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  1. Desertfalcon

    What is the greatest Middle Eastern military power?

    That statement alone tells me you are utterly ignorant of the American military and probably any military.
  2. Desertfalcon

    Abe's Strategy: Rearrange Region's Power Balance

    ...says the guy who comes from a country that officially censers it's press. What is the Price of Press Censorship? - China Media Project http://www.cfr.org/china/media-censorship-china/p11515 How censorship works in China’s media – Leslie Anne Jones – Aeon The Long Shadow of Chinese...
  3. Desertfalcon

    What is the greatest Middle Eastern military power?

    As I said in my earlier post, as Israel is the only Middle-Eastern country that is a nuclear power, I would say...no one can in the ME without risk Only shows how some people put words in other's mouths. Who said I was making any kind of statement about Israel using nukes as a "first move"? I...
  4. Desertfalcon

    Latest Ranking for TOP Dog Fighters Today & BVR fighters

    Grippen is the best bang-for-the-buck dogfighter. I can't really argue with their top two dogfighters. Both are great. The F-22 is definitely the supreme BVR bird. The F-15 is rated too low and their comment about Israeli kill climes as "questionable" is self-serving at best. There are any...
  5. Desertfalcon

    What is the greatest Middle Eastern military power?

    Out of those listed, Israel, apart from it's military prowess in other areas, is the only one that is a nuclear power. I don't see how that can't make her the logical 1st.
  6. Desertfalcon

    US to continue using military force unilaterally: Obama

    Good, because the head of state/commander-in-chief of any country who doesn't...should be impeached and removed from office. These guys... :azn:
  7. Desertfalcon

    Requesting reopening of thread

    Why do you want to reopen a thread that is nothing more than ignorant America-bashing? There are already a treasure-trove of threads where you can do that to your heart's content. :lol:
  8. Desertfalcon

    Abe's Strategy: Rearrange Region's Power Balance

    That very well may be....but it did not stop that same EU from imposing sanctions against Russia, however cautious they may be in that effort. :azn: I would consider 50% to be remarkable given Germany's dependence on energy supplies from Russia.
  9. Desertfalcon

    Abe's Strategy: Rearrange Region's Power Balance

    No doubt the NSA revelations have hurt EU-American relations but I see no real majority emerging that would favour a turn from "Atlantacism" to Putin's vision. There simply is no future in that. Europeans know that which is why they did not hesitate to suspend Russia's membership in the G-8...
  10. Desertfalcon

    Abe's Strategy: Rearrange Region's Power Balance

    You live in America? Uh, what possible source do you get your news from? o_O 1. Germany has been rearmed for decades now and has one of the largest and most capable armed forces in the democratic world. 2. Why would Germany "fear" US retaliation? The US is who largely re-armed Germany and...
  11. Desertfalcon

    Team USA

    I played rugby (forward) for my university and some in the air force and being American, have played my share of American football and American football, even with pads, is actually more brutal. Far more injuries. And as much as I love rugby, American football is more exciting to watch as a...
  12. Desertfalcon

    Obama says the U.S. will lead the world for the next 100 years. China disagrees.

    And I'm guessing from your response that you don't have the guts to say. You just love running down other people's countries and cultures without fear of anyone calling your's to task, right? It doesn't matter in any event. If you're Canadian, then you should be ashamed of yourself for...
  13. Desertfalcon

    Obama says the U.S. will lead the world for the next 100 years. China disagrees.

    If you think 9-11-01 was staged you are either nuts or an idiot, but just as with 1000 I see you are yet another brave defender of your ideals from the freedom, prosperity, and security, of NATO Canada, the evil West that is blamed for everything by people not "man enough" to take responsibility...
  14. Desertfalcon

    Obama says the U.S. will lead the world for the next 100 years. China disagrees.

    Ah, yet another poster who rails on and on about how everything is the West's fault and how evil NATO countries were regarding Iraq. So evil....that you moved to one to enjoy it's freedom, its democracy, it's security, it's prosperity. You guys have absolutely zero credibility with me. You...
  15. Desertfalcon

    Obama says the U.S. will lead the world for the next 100 years. China disagrees.

    Yah...except in the case of Mao's atrocities, they are not quacks, kooks, and attention getters. They are eyewitnesses, scholars, and peer reviewed papers of major and respected universities, think tanks, and human rights organizations. Heck they are the facts about the long murderous history...
  16. Desertfalcon

    Should The Hagia Sofia become a Mosque?

    Good advice and I tried to, hence my posting of Pope Francis and Patriarch Bartholomew embracing each other. "The Church must breathe with her two lungs!" -H.H., St. John Paul II
  17. Desertfalcon

    Should The Hagia Sofia become a Mosque?

    No, my rational side would say that the Venetians did at the behest of deposed Byzantine emperor Isaac II Angelos and Byzantine crown prince Alexios IV...but I guess you overlooked that part. :dirol:
  18. Desertfalcon

    Obama says the U.S. will lead the world for the next 100 years. China disagrees.

    You might have an argument is... 1. It were simply a "failed policy". It was not and if your western education didn't tell you that...you were cheated out of a good education. Mao knew exactly what was happening and it was not simply famine. It was brutal and total, repression. he knew...
  19. Desertfalcon

    Obama says the U.S. will lead the world for the next 100 years. China disagrees.

    When it gets to be over 30 million, how much more do you need to prove what a monstrosity communist rule has been? You keep saying, "Where is your evidence?" and yet I have posted two links detailing how scholars, some Chinese, using Chinese records, detail that for example, Mao's atrocities...
  20. Desertfalcon

    Should The Hagia Sofia become a Mosque?

    My secular side says it should probably stay a museum. My Catholic side says that if it to be anything other than a museum, then it should be returned to the Patriarch of Constantinople and restored as the grand Christian church it was built as. I would love to attend Divine Liturgy there...
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