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  1. farag

    'Rabaa sign' becomes the symbol of massacre in Egypt

    If you consider killing of Egyptian soldiers in weekly basis. Yes. It is a big number. Are they the same Turkish soldiers who killed people in gezi park?
  2. farag

    'Rabaa sign' becomes the symbol of massacre in Egypt

    Where were these guys when they were killing Egyptian soldiers in Sinai, burning the churches?
  3. farag

    Turkey suspends selling Anka to Egypt as a punishment

    I am very busy for about 4 days. I will be back for replies. Please gather good proofs this time instead of calling me names. You may want to ask Iranians about their products. God bless:) PS You become mad or sad very fast. Work on it.
  4. farag

    Turkey suspends selling Anka to Egypt as a punishment

    Since you have nothing to say about anka, let's talk about persian history. :D
  5. farag

    Turkey suspends selling Anka to Egypt as a punishment

    I think u are taking about shooting in gezi park. It was a shame for AKP. Egypt should decrease the diplomatic ties with AKP, until gezi park protestors are released. Thank god Egyptian army prevented the same thing happening to Egypt. We would end up hiring imam pilots. :D
  6. farag

    Turkey suspends selling Anka to Egypt as a punishment

    Main stream Turkish news is a source. Fan boy offense is not a proof.
  7. farag

    Turkey suspends selling Anka to Egypt as a punishment

    By the way you assembled 5 anka, god knows how many of them are not crashed yet. What do you want to sell Egypt? The wreck?
  8. farag

    Turkey suspends selling Anka to Egypt as a punishment

    Showing a box with TAI on it is not a proof. Especially if the box is unveiled over night. Especially if several sources say otherwise. I will be back with more comments on this assembled drone. I am busy now. Anka is just assembled in turkey, yet cannot fly and crashes in the tests.
  9. farag

    Turkey suspends selling Anka to Egypt as a punishment

    It is not Iranian forum. Ask Iranians for that. There are lots of online stuff about toofan 2. Thanks for the video. I will not ask something again, if I see enough of data. If I am here it is for getting a good answer regarding the main article. I cant accept so many sources from zaman to...
  10. farag

    Turkey suspends selling Anka to Egypt as a punishment

    Google toofan 2 or typhoon 2, if I am right. PS. Based on erdogan beliefs you are a second class citizen and kafir alawi. Don't be a fan boy of him.
  11. farag

    Turkey suspends selling Anka to Egypt as a punishment

    This was unveiled in 1990,s. Long time ago. Check typhoon 2. I am not here to talk about Iran. Stick to the topic.
  12. farag

    Turkey suspends selling Anka to Egypt as a punishment

    It is off topic but That was unveiled in 2007. If you want a super cobra style Iranian helicopter look at typhoon 2; copy of viper except the blades. I will come back to anka when I get more free time. I can't pass on humiliating fanboys. :)
  13. farag

    Turkey suspends selling Anka to Egypt as a punishment

    Just to keep the fan Boys busy for now; Show Me a movie of anka landing in the daylight.
  14. farag

    Turkey suspends selling Anka to Egypt as a punishment

    @Sinan I will come back for a technical discussion. Off topic but this drone landed without making a wreck. Check the videos. By the way the Iranian drone is not a100% Iranian. That pizza box is made in US radar. You did not know it.
  15. farag

    Turkey suspends selling Anka to Egypt as a punishment

    Yupp. This is the same box that was unveiled over night for Turkish fanboys after Israel revealed that the computers are made in Israeli. If turkey could make it so fast why did they order it from Israel in the first place? Military technology does not come over night.
  16. farag

    Turkey suspends selling Anka to Egypt as a punishment

    Congrats to Turkey for anka. Next step is flying a made in turkey F35 from a made in turkey aircraft carrier by imam pilots. I love made in Turkish imam pilots :D Oh man. It looks like a Jew with a Turkish hat and mustache
  17. farag

    Turkey suspends selling Anka to Egypt as a punishment

    It just looks Jewish. Look st the Hermes drones you bought from Israel. @Sinan You never provided solid proof against all these sources. All you said was I am a Persian false flagger. Remember that fanboyish overnight unveiling of anka computers right after Israeli news revealed the...
  18. farag

    Turkey suspends selling Anka to Egypt as a punishment

    Israeli media plus todayszaman and hurriet have proved that anka parts are coming from abroad not Turkey. Even if you look at it you will see it is not Turkish. How many more sources do you want? Why do you expect me to believe Turkish fan boys.
  19. farag

    Turkey suspends selling Anka to Egypt as a punishment

    Link for deniers: BURAK BEKD You see it is not todayszaman :) I am waiting for Turkish military industry to deny this report by informed Turkish journalists :p
  20. farag

    Turkey suspends selling Anka to Egypt as a punishment

    This is from Turkish hurriet! Not pressTV. Not taraf! Main stream Turkish media.
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