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  1. Desertfalcon

    Rare: US Deploys (2) B-2 Spirit Bombers to Europe for Exercises

    And so says all that fell before us. :usflag:
  2. Desertfalcon

    Karachi Airport Under Terrorist Attack

    My prayers and hope that Pakistani security forces kill or capture these murderers. I hope also that this serves as an example of why the much maligned "war on terror" is being fought. No one is immune. :pakistan:
  3. Desertfalcon

    USA lies grow more audacious

    And yet, the Nazi's didn’t kill nearly as many Soviets as the communist party that ruled them did... How Many People Did Joseph Stalin Kill?
  4. Desertfalcon

    70th Anniversary of D-Day

    Nah, you didn't ruin anything. Turns out....everyone knows you. :lol:
  5. Desertfalcon

    Why all Israelis are cowards

    It is possible to think that what the OP refers to is criminal, tragic, and deserves prosecution, without thinking that ALL Israeli defence force people behave that way. Just as it is possible for me as an American to loath certain actions and statements of the Islamic Republic of Iran and NOT...
  6. Desertfalcon

    Mig-21 in the eyes of veteran I.A.F. Air Commodore(retd.) SS Tyagi

    The Romanians fly one of the most highly upgraded in their Mig-21 "Lancers". What a thing of beauty!
  7. Desertfalcon

    70th Anniversary of D-Day

    No, just one more of an endless list of little whinny bitches, who are internet "heroes" who whine like little titty-babies, while hiding behind the democracy and security of a NATO country. Yes, I'm more than familiar with your pathetic type.
  8. Desertfalcon

    70th Anniversary of D-Day

    Of course, nationalista, lives in a democracy and is from a democracy in a world made safe for democracy in part, by the ultimate sacrifice of men such as those on that day in 1944 on Normandy beach; men far more noble and brave than he is. He is like most spoiled little children. He resents...
  9. Desertfalcon

    Vladimir Putin on Hillary Clinton: ‘Better Not to Argue With Women’

    ...if your "man" is an utterly corrupt dictator surrounded by equally corrupt oligarchs who is determined to thwart any hope of transparency in government, democracy, the rule of law, a free press, and individual liberty, in one's country. And while I am no fan of Mrs. Clinton, there is every...
  10. Desertfalcon

    Mig-21 in the eyes of veteran I.A.F. Air Commodore(retd.) SS Tyagi

    I agree. Great article and I think the Air Commodore is correct. Every fighter has it's quirks but the Mig-21 is a formidable weapon in the right hands.
  11. Desertfalcon

    USA lies grow more audacious

    “I have no doubt that I’ll see Mr. Putin, and he and I have always had a businesslike relationship and it is entirely appropriate that he is there to commemorate D-Day given the extraordinary sacrifices that were made of the people of the Soviet Union during World War II,” Obama said." At D-Day...
  12. Desertfalcon

    70th Anniversary of D-Day

    Yesterday was the 70th anniversary of the Allied invasion of Normandy beach in WWII. The number of surviving veterans of that battle become fewer and fewer, every year. It is worth remembering their sacrifice and honoring those who paid the ultimate price to free Europe from the Nazi's grasp...
  13. Desertfalcon

    Who Was The Best Fighter Pilot Ever ?

    My vote would be for Hans-Joachim Marseille. There were other German aces with a higher kill count, but Marseille's was the highest against Western fighters; French, British, American. He scored 158 kills, all against western flown aircraft in an amazingly short period of time, before his...
  14. Desertfalcon

    Team USA

    It kinda' looks like that Quebecois dish called poutine. They top it off by pouring maple syrup over it. You would need that free Canadian health care for your heart surgery after eating that. :sick:
  15. Desertfalcon

    Team USA

    I think it is interesting though that as much as the world's most popular sport probably is soccer and as popular as it is in the UK, it isn't the most popular in so many of her former colonies. It is not the most popular in Canada (ice hockey, Canadian football), not New Zealand (rugby &...
  16. Desertfalcon

    Team USA

    Not really. We do have a 19 team, 1st. tier professional soccer league but it ranks below American football and baseball in popularity and international soccer even less so. As an example, in America an average pro football game NFL will have 67,604 fans in attendance. The average for an MLS...
  17. Desertfalcon

    Team USA

    Yup. It is popular on both east and west coasts and in "ivy league" schools and is popular in my region of the country. This is my old team (University of Utah-red and black) playing our biggest rivals, Brigham Young University (white and blue). ..
  18. Desertfalcon

    Obama says the U.S. will lead the world for the next 100 years. China disagrees.

    Who do you think fought and died to build that Iraqi security and intel, and for that matter, roads and medical care and reconstruction? Well, one group were the nearly 4,500 of my countrymen who gave their lives in that effort....while you sat in the comfort of the Netherlands. That is what...
  19. Desertfalcon

    Abe's Strategy: Rearrange Region's Power Balance

    Which is kinda' disproves the whole idea about how the American press is controlled by the us administration, don't cha' think? :azn: :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: In China, a deliberate amnesia about '89 crackdown - News-Sentinel.com
  20. Desertfalcon

    Obama says the U.S. will lead the world for the next 100 years. China disagrees.

    Why don't you "patriots" who whine about how the USA is handling your country's affairs actually get off your butts, get on a plane then, and do the job that American men are having to do while you live in the security, freedom, and prosperity of a NATO country?
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