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  1. S

    Type 055 DDG News & Discussions

    can't believe it's 8 for the first batch, so many
  2. S

    Diaoyu Islands News and Updates

    Vietnamese LOW IQ shines again.
  3. S

    Taiwan seeks to establish diplomatic relation with Vietnam

    They drew nine dash line, they cut your throat, you little earthworm.
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    The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

    Yeah it's true, but now we have to cooperate with Russia.
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    The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

    At that time, Britain was already an industrialized country with the rest of the worlds as its market and raw material supplier , China was forced into the Western's system by opium. Russia was a different example, you are not as industrialized as the west in 19th century, you even didn't...
  6. S

    Myanmar activists abduct Chinese mine workers

    Nothing new. Chinese workers in Africa was attacked and kidnapped in Cameroon recently. It's time to have more effective security protection for oversea Chinese employees or tourists.
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    Sri Lanka, China to elevate military relations 'to a new level'

    Oh, didn't know that, I read the news from Chinese ministry of national defense, it only mentioned the above 3 countries.
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    Sri Lanka, China to elevate military relations 'to a new level'

    Chinese senior military officials are visiting SL, BD, and Cambodia.
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    The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

    (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin hopes to sign a multi-billion dollar gas agreement with China during a two-day visit that kicks off on Tuesday, ending more than a decade of false starts and wrangling over a deal seen as vital to both sides. More broadly, the Russian leader...
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    Poverty of the biggest democracy

    India Developing, but still a long way to go :cheesy:
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    Will war break out between China and Vietnam ?

    Yes, China deserve it.
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    Will war break out between China and Vietnam ?

    Yeah yeah, you greedy earthworms so stupid, first this UNCLOS doesn't work for China, then it took effective on 1982, we drew nine dash line in 1947, you do the math. China discovered SCS, we administered there, its ours.
  13. S

    Will war break out between China and Vietnam ?

    STFU, Mr Dung. That's Chinese EEZ, since when it's yours?
  14. S

    China unveils 2900 kph super-maglev train

    Useless tech, for now and even next couple of decades. They are so obsessed with speed of trains, why, to cheat on scientific research funds? Many shameless scientists are cheating on governmental grants.
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    Will war break out between China and Vietnam ?

    LOL check this out, guys, I have to respect Vietnamese here on PDF, they are really good at acting like innocent. Fk your anus, plz, then I give you some Indian holy oil to take care your broken anus. You killed people, and you said sorry, so happy ending? That's how Vietnamese is passing the...
  16. S

    Will war break out between China and Vietnam ?

    Vietnam gangsters are a bunch of shameless, tricky and double faced jungle thugs. Now they pretend to be innocent, the next minute they will have slain the innocent Chinese employees in Vietnam. Disgusting Vietnamese propaganda. Stop lying.
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    Taiwain Suffered Big Loss Over 1 billions Dollar in Damage by riots in Vietnam.

    No, you low IQ madafaka, why no asean countries support you in SCS, except 3rd world Phillipines?
  18. S

    Xi: There is no gene for invasion in our blood

    The US did want to give it to China, but Chiang Kai-shek didn't accept it. He was afraid of any collateral protocol that will be proposed by the US, as something for return.
  19. S

    More than 20 dead, doctor says, as anti-China riots spread in Vietnam

    Why not post some pics of the innocent Chinese died in your protest?
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