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  1. F

    The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

    @Chinese-Dragon Not to mention that within 5 to 7 years from now, Chinese domestic market will be the driver of Chinese economic growth - which is absolutely critical as China can have far more options in its foreign policy. At the same time, we should import more than we export. In fact, I...
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    Ramifications of Ukraine on Taiwan

    Well, I agree with several writers in this forum as well as @Hu Songshan when he mentions that if the West does not recognize the Crimea's vote, then it would be hypocritical if it accepts the Taiwan's independence vote. I would like to mention several points. The writer from the AsiaTimes is...
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    Opinionated - China Chipping Away to Semiconductor Dominance

    @Martian2 I think what China should do is opt for the crown jewel of this industry - high performance computing (i.e. supercomputer). The chips that are used in such supercomputers are not the one that we see in our daily products (i.e. desktop PC or notebooks. I am not going to even talk about...
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    In China, we have brothers! In the West, we are slaves!

    Hi Martian2, thank you for your thoughtful analysis as always. I also think that Outer Manchuria is not worth the cost for Chinese Civilization at the moment. Why should China fight for its territory (lost under an unequal treaty such as losing HK to UK) when Outer Manchuria will likely fall...
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    In China, we have brothers! In the West, we are slaves!

    I agree with Martian2 that China and Taiwan will be reunited. Within a decade, China will have very strong domestic economy to the point that China can shut Japan.Inc without firing a bullet. ( Economic might is mightier than the sword). @Martian2 If you read "The Grand Chessboard" by...
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    China Economy Forum

    @Martian2 Thank you for your detailed analysis. I sincerely agree with you on the positive role that Chinese Central Government can play in this game. In my view, x86 processor is really the worst CPU architecture. I guess I am not alone in this statement. [ go to this website vr-zone and...
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    China Economy Forum

    @Martian2 I really enjoyed reading your analysis on TSMC and IBM. I am interested in your opinion regarding Chinese homegrown CPUs (to be precise, the Loongson MIPS family, and the Shenwei Alpha family). Do you think in the foreseeable future Chinese CPU can compete against the x86 processors...
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