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  1. Donatello

    Application of Pak Army's Soft Prong in FATA / Malakand and its Impact

    In Engineering you need solid, reproducible results. Pictures are not enough to make a comment on a structure. You need actual physical verification. Your claims seem to be without merit......unless you can prove other than voicing your opinion.
  2. Donatello

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 5]

    So Munir Sahib, how is the situation now?
  3. Donatello

    Application of Pak Army's Soft Prong in FATA / Malakand and its Impact

    Are you a qualified and practicing civil/environmental engineer yourself?
  4. Donatello

    Election: Afghan deploys 0.4m troops, Pakistan seals border

    Seal the border permanently. Wait, deport the Afghans and then seal the border.
  5. Donatello

    NYPD officer arrested in India 'as revenge' for 'Nannygate' diplomatic scandal

    As usual, the lame responses and posts by Indian members here. No prizes for guessing.
  6. Donatello

    NYPD officer arrested in India 'as revenge' for 'Nannygate' diplomatic scandal

    WTF. Must be Indian logic. A cop and a diplomat how are they even related?
  7. Donatello

    A380 set to debut in Mumbai, Delhi on May 30

    Well, it's just a matter of opinion. Emirates still gets its flights to 80% load, so apparently people don't care how many seats they pack in cattle class or else they would not be flying. With one connection in Dubai, they literally fly to every major city of the world.
  8. Donatello

    A380 set to debut in Mumbai, Delhi on May 30

    Bro....they have 10 abreast not 11. the seating is high density 3-4-3. It's really not that bad. I always travel to US or UK on Emirates. EvenTurkish have 10 abreast economy. American Airlines is better with 2-5-2 arrangement.
  9. Donatello

    Russians go slow, Sukhoi fleet in trouble

    Business as usual.
  10. Donatello

    India vs. South Africa: T20 World Cup Semi Final

    Dale Pain is not going to be left off easy, though the conditions favor spin.
  11. Donatello

    Pakistan Air Force | News & Discussions.

    1987......F-16s....like spaceships in the sub-continent. *sigh*
  12. Donatello

    Blast at Indian Military check post by Kashmirs Freedom fighters

    He is famous because Indians here think that he will do something. He will definitely do something, but probably something stupid.
  13. Donatello

    Blast at Indian Military check post by Kashmirs Freedom fighters

    Like i said before, when it happens, let us know.
  14. Donatello

    This Is the Ultimate MiG-21

    Wrong thread to discuss individual missile statistics, which in reality may not be available at all.
  15. Donatello

    India: hundreds of men accused of sexual violence stand in elections

    The question is not about if they have rape cases. It's like why it is so prevalent in Indian society. Your capital was nicknamed the rape capital. Not something to be proud of.
  16. Donatello

    This Is the Ultimate MiG-21

    You missed what he was trying to say. Actually you completely missed it. He is not claiming that a certain missile has range more than the other missile, but rather what is the chance that a missile can hit a target SUCCESSFULLY within those range limits. A missile having a range of 100NM will...
  17. Donatello

    India: hundreds of men accused of sexual violence stand in elections

    Ya right. It is the west conspiring to show bad image of India?
  18. Donatello

    Blast at Indian Military check post by Kashmirs Freedom fighters

    Accused? careful there. Why did Osama become the most wanted man in the world? He didn't fly the planes now, did he? 1948 Kashmir war started when India invaded the state 2014...the war is still going on and all we hear is India complaining and crying. Tsk Tsk. Get your facts right at least.
  19. Donatello

    Blast at Indian Military check post by Kashmirs Freedom fighters

    Seems like your fellow Indian members are having second thoughts. I think you have been trying very hard for that without any luck. When it happens, let us know.
  20. Donatello

    Blast at Indian Military check post by Kashmirs Freedom fighters

    No need to, when you can cry enough. Great Indian logic there. Listen kid, No body loses sleep over Modi. We actually want to see him come to power and see if he can walk the walk. Most Indians are like that. All talk and BS but in reality of zero substance. I am not going...
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