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  1. Firemaster

    MOM has edge over Nasa’s MAVEN, say Isro scientists

    But sir I would like to take that from a real American, a real American from inside, not from a 9-post chinese/Anti Indian, 1-post US.
  2. Firemaster

    MOM has edge over Nasa’s MAVEN, say Isro scientists

    Atleast 60 in the powerful rockets.
  3. Firemaster

    DRDO Developing High Altitude 'Killer' Missile

    what is stopping it from do so?
  4. Firemaster

    MOM has edge over Nasa’s MAVEN, say Isro scientists

    He is neither chinese nor American but India hater. Leave him.
  5. Firemaster

    DRDO Developing High Altitude 'Killer' Missile

    but best wishes are always welcome :D
  6. Firemaster

    India to start work on ” Lighter BrahMos-M

    I think we are already developing LRCM.
  7. Firemaster

    DRDO Developing High Altitude 'Killer' Missile

    Some chinese wished us too
  8. Firemaster

    MOM has edge over Nasa’s MAVEN, say Isro scientists

    NASA has much powerful rockets than us.
  9. Firemaster

    2013.12 China prepare for moon landing, 3 months moon travel ready

    Best wishes China for rover mission
  10. Firemaster

    DRDO Developing High Altitude 'Killer' Missile

    If Chinese can have their equivalent then why not us? If PDV goes the right then we can have our own SM-3 block-2A if we put more resources and funds for it.
  11. Firemaster

    DRDO Developing High Altitude 'Killer' Missile

    I think it can be converted but what we need is to further evolve AAD and PDV into highly agile missiles like S-400 and SM-3 Block-2A RIM-161 Standard Missile 3 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  12. Firemaster

    Jakarta to acknowledge Diwali as National Holiday

    Thanks Indonesia :smitten:
  13. Firemaster

    New stealth unmanned boat

    Any armament or just for spying?
  14. Firemaster

    The Thorium Dream.

    Thanks for support. There is always a room for joint work for civilian tech especially related to energy.
  15. Firemaster

    India to replace Prithvi-I with Pragati tactical missile

    95% similarhardware but imroved software and addition of small fns near warhead section Pragati tactical missile is Pragati ( Progress ) over Prahaar Missile : Offical | idrw.org
  16. Firemaster

    India to replace Prithvi-I with Pragati tactical missile

    Pragati is improved version of Prahar Missile.
  17. Firemaster

    The Thorium Dream.

    Saurav Jha's Blog : The Thorium Question - An interview with India's nuclear czar May be China ahead of us but We haven't abandoned MSR tech.
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