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  1. HK Indian MBT

    EXCLUSIVE : Was PRE-ISLAMIC ARABIA Hindu Nation ? Un Told Arabian Tales

    Do you have any proof to claim what you are Claiming ? plz do point out what is wrong Info in this thread ? And why it is inslut to Islam ?
  2. HK Indian MBT

    EXCLUSIVE : Was PRE-ISLAMIC ARABIA Hindu Nation ? Un Told Arabian Tales

    Respect your Opinion . But i like to point you that Pegan Religion God is Mithra . Please kindly Check these info below. Hope it may shed some light on this topic .. Mithraism was the religion that was practised by the ancient Romans (Pagans) before they converted to Christianity. Mithra is an...
  3. HK Indian MBT

    EXCLUSIVE : Was PRE-ISLAMIC ARABIA Hindu Nation ? Un Told Arabian Tales

    Agreed @Aryan Nation Did you mean this ?
  4. HK Indian MBT

    EXCLUSIVE : Was PRE-ISLAMIC ARABIA Hindu Nation ? Un Told Arabian Tales

    Historians and theologians are still so confused even today because they have still not understood the events that led to the birth of Zoroastrianism. Zoroastrianism was born as a revolt against the religious setup in India. The mount on which Zoroaster received divine revelation was, in all...
  5. HK Indian MBT

    EXCLUSIVE : Was PRE-ISLAMIC ARABIA Hindu Nation ? Un Told Arabian Tales

    @Aryan Nation Hinduism is the oldest religion. Infact Hinduism is Just a name Given for even older tradition. Which was followed by all nations. Its called Sanatana Dharma . Check this : Dwarka 32,000 year old city found under the sea. Its Very Intresting topic. Inia and Iran are Ancient...
  6. HK Indian MBT

    Pentagon to field 4,000-person cyber squad

    WASHINGTON, July 18 (Xinhua) -- U.S. Defense Department is close to launching a roughly 4,000-person cyber squad devoted to conducting cyber offense and defense operations, Deputy Defense Secretary Ashton Carter said Thursday. Carter made the disclosure at the Aspen Security Forum, held in...
  7. HK Indian MBT

    EXCLUSIVE : Was PRE-ISLAMIC ARABIA Hindu Nation ? Un Told Arabian Tales

    Nice Hear genuine Comment on this article. And R u from Iran @Aryan Nation
  8. HK Indian MBT

    EXCLUSIVE : Was PRE-ISLAMIC ARABIA Hindu Nation ? Un Told Arabian Tales

    I just told No trolls Please . If you have Valid Points to make then Do so. You can say what is wrong and Why it is not right
  9. HK Indian MBT

    EXCLUSIVE : Was PRE-ISLAMIC ARABIA Hindu Nation ? Un Told Arabian Tales

    EXCLUSIVE : Was PRE-ISLAMIC ARABIA Hindu Nation ? Un Told Arabian Tales Revealed ! ! ! Before going into the thread Please make sure No trolls or Bashing at each other. Its Intresting Topic Lets debate and Grow our Knowledge. Information is wealth ! :cheers: Arabia is an abbreviation...
  10. HK Indian MBT

    764 Pakistanis granted Indian citizenship in 3 years: Govt

    Any facts about Pakistan on Terrorism and Poverty will be Usless . Pakistanis will never ever accept it When the whole world want Pakistan to stop terrorism . Even Soudi Arabians dont accept **** Muslims as Arabs. Its a lack of Identity for Pakistan, Talibans getting Control in Pakistan ...
  11. HK Indian MBT

    Final trials of fully integrated Arjun Mark II tanks in August

    We need Mass produce it in many folds. Our Army must be told to live with it or Die. Only then we can attain Arjus's Full advantage.
  12. HK Indian MBT

    ArcelorMittal scraps Rs 50,000 cr steel project in Odisha .UPA-Anti India

    ALERT ---- BREAKING NEWS : ArcelorMittal scraps Rs 50,000 cr steel project in Odisha . Poor Govt Policies and Delays Costing ‪#‎India‬ .Economy and Rupee is Colapsed . https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/1004882_555384211185865_2101019424_n.jpg In the...
  13. HK Indian MBT

    China-specific corps on table

    Now Take That http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian-defence/265217-government-clears-posting-40-000-soldiers-along-china-border.html#post4535302 If so why China's Army worried about even poor Infra development on Indian Side. :omghaha::bunny: :yahoo: Government clears posting of 40,000 soldiers...
  14. HK Indian MBT

    Government clears posting of 40,000 soldiers along China border

    Government clears posting of 40,000 soldiers along China border New Delhi: The Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) today gave the much-awaited clearance for raising a Mountain Strike Corps. The battalion will comprise 40,000 additional soldiers to counter China's military strength, sources...
  15. HK Indian MBT

    Indian phone makers leave China to build at home

    Ok My Chinese friend i debate with you tomo ,... Good Night for now u already commited SIN for waking up a drunk guy... DONT DO THIS SIN AGAIN... KARMA IS A ***** WILL GET BACK TO U WHEN U R DRUNK :china:
  16. HK Indian MBT

    Indian phone makers leave China to build at home

    So is it like. CHINA IS GOING DOWN SO DO INDIA debate ? Justto clarify so we can debate on it dear:omghaha: It was funny as HELL . China opened to 100% FDI 4decades ago. India still to cash in but still have pottential to over take China is this worry you lil chinese :rofl:
  17. HK Indian MBT

    Indian phone makers leave China to build at home

    Oh my dear friend @Genesis its not against U or China these are just facts. And dont bullshit me as am an Mariner i been to china than am been to Malay . It means I have Chinese mariners work with me as Kin .Any way you need some real education. Let me provide U. As English is not my language...
  18. HK Indian MBT

    Indian phone makers leave China to build at home

    Trust me when i say it. Chinese economy is going down. Even if u dont want to accept it. Can you explain why is ur GDP is 7.5 from 2 digits ? SIMPLE man.Get ur facts right broo. @ChineseTiger1986 its for u Its not about banging ur chest just to save ur facce but its all about proof and Ur...
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