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  1. banvanaxl

    China, Pakistan, India, BDesh, and Turkey: How fat are their wallets?

    I would like to believe nothing .. and I'll tell you why .. That the fact they are pakistanis first and foremost wouldn't make an iota of difference when you are talking about islamists is because they are motivated and radicalized by a certain sect of socio-political/religious leaders whose...
  2. banvanaxl

    The United States needs air power, but it does not need an air force.

    You meant beans and "hops" ?? Much more potent I believe .. :D but seriously though .. Its not an issue unique to America but a something which most armed services around the world are mulling over. Its boils down to a very basic cost benefit analysis at the end of the day. The days of...
  3. banvanaxl

    China, Pakistan, India, BDesh, and Turkey: How fat are their wallets?

    From our perspective, (and this can be a wee bit controversial, so I apologize for any ill-feeling caused, in advance), I have always wondered why your people took the decisions as you've mentioned above in the first place. When I was young, I naively believed that it was because of Islam and...
  4. banvanaxl

    China, Pakistan, India, BDesh, and Turkey: How fat are their wallets?

    I'll refer back to your post from the thread How Pakistan can become an economic force in the region? | Page 8. The Tatas, Birlas and Ambanis (or the Warren Buffets and the Rockefellers for that matter) did not come blessed with exceptional genes. They were just regular people born in...
  5. banvanaxl

    China, Pakistan, India, BDesh, and Turkey: How fat are their wallets?

    The "chalta hai" attitude was shown the door with the demise of the license raaj by the early 1990s. This is the time of the RTI and the Jan Lokpal. We've fought hard against insurmountable odds (read as the babudoms of south delhi corridors of powers and elsewhere) to be where we are. Long...
  6. banvanaxl

    LeT may target politicians in Delhi

    Kya bakwaas hai .... why on earth is a "highly placed source" going to reveal sensitive information of this nature ?? :drag: Paper bechney key liye log kya kuch nahi kartey hain aajkal :-/
  7. banvanaxl

    Agni-III missile test-fired successfully today on 23rd December 2013

    A little background study wont really hurt much. The gross weight of Agni III is 48,000 kilos. Agni-3 | Missile ThreatMissile Threat No a different note buddy, your profile pic is a wee bit provocative. No civil society condones genocide ... hope you get my drift. cheers
  8. banvanaxl

    How Pakistan can become an economic force in the region?

    I'll skip the terrorism bit and argue this from the point of view of economics. The Rise and Fall of Enforcement Institutions: An Example of Religion and Secularism Pavel Ciaian, Jan Pokrivcak and d'Artis Kancs compare developed economies, that rely on secular institutions to enforce laws and...
  9. banvanaxl

    Agni-III missile test-fired successfully today on 23rd December 2013

    Ahh so thats what woke the missus up !! Am holidaying in Chandipore now. Damn missed the launch by a whisker :cry:.
  10. banvanaxl

    Untold Story of East Pakistan 1971

    Sorry to burst your bubble mate : compare the two here https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/bg.html https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/pk.html Looks like folks in bangladesh are doing a wee bit better off without pakistan's...
  11. banvanaxl

    China censors U.S. posts on Internet freedom

    Censorship is suppression of speech or other communication which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or inconvenient to the general body of people as determined by a government, media outlet, or other controlling body. (wiki) Keywords being objectionable and inconvenient and...
  12. banvanaxl

    India, a friend in need?

    We do not need aid. Period. If anything the folks out there in england need more people like Ratan Tata to bail out the Jaguars, the Landrovers and the Tetleys to name a few. And as far as the above poster is concerned the admin is going to throw the banhammer at him any minute now so let him...
  13. banvanaxl

    India doesn't deserve UNSC seat: Geelani

    And last time i checked the above poster was neither the sec. gen of the UN nor the pres. of the US of A or a local club for that matter ( purely conjecture) .. is he really in a position to table such "barter deal" ..lets keep in mind we are talking about a UNSC seat up for grabs here, not a...
  14. banvanaxl

    India develops Fortified supercrop,will drastically drop Hunger rate.

    We also have to take in account the fact that there will be no dearth of "NGO's" and right groups squatting across the length and breadth of Jantar Mantar as soon as as any official policy statement with the words "GM crops" is announced.
  15. banvanaxl

    Corps Of Signals Centenary Celebration : Antony Asks Forces To Gear Up To Fight Cyber

    The first order of business would be to create a robust security domain for the tri command services. I have worked with AFNET and hence i know it gets probed by our chinese friends on an daily basis. Though they have being holding up decently well till now, the intensity of attacks have been on...
  16. banvanaxl

    "A message to every liberal [Pakistani] to shut up or be shot"

    It takes a specific mindset to approach anything close to an Egypt like revolution. While there is an overwhelming number of liberals in pakistan one must not forget that any deviance from the pro-religious point of view is met with violence and is crushed right at the outset. Regular...
  17. banvanaxl

    India offers Pakistan joint naval exercises

    hello every body i'm abhinav a sw developer frm kolkata,india, a newbie n this happens to be my 1st post. n i must say i'm very disappointed... after 60 years of mutual acrimony n hostility we "so called" educated folks from both sides of the border don't hesitate while playin the blame...
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