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  1. P

    Does Turkey Benefit From Cold War With Israel?

    No, you had all the Arab traitors supporting the terrorists on board MM, don't presume too much about the Israeli population. @Sinan Freedom of speech includes the freedoms that journalists enjoy under democratic rule. I'll let the subject go, of course, since it doesn't interest me at all...
  2. P

    Egyptian Islamists Sexually Attack Women Believed to Be Christian

    I can dispute each and every claim your google skills can come up with. It is against the law to discriminate against women and those that do are fined and persecuted in the court room. Those few individuals were persecuted and found guilty. Come on, try again, Arab.
  3. P

    Does Turkey Benefit From Cold War With Israel?

    All those journalists in jail are common knowledge. No point denying it. I do not wish to go into a debate about Kurdish rights because i do not care. The way you treat your own citizens is your concern, not mine.
  4. P

    Egyptian Islamists Sexually Attack Women Believed to Be Christian

    :lol: Keep daydreaming, that's all you're good for. And beating women, of course.
  5. P

    Does Turkey Benefit From Cold War With Israel?

    Freedom of Speech, for one. I'm not saying that what Israel is doing by giving all these rights to traitors is right. I'm say that they are given nevertheless.
  6. P

    Does Turkey Benefit From Cold War With Israel?

    Kurds can only dream of the rights Arabs receive in Israel. Don't talk about something you know nothing about and only presume out of prejudice.
  7. P

    Egyptian Islamists Sexually Attack Women Believed to Be Christian

    Out of context videos is the best way to influence the simple minded. Out of context videos is the best way to influence the simple minded.
  8. P

    Egyptian Islamists Sexually Attack Women Believed to Be Christian

    Petrol is the prophet or something like that.
  9. P

    Egyptian Islamists Sexually Attack Women Believed to Be Christian

    SomeBozo, how's it going? I see you are no longer banned or oil. :P
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    Egyptian Islamists Sexually Attack Women Believed to Be Christian

    What did their mothers and sisters do to deserve that? How about you people start fighting men instead of women.
  11. P

    Egyptian Islamists Sexually Attack Women Believed to Be Christian

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ld372-qjiPM Viewer discretion advised.
  12. P

    Israel set to bag another mega Indian defence deal

    People like him do not deserve a response. Ignore the child. As for the topic at hand: Whatever India chooses will suit India's needs. Israel is willing to go a long way to make sure India's needs are met in the battlefield.
  13. P

    A War on DPRK is a war on Iran

    Indeed, insanity is the bliss of many. Must be why Pakistan won each and every one of their wars; their military and strategic prowess. Also why they didn't lose half of their population, or the fact that they can control their own population from not massacring each other. Yes, indeed, Israel...
  14. P

    A War on DPRK is a war on Iran

    I would take what you wrote more seriously but i know you to be a biased anti-Israel fanatic. Your support for terrorists is nothing new, nor your appreciation of every conspiracy theory with regards to Israeli animosity towards Pakistan. No, there are no nukes in Iran or KSA. No, you will not...
  15. P

    A War on DPRK is a war on Iran

    And men do not lie, of course. Like the Ben Gurion speech against Pakistan, correct?
  16. P

    A War on DPRK is a war on Iran

    You didn't slap anyone. It was India that aborted this attack fearing Pakistani retaliation against them, they refused to refuel Israeli fighters or give them right to land on Indian soil. I suggest to you, Aeronaut, keep the aggression to a minimum because Pakistan has enough enemies already...
  17. P

    A War on DPRK is a war on Iran

    We define good and evil differently, as good and evil men often do. Pakistan is not Iran, true, but that is your disadvantage. Iran does not have one of an Elephant that is India as the next door neighbor, ready to take advantage of any distraction within Pakistan. Good luck handling a nation...
  18. P

    A War on DPRK is a war on Iran

    Why's that? Pakistan will attack Israel? Let's stop deluding ourselves. If the US or Israel attacks Iran, all Pakistan will do is condemn the "Zionist aggression" or the current nonsense most Muslim countries say when Israel kills terrorists.
  19. P

    German Muslims want official Muslim holidays in Germany

    That's because of the 2 million Arabs who are Israeli citizens. They don't like the thought of giving potential Islamic terrorists a free pass.
  20. P

    Hackers target Israeli websites; no serious damage reported- THE CHINA POST

    Fail by the group "Anonymous". They couldn't do anything except talk big. And talk is cheap.
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