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  1. J

    Dutch government to propose burqa ban

    I support the general idea that a person should not wear cloths that makes is hard to impossilble to identify that person, but this law has been made with a very small group of persons in mind (one survey says there are somewhere between 6 to 12 women in the Netherlands wearing a burqa). This is...
  2. J

    China warns India against exploring oil in South China Sea ahead of Krishna

    I'm surprised anyone is still reacting to whatever HongWu says. Best left ingored, laughed at or banned.
  3. J

    India, China growth race 'silly', says Nobel winner

    Purely theoreticly it is not laughable. Because if your production costs are more or less the same in local currency then on the world market your products become cheaper than that of the competition. Thus you are probably going to sell more. Problem is that this theory is b.s. because a drop...
  4. J

    India, China growth race 'silly', says Nobel winner

    Fact are: China's gdp is 3.5 India's gdp. China's population is 1.33/1.16=1.15 India's population. India's population growth is 1,3%. India's gdp growth is 8% So for India to reach China's gdp/capita it takes Log(3.5/1.15)/Log(1.08/1.013)=17.37 years. If the gdp growth drops to 7% on...
  5. J

    287,000 commit suicide in China each year

    If the number of 287.000 is correct, then they are almost on par with Japan (Japan 25 China 22 give or take 1). That makes China a top 10 country. I think the number of suicides has to do with: 1. Pressure to succeed 2. Keeping face/living with shame (huge problem in those countries) 3...
  6. J

    India, China growth race 'silly', says Nobel winner

    I think what mr. Sen is saying is that India should not waste efford and resources trying to compare with China, but instead should use those efford and resources to make right the weaknesses in Indian society. His statement is not that China and India are incomparable, but that India should...
  7. J

    India, China growth race 'silly', says Nobel winner

    Why do people post numbers and do not see how stupid those numbers are? Japan=12 X China Israel=70 X China => Israel=6 X Japan. Japan being one of the riches countries in the world. Are Israelian roads paved with gold?
  8. J

    India has highest no. of newborn deaths: UN

    Some numbers do not add up. According to IndoCarib: If we compare India's nubers with China's numbers then you would expect India to have 3 times the number of deaths per 1000 births as China would have ((27.8/19.6)/(6.4/13.4)=2.96). Silvers numbers suggests the ratio would be 1.5...
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