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  1. Random111

    Turkish Land Vehicle Programs

    How come BMC went bankrupt? I thought they had orders for the army and also for Tunisia, with the Kirpi.
  2. Random111

    Turkish Land Vehicle Programs

    Wasn't the guy that bought BMC in the AKP-clique?
  3. Random111

    The Fight against PKK Terrorism

    Another exchange of fire, in Hakkari. Can't post link.
  4. Random111

    The Fight against PKK Terrorism

    I was thinking about this as well, like a 24/7 'specialized' drone team standing by at the outposts, for example the new Kalekols. A small tactical UAV that can shoot a couple of missiles would be enough imo. Because it'll still take time for the Cobra's to arrive.
  5. Random111

    The Fight against PKK Terrorism

    This will be the final showdown, either we eradicate them completely, with also finishing off their ''cetelesme'' within the cities or we just prolong it further. Voting has happened, Erdogan has lost in these regions, whether he likes to admit it or not. Presidential votes are still a while...
  6. Random111

    The Fight against PKK Terrorism

    Al Jazeera Turk is giving the story too now, btw I must say, even though it's Al Jazeera they're doing a refreshing job by reporting in almost every available subject to gain momentum and a market share. Beats the oldschool media by far imo. I wonder what kind of vehicle it was, Kobra or Kirpi...
  7. Random111

    The Fight against PKK Terrorism

    A mine exploded today near a Kalekol in Tunceli when a military vehicle passed by, and the kidnapped soldiers have been handed over to the HDP. Source is twitter for now. ''Tunceli'de yapımı devam eden Sütlüce'deki kalekol yolunda askeri aracın geçisi sırasında PKK'lılar uzaktan kumandalı mayın...
  8. Random111

    The Fight against PKK Terrorism

    The new outposts are being built in newly located strategic locations right? One main base, and one/two FOB's nearby? Or does that differ from place to place?
  9. Random111

    The Fight against PKK Terrorism

    It's our own fault, we could finish them but we didn't. Now they have a god-like figure locked up which they adore and which gives them hope for the future. We let them rise back up, but this time they played it smart by mixing local politics with it. The PKK has evolved and now the BDP (+HDP)...
  10. Random111

    The Fight against PKK Terrorism

    Looks to me like they've been actively recruiting and preparing, combine this with the situation in Syria and the receivement of new arms. It doesn't make sense to attack when they're still fighting in Syria, however I think they're using it to 'pressure' us to act fast and give in. Especially...
  11. Random111

    Akinci & Aksungur and Turkish Unmanned Fighter Aircraft Program

    Will we be using UMTAS for the armed version, or Cirit? Or a mix? I really think we should implement an armed version of the ANKA-S as a stop-gap resolution as soon as possible untill we've developed the ANKA-TP. Have a feeling we will be seeing action come this summer, and that it will be the...
  12. Random111

    Turkish Troops Enter Syria

    We didn't ask permission, and we don't need it. In all honesty though, everybody (including Assad) knows that ISIS is a bigger threat so nobody cares. Also, this can be good for Syria as well, because local FSA units can take over if ISIS retreats (and it's easier making a deal with local...
  13. Random111

    Altay & Turkish Main Battle Tank Programs

    Not releasing any pictures of the prototypes is a good thing imo, means we're thinking ahead of ourselves.
  14. Random111

    Turkish Tea House

    So, is there a topic focusing on the coming months, regarding the scumbags? I have a feeling shit will go down this summer.
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