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  1. mymeaningislion

    Chief of Army Staff | General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani.

    gentlemen i am not very experienced at this forum but one thing is for sure before asking other to prove its loyalty why don't you tell us what amazing you have done for your country and how loyal are you? it is easy to comment on some one but self audit is difficult phase....... as far as army...
  2. mymeaningislion

    Debate in Pak Army over OBL raid

    brother are you army person if not then instead of tilting to negative side which you cannot prove try to be on positive side...... dont express ur self as you know what happened. as far as army and airforce is concerned they are doing their jobs....... but we as the nation have to do the...
  3. mymeaningislion

    Pakistani Student letter to GEO NEWS

    dear don't speak in clouds of hatred..... why do you think that we pakistanis dont want peace and every thing we do is wrong? and how u conclude that india has nothing to do with destabalization in pakistan...... dear instead of being negative think neutrally.......and if you want to analyze...
  4. mymeaningislion

    Pakistani Student letter to GEO NEWS

    dear friends..... thanks to the starter of this thread i my self believe.....that when u are in trouble instead of shouting and blaming keep your head cool as shouting and weaning is not the solution and yes we have terrorism but promoting negative image which our so called media does creates...
  5. mymeaningislion

    An open letter to Ejaz Haider (Express Tribune's fifth columnist)

    and as far as OBL case i have evidence and i can prove that more than 15 American soldiers died there and only one copper landed that was destroyed the other fled and more over when they crossed our border we were aware. and for those who rant why we didn't took action because we were requested...
  6. mymeaningislion

    An open letter to Ejaz Haider (Express Tribune's fifth columnist)

    and every person who demoralize the pak army is honored in west and every person who talks about unity and self reliance is moron..... we understood ur point and dear it is easy to criticize if u are so competant then can u tell us that what u have done for this coountry and most importantly...
  7. mymeaningislion

    26/11: Tahawwur Rana's verdict weakens India's case against ISI

    gentleman same is the case as for u as in Baluchistan off topic but fits here........as far as 26\11 .........dear match box...cigrates.....and toffee rapers are not evidence....... dont give me the links of wikileaks.......do some research on it and u will know that it is CIA's own parallel...
  8. mymeaningislion

    Pakistani Army asks for Respect.

    for the first time army is trying to not to infiltrate the civil govt and some silly persons are asking for more propaganda......... it is now common practice that blame others and dont make your self right. any one blaming army is jack because they are not aliens ........they are pakistanis...
  9. mymeaningislion

    India Warns Pakistan Over Any New Terror Attacks

    jani first ask ur govt to stop generation of terrorrism in afganistan in jalalabad...................then move ti ISI.....................ask ur self what the heck 15 consulates only in Jalalabad are doing
  10. mymeaningislion

    Poll for the Pakistani members

  11. mymeaningislion

    Chief of Army Staff | General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani.

    kal k bache ab khud ko scientist samjhte hain.........being a part of army we know what is happening.........if anyone needs info go through my treads i have discussed the abbottobad issue. it was hoax and the time will prove it..............everyone knows it was staged..........now its up to u...
  12. mymeaningislion

    Pakistan needs to come out of destructive India mindset: US

    we will do what we think is right and you do what you think is right and let the time decide who was right............we dont need your advices if you are so good then be gone........we dont need you.
  13. mymeaningislion

    what action should be taken against Pasha and Kiyani?

    to all pakistanis please cool down shouting wont make difference.....first assess the situation and then action .....dont try to act as fools....CIA wanted to humiliate and disturb pak people and army .....and with u people talking against army .....completing the CIA task all by ur self are u...
  14. mymeaningislion

    The Status of Pakistan's Radar Network During US raid

    guys pakistan only need radars. anti stealth one and just this is the point of difference other wise we are good and dont think that america can fight another ground war because a country having debt of 4.5 trillion dolllar and taking loans of 3 billion on daily basis. i dont think for bankers...
  15. mymeaningislion

    Military Strategy Anyone?

    i think i should provide some information to u regarding what is happening and i will provide links of american media...wait and see. and blaming pak army wont solve the problem pak army is an institution and it required civil govt to fund it have any civilian govt made efforts to make pakistan...
  16. mymeaningislion

    Military Strategy Anyone?

    yar all this mess is great game that is being played between all major countries now in this chess pakistan and saudis are turning their back from USA and making new collaboration with russia and china that is alarming for USA because in current state USA has exhausted its resources now to...
  17. mymeaningislion

    Reality About Osama , Operation and Future Consequences of it

    dear fellow specially my indian friends i have a question why people believe when US say some rubbish( i will prove it) but disagree the thing which it is clear and not vague.now few point to understand point 1- US attacked on WMD in iraq Proved wrong point 2-US in Libya attacked...
  18. mymeaningislion

    Reality About Osama , Operation and Future Consequences of it

    brother u are right if u say that US forces came into pakistan....but as far as osama in pakistan i refuse to acknowledge that because in afganistan in 2006 we had tread from our sources that he died and we couldnt confirm that as the body was no where to be found.............now when pakistan...
  19. mymeaningislion

    Reality About Osama , Operation and Future Consequences of it

    Guys.....here are some american media persons have to show to you. and as far as my indian friends is concerned watch it with neutral mind . it will clarify many illusions. take care and for my Pakistani brothers. keep calm and avoid deception as it is all miss information. and i...
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