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  1. Sergi

    New Threat to Pakistan with India,s New K4 SLBM test next month

    Hahahaa you get that from the post ??? Ok. Anything you "think" is fine by me. Wont drag it on. Bye
  2. Sergi

    New Threat to Pakistan with India,s New K4 SLBM test next month

    - yes. Neither will exist as a state. - where did you see Victory !!! - yes I know enough about concept holocaust. You are talking about after exchange. I was pointing at during exchange. Everything will change after that. - I dont see any thing I write is "underestimating". If you think...
  3. Sergi

    New Threat to Pakistan with India,s New K4 SLBM test next month

    I read almost every post in this thread. I got a feeling that you are saying When Pak will attack (?) India will be busy intercepting BMs and CMs. If I am not wrong both India and Pak have the ability to detect nuke launch. So retaliation is on its way before first touch down. So mass volley...
  4. Sergi

    India far behind China’s combat power

    I know what they have or will have. JF-17 was news to me :no: and that was pure sarcasm ;)
  5. Sergi

    India Rejects BMP-3 Offer, Will Maintain FICV Program

    If I am not wrong this is DRDO's proposed machine. I want to know the requirements put forward by Army.
  6. Sergi

    Despite Delay, Indian Buy of Howitzers Remains on Track

    Yes it is. Thats why the cost of reopening it is too added to the cost. Money !!! If we are going to pay reopening cost what they have to lose !!!
  7. Sergi

    A question for ALL INDIANS

    Uh and i though you need an indian opinion. If you know it already why bother asking to all !!!
  8. Sergi

    A question for ALL INDIANS

    I recommend you read "My Brother" written by Jinha's sister. There was not much difference between Nehru and Jinha and like today's leaders they were hungry for power !!!! Jinha was little clever. If you read more about Jinha you can find more about his views and periodic shift in them and...
  9. Sergi

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    Weren't you were crying about the engines in that thread :woot: If money isn't a problem why not your great CPC just donate 30 billion to Pakistan so their economy can me jump started ..... Or you really don't want to help them. Yes gap is widening day by day so is the list of anti-China...
  10. Sergi

    Longest Range Ballistic Missile All Set for Undersea Launch

    Ok. That !!! I dont have any objections then. I though you know from some specific source. There is no 100% sure information on K series. May be it will come out later. But yes many sources said K-4 will be 12 m. Only one wiki article on K family has made a different column for K-4-1 and K-4-2...
  11. Sergi

    India far behind China’s combat power

    Hindustan times thinks China has JF-17 :woot: Looks like the pitching for more weapons. Not bad :tup:
  12. Sergi

    Longest Range Ballistic Missile All Set for Undersea Launch

    From where you get this ??? There is no reason to believe K-4 is longer or is there ???
  13. Sergi

    Longest Range Ballistic Missile All Set for Undersea Launch

    It would be foolish to not use full space. So rest assure K-15 did use full length. Second follow on Sub is of same dimensions. 3rd and 4th one is said to be bigger. Yes tech now and then is difference. But if you look back our SLBM programme is following Prithvi-Agni lines. and thats our...
  14. Sergi

    Despite Delay, Indian Buy of Howitzers Remains on Track

    So now loss is equal to 100% corruption :hitwall: I am really fed up by MOD's policy to listen to every Tom-dick-harry but NOT to forces !!! If anyone really thinks there are malpractices why not come openly ??? Why remain anonymous ??? It would have better if they complete the procedure...
  15. Sergi

    Longest Range Ballistic Missile All Set for Undersea Launch

    Can you explain why do you think that ??? SLBM's length/height is restricted by Sub's height. Do you think K-15 doesn't utilised full height of Arihant ??? I think they would have utilised it so increase in height( length ) is out of question. So only thing they can increase the range without...
  16. Sergi

    India Rejects BMP-3 Offer, Will Maintain FICV Program

    Really ??? ;) I might be ill informed on it. If you remember I was the one who said it was shelved ;) You were right there too :tup: Now that its not Futuristic then Laser canon is out of question :rofl: So anything on proposed requirements ???
  17. Sergi

    The Tejas: Not quite a coming-of-age for India's indigenous defence industry

    Our over obsession to make everything "indigenous" is taking toll and troll. Just make it with whatever content. Later try to replace with Indian systems. Although 53% isn't bad at all :tup: For them anything that fly is a Mig-21. Local news paper here published Mig-29K photo for Mig-21 to be...
  18. Sergi

    India Rejects BMP-3 Offer, Will Maintain FICV Program

    Another flip :woot: Ok. Or may be good :tup: Anyone know the specifed requirements for ICV tobe qualified as FICV ??? The word "Futuristic" has always made me worried
  19. Sergi

    US warn's Sri Lanka

    So does Lankan govt sees the things now. As I said earlier UN tool can be used to make Lanka next Iran. And I am sorry its unlikely China can help you as they will be their own interests in US which is their bigger market.
  20. Sergi

    Hagel warns Pakistan to resolve drone strike protests, open shipping routes

    I work for evil RAW :rofl: I wont tell you what I do. But you can guess fairly from "that" post. It may take some time. Sorry can't write. no I didn't mean you "you" it was generalised "you" Sometimes broken records play something unexceptional ;) Yes I get you answer and I know you cant...
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