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  1. H

    South China Sea Forum

    US on 3 Jan officially declare to give up neutral attitude in Senkaku problem. US supports Japan and Senkaku under US's protection, means if China invade Senkaku, US will open fight ( to make China into 3 or 5 or 10 nations, who know ). What do you say Sino invaders ? Shaking like a wet...
  2. H

    South China Sea Forum

    just like a little boy announcement...yesterday say that, today say this, tomorrow say another...ha...ha...you announce whatever you like...people do not care...just because your announcement is not reliable. If you want to a great nation with respect from others...firstly act & annouce like...
  3. H

    Diaoyu Islands News and Updates

    Because of her very wrong moves, Chinese is surrounded gradually by both friends and un-friend of US. When the princer movement by US is done, late of 2013 maybe, something will happen :flame:... not at SCS but ECS. Not WW3 because this time there are not 2 sides ( like WW2 ) but 1 nation vs the...
  4. H

    South China Sea Forum

    The world support which country ? This time... No nation support China. Lonely nation. How powerful US is ! but they still need and do many things to get agreement from other nations. That is the right way to last long. China is still aiming powerful, not really powerful yet...but acting like...
  5. H

    Why is China behaving like a bully?

    Will they fight or when will they fight ? Vietnam will stand by you Philippine at least by media and then more ( who knows ) because we have the same gready neighbor. Philippines Running Out of Options in South China Sea Disputes By Richard Javad Heydarian, on 21 Dec 2012 MANILA -- Earlier...
  6. H

    Four Chinese warships pass contiguous zone in southwestern Japan

    Enemy of enemy is... friend. There is a saying " Sale the far relative to buy the close neighbor " But if the close neighbor is too evil we should make friend with the whole world, far or near, except that evil close neighbor, who is ready to swallow us :lol:
  7. H

    China defense chief says military buildup no threat to the world

    Chinese have their own international law, their own " military build up no threat to the world ":laugh::laugh:. Listen to them just for fun. With China, talking and action are totally different. Only out of mind nations believe in their saying. What a pity for them when they turn face too soon...
  8. H

    China to respond forcefully, if its sovereignty challenged

    They talk for fun, to amuse themselves. Every nation say the same so every ones need an international law to follow. Which country uses her own ridiculous funny law to say, say loudly with a big mouth is obviously a crazy country. She will be destroyed sooner or later by other nations.
  9. H

    China warns Philippines against shooting down drones

    When Chinese war ships hit Japanese ones ?
  10. H

    China to free men held for tacking Japanese envoy's car in Beijing

    Unpolite citizen and uneducated answer. You can oppose them but you must treat them like your guest once they are in your house. Once your country and their country are still in diplomatic relation, you must respect them and their property. Don't say they are nazi. Look at your own move before...
  11. H

    China starts "combat ready" patrols in disputed seas

    It is useless to discuss with aggressors from China. They are not reasonable. Instead of argument, you 'd better talk with the world and ready to fight with them. Save your energy, no need to talk with them. They do not understand human voice.
  12. H

    Ship begins 50-day patrol of Nansha Islands

    China has enough historic evidence that Hoang Sa, Truong Sa belong to China......ha...ha....where is your historic evidence or robber have big mouth, and supporters have washed brain....ha...ha...ha. Your map 1905, where is Hoang Sa, Truong Sa ? or they belong to other nation and never exist in...
  13. H

    South China Sea as the New Middle East

    China has no heart, has nothing but big mouth and ready to bully smaller size nation like Phillippine, Vietnam. Meanwhile Japan is a very good and brave fighter-nation. After WWII, US is so scared of Japanese that US by all means, don't let Japan to develop its war capablility, war service...
  14. H

    South China Sea as the New Middle East

    You guy go back to read again history of the world. Don't read what your government feed you, don't read what they want you to read. Poor brain wash kid. Sure you will be pushed to the front line and die for your wrong agressive leaders.
  15. H

    Chinese Navy escort taskforce commander meets EU counterpart

    US make war with Vietnam in the past because of conflict between 2 systems: capitalism vs communism. That war was not just Vietnam vs US but (Vietnam + USSR + China + Cuba) vs (US and allies) and unlucky for us, battlefield is Vietnam land. China is different totally. China has wanted to rob...
  16. H

    South China Sea as the New Middle East

    China will be defeated easily by Japan. Sure. In WW2 without help from US and USSR, China had no way to get out from Japanese hand. China victory...:hang2: in WW2. Forget it. Big body, but small heart is you, Nazi Chinese.
  17. H

    Chinese Navy escort taskforce commander meets EU counterpart

    China now is just the same German before WW2. The only difference is German had Italy and Japan at that time, China has no country beside. I am eager to see the China-new version of Hitler to be born and to be torn apart. Nazi Chinese, prepare for war with: - Japan at the East - Rusia at the...
  18. H

    Ship begins 50-day patrol of Nansha Islands

    Ly Lenh Hoa....this man is really gentlemen and reasonable. Listen to him .
  19. H

    China may go to war with Vietnam to shore up support: Russian media

    ...without benefit,no country will go to war, and no big country will start war with each other for other country... agree with you again. Who say US, Rusia will start war with China because of Vietnam ? I don't say that. Read my cm again. I meant, if China rise peaceful, as a nice...
  20. H

    China may go to war with Vietnam to shore up support: Russian media

    You are right ! China need a war. US is no way, Rusia is little bit stronger, Japan is too tough. Phillipine is too weak and be backed up by US. India and Vietnam are suitable. Fight with India is too risky, maybe China lost and by the way Tibet will bye bye China. Vietnam is much weaker than...
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