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  1. zzzz

    Pak-Fa is work in progress

    This is really funny guy. He keeps running through threads posting the same rubbish and when its debunked he change the thread and repeat the process. So here we go again: 1. PAK-FA shape is not as stealthy as J-20 FROM BOTTOM VIEW yet J-20 is inferior in stealth to PAK-FA in most important...
  2. zzzz

    Crimea Declares Indipendence from Ukraine !!!

    The only thing you got is Ukrainian debt that you will pay to Russia. And after that there will be new revolution :lol:
  3. zzzz

    good news, Ruble Plunges to Record down

    You didnt freeze any asset of a single Russian, and poor third world EU citizens still have the same visa restrictions. And we are still waiting our Ukrainian debt. Hurry up. :lol:
  4. zzzz

    good news, Ruble Plunges to Record down

    You did nothing actually and did not freeze anything. We are still waiting for your mythical sanctions :lol:
  5. zzzz

    good news, Ruble Plunges to Record down

    When will you do actual transactions? Ukraine owes to Russia about $50 billions. We are waiting. Hurry up. Also dont forget gas prices for Ukraine are going up 30% next month. :lol:
  6. zzzz

    Russian rubbish? India reportedly disappointed with stealth fighters from Moscow

    So what? China still cant produce reliable 4th generation engine. What 5th generation engine? In 20 years maybe not early. Besides that fighters with metal airframes are not stealth and will never become 5th generation.
  7. zzzz

    Russian rubbish? India reportedly disappointed with stealth fighters from Moscow

    Sorry but fighters with 4th gen engines and metal airframes like J-20 and J-31 dont meet standards of 5th generation.
  8. zzzz

    China Conducts First Test of New Ultra-High Speed Missile Vehicle

    What yankies? Russia is the first country in the world to fly hypersonic vehicle.
  9. zzzz

    China Conducts First Test of New Ultra-High Speed Missile Vehicle

    conducted tests - it is just what China did as anounced by Americans. nothing more. if there was anything that "failed" 25 YEARS AGO that is most surely is alien tech for you TODAY.
  10. zzzz

    China Conducts First Test of New Ultra-High Speed Missile Vehicle

    You are just 25 years behind. As usual. http://www.nasa.gov/centers/dryden/pdf/88431main_H-2115.pdf
  11. zzzz

    T-50 Fighter To Feature Higher Stealth Capabilities

    What is so stealthy in canards? Where did you see stealth planes with canards? What is so stealthy about 4th generation engines of SU-27 without any stealth measurements applied? Do you know that stealth planes are built from radar absorbing composites that are able to withstand supersonic...
  12. zzzz

    PAK FA stealth features patent published

    Its not RCS of Rafale. Its RCS of some frontal magic angle of Rafale. The same applies to any other plane. You are comparing minimal RCS with average RCS.
  13. zzzz

    Mass demonstrations shake Kiev as Ukrainians call for revolution

    Демография and now you strikes everyone with your IQ :lol: strange that all the world consider German women to be one of the most ugly.
  14. zzzz

    Mass demonstrations shake Kiev as Ukrainians call for revolution

    Your GDP figures only show how much prices are different in Russia. Russian economy is 3,373 trillion PPP USD, Germany - 3,349 trillion. Average Russian earn 800 euro per month, dumby. And if you deduct all the expenses and taxes from average German salary remains could be even smaller than...
  15. zzzz

    Mass demonstrations shake Kiev as Ukrainians call for revolution

    Germany is not even strongest economy in Europe. Russia is. And the gap will only increase. The poverty on the rise in Germany. While it is rapidly decreasing in Russia. Some of your pathetic living standrds would be considered horrible for 90% of Russians. Half of German population are...
  16. zzzz

    T-99 Armata MBT production to start in 2016

    Few tanks were damaged lightly, most were completly destroyed beyond repair after that you cooked up some statistics about mythical "restored" tanks. Deal with it, looney.
  17. zzzz

    T-99 Armata MBT production to start in 2016

    moron, stop playing with words. tank is lost permanently or temporarily if it cant fight. again no one give a f*ck how many tanks you "restored" from a screw after the war and what terms you use to cook up statistics. what is matter is that you lost 50 tanks to rag-tag militia, remeber that...
  18. zzzz

    T-99 Armata MBT production to start in 2016

    Bwahaha what a retard. that means you lost it untill it will be restored that could take months. and its not faked statistics what matters, its about rag-tag militia trashed 50 your tanks, looney.
  19. zzzz

    T-99 Armata MBT production to start in 2016

    Yep, sure, evacuated tank with killed crews, later restored = means tank was never lost at all. Israeli know how :lol: Get lost, looney. Your army failed miserably all objectives, lost 50 tanks and got humilated by few hundreds of rag-tag militants. Killing 1000+ civilians is a credit for you...
  20. zzzz

    T-99 Armata MBT production to start in 2016

    Grats, looney, you got few missiles while losing 50 tanks to few hundreds of rag-tag militants. What a humilation :lol:
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