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  1. Sergi

    Pak-Fa is work in progress

    My dear friend , Russians are playing catch up game from decades what make you think they wont. US is a leader no doubt but Russia has always catch them in tech. This catchup game is not new. If you go by looks good luck. I really doubt you and I know more than how it look. Again same thing...
  2. Sergi

    Pak-Fa is work in progress

    Did I mention J-20 ??? Or you really dont know which planes look like flankers ;) I thought we are talking about technological superiority which is proved by inservice jets and not by prototypes. Reasearch is counted after you deliever not before that Still J-20 is said to be inservice in...
  3. Sergi

    Modi and the Two-Nation Theory

    Dear lord !!!! electing Modi has made India a Hindu state :woot: I didnt know that.
  4. Sergi

    Indian Army places first Small order for Indian Bofors

    :rofl: Its just to show the solidarity with the project. Read again trials are not over yet. Bigger order will follow after all trials. Plus this is 45 mm. another gun ( DRDO ) with 52 mm is also under trials. Plus it has nothing to do with M777 light guns being imported. Expected order is...
  5. Sergi

    Pak-Fa is work in progress

    Can you tell us how ??? And do tell us why chinese planes look like flankers if they are so advanced ??? And electronics ??? How do you know ???
  6. Sergi

    BrahMos missile test-fired from warship INS Kolkata

    I know :taz: Still waiting:victory: for the pic
  7. Sergi

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    It is that simple. look at the fund allocation for Food Sec. bill. money came from nowhere. PM is always a boss nobody fight with him and not with this PM. if PM wish to do so he can. All the ministerial committees are dismantled and Ministers are given free hand & responsibility over...
  8. Sergi

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    Thats what theory is Sancho :p::p::p: Do you know from where the budget allotment came for Food security bill ??? If one has to do there is a way. If you have to juggle 2% (relatively small amount) all you have to do is take 0.2% from every allotment that is relatively unnoticed from common...
  9. Sergi

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    Why not ??? Adjusting 2% of budget isnt a big deal. GOI has a lot of unesecssary spendings.
  10. Sergi

    $1.65-bn SAR aircraft deal likely to take off during Modi’s Japan visit

    Its of IN's share Sir. And in their control too. Just assume you are IN chief whats your priority.
  11. Sergi

    $1.65-bn SAR aircraft deal likely to take off during Modi’s Japan visit

    Considering the funds availability and forcing needs saying IN will spend on these for mo special reason is above me. I would spend this money on off-shelf subs in new sun tender unless there is something special in that for me
  12. Sergi

    $1.65-bn SAR aircraft deal likely to take off during Modi’s Japan visit

    AFAIK I dont think we know everything. There got to be something that we dont know. Otherwise IN spending a good load of money for something lime this is above me. Others might see possibilites in it as is . I failed to see anything like the way we know right now
  13. Sergi

    $1.65-bn SAR aircraft deal likely to take off during Modi’s Japan visit

    @sancho : i am not buy this only civilian use only BS. I really dont think IN will spend this much amount on something that is restricted in use. If that was the real case purchase whould have been through home department and would have given to CG not IN There must be something we dont know
  14. Sergi

    RAC MiG boss eyes fifth-generation fighter

    Its your opinion. Russians don't have cash problems for research they just cant afford all of it at same time. Russians have know how they will reach at par only question is timeline. China has long way to go. Money power is giving them boost but they still have a lot of things to learn and...
  15. Sergi

    RAC MiG boss eyes fifth-generation fighter

    Thats why Mig is searching partner or buyer/s. GoRu dont have enough money to spend on both Mig n Su. Dont forget other projects like PAK-DA
  16. Sergi

    $1.65-bn SAR aircraft deal likely to take off during Modi’s Japan visit

    Is there any prohibition on IN to modify it ??? @sancho
  17. Sergi

    RAC MiG boss eyes fifth-generation fighter

    Hightly unlikely. Russian will do what they always did. They will pitch Sukoi concept vs Mig concept and will give the contract to winner. I will put my bet on Sukhoi as they will have advantage of PAK-FA in service. RuAF might support Su to avoid maintaince night mare. So Su will have adv in...
  18. Sergi

    RAC MiG boss eyes fifth-generation fighter

    Too late and will be too expensive ; unless they are eyeing an JV with a partner. It will be hard for them to pitch it to their own Govt over due to PAK-FA Sure why not !!! Good luck :tup:
  19. Sergi

    INS Sindhurakshak finally brought to surface

    Even I want kilos to retire but there is a upgrade programe going on so Upgraded kilos will be with IN till the end of the decade. M I wrong ???
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