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  1. S

    US must 'get used to China's rise'

    They invaded Mexico in 19th century, now problems are done.
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    Will war break out between China and Vietnam ?

    And you are getting brazen, my Viet bro.
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    Will war break out between China and Vietnam ?

    The logic is real. Why would we protest you....especially when we are doing something at our own home?
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    Taipei sends delegation to seek compensation from Vietnam

    To deprive or monopolize the Viet's resources. :angel: Africa is way worse than the Viet, however it's common to see Chinese companies there. Capital is driven by high profits, but there is always a price for it.
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    Explosion occurred near a park in Urumqi

    Yes, onion hunter, China is making money from the rest of the world, that's why we are attracting hatred, someone get fed, and some others get hungry.
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    Explosion occurred near a park in Urumqi

    All your reasonings are based on specluation and imagination, right? It' always appropriate to place public scurity on the first place. Or this government will lose trust. To protect people's safety was wirtten clearly in our law. To go on a patrol is not a cost, it's a capitalization to our...
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    Explosion occurred near a park in Urumqi

    Sorry, it doesn't matter if that's your need, it's about those workers' careers, the company assigned them there, and we are not to fulfil your need, capiche? You are feeling too good, don't you? I'm damn sure you already got experts from home and abroad.
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    Explosion occurred near a park in Urumqi

    Those workers who were slain during your protest come from China metallurgical co., LTD, a central government leading company. I don't know your law, but I'm pretty sure they came to Vietnam through legal procedure.
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    Explosion occurred near a park in Urumqi

    They are workers from our state owned companies, they've got working visas, how come illegal?
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    Explosion occurred near a park in Urumqi

    Yes, we need army to go on patro 24/7, especially for those public areas with high stream of people, like school, train statation and shopping mall. I think we also need surveillance on phone calls, messages and other info transmiting in Xinjiang. Security should be put on high priority.
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    Explosion occurred near a park in Urumqi

    Let's wait for official confrimation. Hope it's just an accident.
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    Explosion occurred near a park in Urumqi

    Explosion occurred around 8 a.m. Thursday near a park in Urumqi, capital of northwest China's Xinjiang region. Casualties unknown.
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    Taipei sends delegation to seek compensation from Vietnam

    Taiwan's vice-minister of economic affairs, Shen Jong-chin, is leading a delegation to Vietnam today to help Taiwanese firms seek compensation from authorities there for damages incurred in deadly anti-China riots. The delegation is part of the government's efforts to show concern to our...
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    The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

    Win-win situation for sure. This not only creates jobs, but the clean energy will also help alleviate China's environment burden. This 30 year deal is definitely a strong back for China's long term goal. This deal tied both countries together. A military and economy alliance between China and...
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    Taiping Island security not to be boosted: military - Taipei Times

    You already lag behind China by naval build, by the quantities, the qualitative and speed.
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    The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

    No, it's not dumb, it's not excuse. Read this : Before the first opium war in 1840, China always had trade trade surplus from the Britain. Chinese silk and tea sold well and helped to gain a constant cash inflow from the Britain, while China don't need their stuff at all, like wool, nylon...
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    Thailand army declares martial law

    Best transsexual women in Thailand 2014, LOL, look at "her" face! Why they opposed Yingluck btw? Thailand government too weak, they cannot even create a stable environment for development, and how could they hand over the military power?
  18. S

    Type 055 DDG News & Discussions

    True, our national defense budget is rising, no worry. So the next batch 055 would be full electric propulsion?
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