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  1. CardSharp

    Maoist Rebels Kill 11 In Attacks In Eastern India

    More like pointing your own inability to accept that India's killed more of its own people than any communism regime ever did. And that autobotting is called referencing your claims, something a mortgage peddling clerk wouldn't need to understand.
  2. CardSharp

    Maoist Rebels Kill 11 In Attacks In Eastern India

    Ask and you shall receive... *****. Even the great leap forward can't hold a candle to what you folks do. India killed every 8 years since independence, the equivalent a "great leap forward" the worst famine cause by communism. Quote Amartya Sen. Drèze, Jean and Sen, Amartya, Hunger...
  3. CardSharp

    Maoist Rebels Kill 11 In Attacks In Eastern India

    Even the great leap forward can't hold a candle to what you folks do. India killed every 8 years since independence, the equivalent a "great leap forward" the worst famine cause by communism. Quote Amartya Sen. Drèze, Jean and Sen, Amartya, Hunger and Public Action. Oxford: Clarendon Press...
  4. CardSharp

    Maoist Rebels Kill 11 In Attacks In Eastern India

    I love how you use PLA style assault as some kind of byword for military brutality. How China deals with places like Tibet is through economic incentives, civil control, surveillance and integrating local Tibetans into the government cadre. What you are talking about is going into the place and...
  5. CardSharp

    Russia 'delivers missiles to Syria

    Well the Chechens with a population now down below a million and the fighting age men practically wiped out by war and with no platform to launch a cruise missile from, I think the Russians will have a nice laugh and then exclude Britain from the Nord Stream pipeline.
  6. CardSharp

    Russia 'delivers missiles to Syria

    Just how stupid are you?
  7. CardSharp

    2011 Corruption Perceptions Index published; India drops 8 places to #95

    Guess he can feel better because the absolutely numbers are lower but then again America's total payout to corporation through TARP and Obama-care is going into the trillions.
  8. CardSharp

    2011 Corruption Perceptions Index published; India drops 8 places to #95

    This years results Corruption Perceptions Index: Transparency International Last years results Corruption Perceptions Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia :disagree:
  9. CardSharp

    Extreme Poverty and hunger in India

    lol good point, trolling China seems to be just a bonus.
  10. CardSharp

    Pakistan must do more to counter terrorism: Australian PM

    This reminds me about how Australia was demanding that the Eurozone kick Greece out of the economical arrangement to solve the debt problem. it was ignored then, it'll be ignored now.
  11. CardSharp

    China military denounces U.S.-Australia defense upgrade

    Of course you wouldn't but you will one day. Troubles is coming to the neighbourhood, let's see how well Australia can navigate.
  12. CardSharp

    Extreme Poverty and hunger in India

    2 million, the total for the world is 6 million.
  13. CardSharp

    India's growth rate drops to slowest in two years

    Manufacturing growth slowed to 2% last Q but manufacturing only accounts for 20% of GDP. There has to be something else wrong.
  14. CardSharp

    Taiwanese youth losing taste for China fight

    Exactly, TW's wishes, not the wishes of some random yobbo who married some DPP peasant.
  15. CardSharp

    Students uncover massive Chinese arsenal

    Jobs and the economy going to be the political issue of 2012. China is going get blamed for that not it's nuclear arsenal. Btw who are you rooting for in the primaries?
  16. CardSharp

    Pak warned of dire consequences if India attacked: Ex-Obama aide

    Not your concern as much as you would like to pretend it does.
  17. CardSharp

    Pak warned of dire consequences if India attacked: Ex-Obama aide

    Just protecting their property until it's time to sell at a good price. To Save Our Economy, Ditch Taiwan - NYT
  18. CardSharp

    China lost the golden chance to spread its influence to EU by being stingy

    Agreed, this is just some idiot on his soapbox pretending he understands the Eurozone crisis and the political dynamics inside Europe.
  19. CardSharp

    China lost the golden chance to spread its influence to EU by being stingy

    What is this nonsense? Considering that European leaders are proposing a 50% haircut on Greek bonds, I rather think China dodge a bullet.
  20. CardSharp

    Anna Hazare released from jail after India-wide protests, begins fasting

    So this popular movement to transform government didn't fall flat on its face and get forgotten in the short space of a few month? You folks are never going to change anything if you have the attention span of a goldfish.
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