very hard, if America plans to fight a total war. Maybe China can win a well prepared local conflict
  6. MeshFree

    Any inputs on this tourist spot?

    It is real. You can search on YouTube, there are a lot videos about this place. Anyone can visit here. Actually, you have a a security rope. It's not so dangerous but it's scary!
  7. MeshFree

    Japan’s Abe Visits Controversial Shrine

    Totally off topic. You all were driven by this Indian guy into a discussion without an end.
  8. MeshFree

    North Korea executes Kim Jong-un’s powerful uncle

    One day he will taste the wrath of ice and fire
  9. MeshFree

    Riots in Singapore

    ‘You need to bring democracy to Singapore’... How ridiculous. You are not the god. The world doesn't run just following your mind. Wake up.
  10. MeshFree

    Japanese Politician Detained In China On Drug Charges

    You must know China has a very strict law related to drug. A lot of foreign people were executed because of carrying drugs, including English, Japanese. You will be punished if you're caught carrying drug, no matter where you are from. About two years ago a Japanese was caught carrying drug in...
  11. MeshFree

    Aircraft carrier Liaoning begins drills in sensitive South China Sea with battle group

    Don't be so sensitive friend. There's a harbor being constructed since long ago in Haina. This time Liaoning is just transferred to this new harbor. Besides, fleet drill need a huge space, but American and Japanese ships crowd in East sea nowadays. So have fleet drill in South sea is a good...
  12. MeshFree

    2013.12 China prepare for moon landing, 3 months moon travel ready

    When plane was invented, people asked the same question. I think human will enter and flourish in the universe, sooner or later. This is just pioneering work. Pity I cannot live long enough to see that day. It's better to birth some decades later.
  13. MeshFree

    A new newspaper in France to destabilize China

    Sometimes I feel really angry with these shitty things, such non-sense propaganda supported by USA. Any people have some mind can search for information via internet, and get a clue how ridiculous these Falun Gong guys are. But they don't, because in their deep mind they believe China is evil...
  14. MeshFree

    China tests deep-sea mobile workstation prototype

    Exploration. Seabed is rich of minerals. It is also helpful to study the deep sea environment.
  15. MeshFree

    Spain issues arrest order for Chinese President Jiang Zemin

    That's the total unemployment. Among young people, the situation is even worse, it's over 50%, reaches 56.1%. Imagine that more than half of the young people have nothing to do more... This country is doomed. Spain youth unemployment reaches record 56.1% | Business | The Guardian
  16. MeshFree

    Spain issues arrest order for Chinese President Jiang Zemin

    HAHAHA...I cannot catch my breath. Where is Spain? Who care? Besides, when staying in Barcelona, I saw many buildings had Catalonia independence flags. I traveled from Barcelona to Madrid by train, and found that this country was not the European developed country I imagined when I was in...
  17. MeshFree

    Talk Less, Do More...

    Awesome. Thank you, OP. I am familiar with a lot of places in you pictures, have lived in Beijing, Chengdu, Shanghai, Chongqing. Very beautiful, I have a D7100, but I cannot photo those excellent pictures. Pity.
  18. MeshFree

    Did colonization ruin India's image?

    Ancient China expanded to it's geo limits. It's hard for a agriculture civilization to expand cross high mountains, oceans and large deserts. Was there any united power ever expanding to its geo limits in India sub-continent? I am not very familiar with the history of India, please share some...
  19. MeshFree

    China praises Korean assassin whom Japan calls a 'criminal'

    Criminal? How a person fought for the freedom of his invaded nation becomes criminal? Were American and Soviet soldiers fought in Europe in WWII criminal? We call dragon-slayer hero, we memory people fighting the invaders, because they fight against the evil. Imagine that if in world war II...
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