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  1. CardSharp

    Egyptians attack embassy belonging to terrorists.

    I take your point about responsibility to protect but this is a bit of a stretch.
  2. CardSharp

    Apple’s sales in China overtake Lenovo

    What's your point? His was that revues from buying Lenovo goes to a Chinese company. What are you talking about?
  3. CardSharp

    Israel isolated ahead of UN vote on Palestinians

    Petty carping, pay it no mind.
  4. CardSharp

    Israel isolated ahead of UN vote on Palestinians

    I just don't get it. I see it in American Hindus too. They admire Jews immensely for absurd reasons. They take all of the worse stereotypes and conspiracies about Jewish people (money, Jews helping Jews secretly, hidden network pulling strings in government etc) and set that as a model to emulate.
  5. CardSharp

    Israel isolated ahead of UN vote on Palestinians

    If you're offended say so and not dodge the question. And I doubt you can finger me as someone who is overly pro-Pakistani. I hardly ever comment on that subcontinent hissy fit.
  6. CardSharp

    Cross-border RMB settlement developing rapidly

    Cross-border RMB settlement developing rapidly - People's Daily Online I think 1.63 trillion RMB (value 255 billion USD) flowed across the border this year thus far, a dramatic increase from last year where the total was about 500 billion yuan.
  7. CardSharp

    Chinese inflation falls in August to 6.2%

    A whole new meaning to Pork barrel politics.
  8. CardSharp

    Apple’s sales in China overtake Lenovo

    Yet people still buy into the brand... go figure.
  9. CardSharp

    Fitch warns of downgrades for China, Japan

    heheh :lol::lol::lol:
  10. CardSharp

    China’s golden decade

    Not always and not even most of the time I think. A declining US and an ascendant China will be the source of serious instability in the coming years in my opinion.
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