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  1. Donatello

    IAF's Super Hercules plane crashes, 5 killed

    RIP to the brave souls. IAF must find the reason. These were senior pilots, i doubt if they were negligent.
  2. Donatello

    Turkish Politics & Internal Affairs

    Cannot believe Turkey would do this.
  3. Donatello

    Pakistan full of praise for AK-47, AK Antony, AK-49 Kejriwal: Narendra Modi

    Didn't have bad experience with them, just that a lot of them are very ignorant to reality. But then, most of them or even Pakistanis don't visit PDF for their daily defense and geo-political news.:p: They seem to think that India can invade Pakistan like that. The fact is, conventionally...
  4. Donatello

    Pakistan full of praise for AK-47, AK Antony, AK-49 Kejriwal: Narendra Modi

    I live with Indians. Trust me, i would know. And these aren't low caste or low income people from India.
  5. Donatello

    Pakistan full of praise for AK-47, AK Antony, AK-49 Kejriwal: Narendra Modi

    Speculation leads to wrong conclusions. War should be the absolute last resort. Regardless of who forms the next government in India, should not believe that provocation with neighbors could be a solution. Maybe it can get you votes, obviously, in India de-grading Pakistan is a national pass...
  6. Donatello

    Pakistan full of praise for AK-47, AK Antony, AK-49 Kejriwal: Narendra Modi

    I quoted a specific post for a reason. The posts showed that the poster wanted Modi to do something provocative when it comes to Pakistan. The chances of war are less likely. But what i meant to say was, that any war that begins from the Indian side, would result it destruction on both sides...
  7. Donatello

    Pakistan full of praise for AK-47, AK Antony, AK-49 Kejriwal: Narendra Modi

    If he actually did something stupid, the whole subcontinent would turn into glass. We're glad there are nukes in Pakistan to keep Modi in check. War is not like a cake in the park. If there is a war, the biggest damage would be to his Guajarat state. It's right across the border.
  8. Donatello

    Ray of hope for 'tainted trio'

    I don't know the numbers, so i was merely surprised.
  9. Donatello

    Ray of hope for 'tainted trio'

    Sir i think the figures you are quoting are too much.....
  10. Donatello

    Police reforms in KPK

    Let's hope the momentum is maintained. The first order of the day is to ensure law and order in the KPK, and to do that they seriously need to update their equipment and tactics.
  11. Donatello

    Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

    Technically the old F-7s and Mirages are cannon fodder. But At least they are being phased out. I think you are using the wrong analogy here. But nevermind. The aircraft were shot down and hence the kill recorded.
  12. Donatello

    Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

    A kill is a kill. Since Our arch enemy to the east still flys a lot of soviet era planes, it would be interesting to see how PAF matches up, considering BVR fighters like JF-17 and F-16 coming. Perhaps with the exception of Mirage 2000, Su30 and Mig29, rest are all cannon fodder. But it also...
  13. Donatello

    Large Pakistani Navy contingent at DIMDEX 2014

    Wasn't PNS Hashmat undergoing upgrades?
  14. Donatello

    Ali Zafar to promote Dabur's skincare product

    Cannot just blame biharis.
  15. Donatello

    Pakistan Blamed yet again for another Afghan Tragedy

    No, i think they'll have funding from India. Worry about your own nation. First sort that out and then tell Pakistan what to do.
  16. Donatello

    Pakistan Blamed yet again for another Afghan Tragedy

    Well, who will they learn this from? Of course, India. Pakistan should immediately deport all Afghans living in Pakistan and seal the border.
  17. Donatello

    What Pakistan Knew About Bin Laden

    This is a good read Opinion: Pakistan sheltered Bin Laden? Prove it - CNN.com
  18. Donatello

    F16s Roaring over Islamabad Wahoo!

    Aye you useless people. Get your cameras out and show us some airplanes as well. :pakistan:
  19. Donatello

    Deception In The Name of Negotiations :- Hamid Mir

    He may speak the truth, but his inaccuracies cast a doubt on all of that. Just like he blindly followed that water car engineer. Journalism is about reporting facts so that the people may be a better judge of that. It should not have any doubts over the information being portrayed. Sadly, it's...
  20. Donatello

    Deception In The Name of Negotiations :- Hamid Mir

    Yea, you would know as if he speaks the truth :hitwall:
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