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  1. S

    How Did ISIS Gather, Train And Equip....

    Its not difficult, the Iraqi army probably had alot of sympathetic sunnis and the rest were just cowards, 500 men could probably take over large swathes of Iraq.
  2. S

    Explosion At Nigeria World Cup Viewing Centre

    Its far more simple than "zionist al qaeda", its typical Africans whose only education is religion, and extremist religion at that.
  3. S

    Accidents in Russia

    Its what happens when you live in a third world country with no regulations and poor health and safety standards.
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    Ukraine's Unexploded Mines Found in Russian Rostov Region

    So there are landmines very close to the border but instead of showing the evidence they show Mortar rounds which it took me 20 seconds of searching to see that these images were in fact taken in Donetsk, 2 weeks ago almost. RIA Novosti media library :: Gallery The Russian media is the biggest...
  5. S

    'Black Flag of Jihad will Fly over London': Alarm over UK-born Iraq Fighters' Threat

    It may be the fault of the west but with the leaders in the middle east over the past few decades something was bound to happen eventually especially as many of the countries start to modernize, and its not like that region has never experienced war, its the birthplace of civilization and where...
  6. S

    Saudi student may have been murdered in UK because she was wearing a hijab.

    Doubt it has anything to do with her wearing a Hijab, just trying to get headlines. Chances are the person she was attacked by was a muslim/minority anyway.
  7. S

    OECD countries ranked by income inequality

    lol RT, I thought Russia had the highest wealth inequality in the world and being poor in Russia is pretty bad.
  8. S

    RAF scrambles Typhoon fighter jets to intercept Russian aircraft

    Wouldnt be surprised, this is similar to the pictures recently of the "soviet" navy that the UK escorted in the English channel, HMS dragon a modern ship alongside some decaying relic which had smoke billowing out of it like it was a 1900's steamship and a tug boat behind it incase it breaks...
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    RAF scrambles Typhoon fighter jets to intercept Russian aircraft

    I bet the pilots are all waving at each other and racing around having a laugh, they know they are all just pawns so they enjoy being able to fly super expensive aircraft.
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    Did we evolve to be religious?

    That would be brilliant but completely unenforceable, its when they say "Islam is the fastest growing religion" no its fucking not, they have far to many children per family, usually to the point where they are claiming benefits for having 8 children. And the kids have no choice, if I was a...
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    Five Japanese Weapons of War China Should Fear

    I think it would be a stalemate unless shitloads of missiles were involved, Japan wouldnt invade China and vice versa, even with numerical superiority it would be a slaughter for both sides.
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    Russias Oil production increases more than that of America in 2013

    So these increase in oil percentages are basically telling us that we are destroying our planet by x amount of years per annum, great news.
  13. S

    Ukraine kills 2 Russian Journalists, footage

    Russia would do the same, Ukraine/Russia, both barbarous people.
  14. S

    'Black Flag of Jihad will Fly over London': Alarm over UK-born Iraq Fighters' Threat

    haha, they struggle to make progress in deserted areas of desert where the people are so weak that they flee, I think 99% of anyone attempting this will be arrested on entrance to the UK, the other 1% within a few month. The British security services have information on almost everyone, they...
  15. S

    America pays trolls to downgrade RT Youtube Videos

    Why are you being such a simple individual, just because you dont like one viewpoint which in this case is things like CNN, it does not mean that you should believe the opposite side. Seek out your own truth, you are still being told what to believe except you find it more palatable because its...
  16. S

    UK to step up nuclear cooperation with US

    No they dont, because its not CNN or BBC so therefore its the truth, even if its on a extremely poorly made website with every news article having dubious claims. UK does have plenty of nuclear capability though, enough to destroy the world anyway.
  17. S

    ISIS: "We will raise our flag in Tehran"

    Like **** they will, the best they will do in any region is keeping hold of areas where there are other sunnis and abandoned areas, they have no real fight in them just the ability to spread fear to people ho are meant to be their brothers.
  18. S

    Where's the logic?

    Modernisation? The beliefs of previous generations being different from the current? A want for a future that they can call their own and not have to fight meaningless wars over political bullshit.
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    uighur terrorists beaten to death by civilians

    I can imagine all the chinamen running out of their houses with sticks and lashing the hell out of them haha brilliant, although the people need to be listened to, terrorists need to die.
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    Ukraine turmoil turns Russians off nationalism - survey

    ha, Russia is one of the most nationalist countries in the world, what a load of bullshit and im sure people will eat it up.
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