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  1. banvanaxl

    IAF plan for upgraded Jaguars fails to take off

    We need hem Jags mate. They are prolly one of the best ground attack/deep pen platforms we have right now, Now that the Bahadurs are being phased out. With the Rafale deal still held up the Jags are pretty much the best ground attack platforms we have right now. Even if we do sign the Rafale...
  2. banvanaxl

    The beauty and real face of Pakistan

    Lovely pics mate. Keep them coming.
  3. banvanaxl

    Pakistan Army Aviation Corps - Updated

    What chopper is that in the pic? Looks pretty badass.....
  4. banvanaxl

    The beauty and real face of Pakistan

    Yup dupattas are pretty common all over the subcontinent.
  5. banvanaxl

    Australian state approves mega India-backed coal mine

    Seriously though i wish people stopped looking for conspiracy theories under their beds.
  6. banvanaxl

    PDF Indians turned Psephologists :D

    That's probably the most reasonable estimate.
  7. banvanaxl

    The beauty and real face of Pakistan

    Why is the hijab seen as such a major issue out there? Can't women just be free of these bounds without you or some other mullah questioning them?
  8. banvanaxl

    New U.S. Stealth Jet Can’t Hide From Russian Radar

    That cracked me up. :D Anyway on a serious note though, I wouldn't get me panties in a bunch as far the the F-35 is concerned. Its a bloody capable platform and and of the best MR platforms in the horizon. Wouldn't be surprised if it was another run-a-way success like the F-16s.
  9. banvanaxl

    Chinese fishermen detained for killing 234 turtles

    I was having breakfast. Thanks for fooking it up mate .... :o:
  10. banvanaxl

    In Islam, woman returning to earlier faith can end marriage if she likes: Delhi high court

    About time. End the conversions I say. Bring in the Universal Civil Law bill and outlaw forced conversions with the maximum possible penalty. Hang em sunzabitches.
  11. banvanaxl

    India tests 3,000 km range n-missile in secret

    We don't discuss geo-politics and strategic decision making processes with folks educated at the local madrassahs. Shoo Shoo, Go troll on a rape thread or .something. This thread is way beyond your feeble intellect.
  12. banvanaxl

    India tests 3,000 km range n-missile in secret

    Why are you compelled to troll even when you have absolutely zilch to contribute to the thread. If you are afflicted with diarrhea, suggest, take a lota and go to the loo. We don't want you spewing your crap on what clearly is an Indian thread.
  13. banvanaxl

    INS Kolkata, navy’s most powerful warship, to be delivered next month

    On a different note mate. Dada, Apni ki kaalkey DidI key vote dicchen? Shohorer obostha kirokom? Laal ba Gerua potaka dekha jacchey?
  14. banvanaxl

    GOI disturbing improved relations with Bangladesh would lose credibility

    Way to go Swamy. Kick them out. We don't want no pole vaulters. Need a more decisive BSF with hair triggers to deal with future infiltrators from BD.
  15. banvanaxl

    Indian Navy raises army for Cyber Front -against Chinese hackers

    Afraid, you din't get me mate. What I meant was completely the opposite. Can't say more I am afraid.
  16. banvanaxl

    Indian Navy raises army for Cyber Front -against Chinese hackers

    @GR!FF!N @Indo-guy.. Lets just say this news is about 9 years old. Figure out the rest. ;)
  17. banvanaxl

    India Number 1 (Bangladesh Praised by WHO)

    Couldn't agree with you more mate. This is indeed a shitty problem. Translate ?
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