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  1. visom

    US 'may ease' export restrictions against Myanmar and Vietnam

    They are but I do agree on that, Vietnam on its own cannot match American technology for the next 100 years, I think its better to be able to acquire the technology first then worry about its side effect later than to not have it at all.
  2. visom

    US 'may ease' export restrictions against Myanmar and Vietnam

    I agree with you on everything about how Vietnam should develop its own technology but it seems like the government would rather invest in tourist sites and casinos rather than technology.
  3. visom

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    I'm very excited to see any new pictures of boats you have for us!
  4. visom

    Kim Jong-un wins 100% of NK vote

    He must be a great leader if everyone in the country voted for him.
  5. visom

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    Hey look, it's the boat boy again.
  6. visom

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    I don't know how to feel about that comment.
  7. visom

    Taiwan voters have final opinion on China ties, say experts

    Thanks that is all I needed to hear, I ask because I want to hear from an actual person, not a book or website (which is why I bothered signing up to this forum filled with racists who have nothing better to do than fantasize about war). Why not answer without being an arrogant prick next time...
  8. visom

    Japan's economy grows at slower pace, raises stakes for Abenomics

    I support his comment because GDP per capita IS an indicator. All you do is claim him to be wrong because you THINK he said GDP per capita is the BEST indicator when that was not what he said and not what I believe as well.
  9. visom

    Vietnam Economy Forum

    Love the design for that administrative center, especially the resemblance to a shrine.
  10. visom

    Taiwan voters have final opinion on China ties, say experts

    I only ask the question so I can learn (few people here could take that advice), keep the rude remarks to yourself. The civil war was not just about territory. Acquiring Territory is a government interest, hardly really the citizen's interest. SO why do you, as a citizen, care so much about...
  11. visom

    Japan's economy grows at slower pace, raises stakes for Abenomics

    He did NOT claim it was the best indicator. The fact that I have to tell you again makes me think you aren't even reading what I said. I'm done here.
  12. visom

    Taiwan voters have final opinion on China ties, say experts

    Why is it such a big deal that angers many Chinese that Taiwan wants to be independent?
  13. visom

    Nervous Hanoi dances around anti-China rally

    That is true, some smaller sub groups don't really give a damn about whatever is pissing off the larger groups. New law in Vietnam: Macs are illegal. So I guess you would agree that China (before 2007) and South Korea should not be allowed to demand Japan to apologize for their war...
  14. visom

    Nervous Hanoi dances around anti-China rally

    "Because china is a weak country. How can weak country demand anything?" That's probably what some of those right-wing Japanese thought at that time after they commit WWII attrocities. You have much in common with them. A lot of Vietnamese feel the same. There are large chinese communities...
  15. visom

    Japan's economy grows at slower pace, raises stakes for Abenomics

    Tell that to xunzi, he's the whole reason for this debate. :victory:
  16. visom

    Japan's economy grows at slower pace, raises stakes for Abenomics

    3rd rate is a pretty harsh description, I can't imagine Switzerland or Norway being referred to as 3rd rate countries despite having the world's highest standard of living. If China is able to continue its current trend without interference, China will eventually be a superpower; they have...
  17. visom

    Japan's economy grows at slower pace, raises stakes for Abenomics

    It is sometimes but it is an unfair comparison when you're looking at an industry that focuses all its R&D into transportation while the other focuses on aerospace. The US is the undisputed leader in military technology while our cars quality and technology are still behind Germany and...
  18. visom

    Japan's economy grows at slower pace, raises stakes for Abenomics

    GDP per capita = GDP/population I repeat again. BOTH GDP per capital (PPP and nominal) are important. I did not say nominal is more important.
  19. visom

    Japan's economy grows at slower pace, raises stakes for Abenomics

    I don't think you understood him correctly. He only said GDP per capita is a good indicator of a good economy, he didn't say its the BEST indicator. Both GDP Nominal and Capita matters so don't write off nominal. As for economic growth, you have to factor in the wealth distribution. Having...
  20. visom

    Japan's economy grows at slower pace, raises stakes for Abenomics

    Don't forget that Japan's population is DECLINING which plays a part of its stagnant economy. And as xenon54 said, what matters more is GDP per capita.
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