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  1. seethru

    Pakistan Army: You're welcome, Pakistan.

    Governor’s rule formally imposed in Balochistan. Tahir-Ul-Qadri demands Care Taker set up Pakistan SC orders arrest of PM Raja Pervez Ashraf in a corruption case. Somebody get's to install a care taker set up. It's definitely not the elected ones sitting in the Parliament as per the...
  2. seethru

    India decides to fight back aggressive China

    same old rant. Order in India is the same through out the subcontinent even under Islamic monarchs. By India what British or Greeks even the chinese meant is not what one means when they say africa/balkans. Even chinese travellers travellers and students described india as india but not as this...
  3. seethru

    India decides to fight back aggressive China

    I don't have to lie. Political Boundary and Government? could you clarify 'Government' ? Is it necesary that the government, by which i presume you mean the State should be a King or something equivalant, that exercises sovergnity over a territory? Is that some kind of gold standard? Let me ask...
  4. seethru

    Afghan National Army hostile to Pakistan: Report

    My personal Position: Durand Line's validity after Indian Independance Act makes things complex. As most of you know, the Treaty was between the Emir of Afghanistan and British based on the victories of British led Indian Armed forces in that theatre in 1878. After the "transfer of power"...
  5. seethru

    Afghan National Army hostile to Pakistan: Report

    What's Your personal position on Durand line. you are british citizen?
  6. seethru

    Afghan National Army hostile to Pakistan: Report

    While Pakistanis support Taliban(Goodones as defined by PA), Taliban(of all variety) don't give a S h i t. Taliban is pro-Islam, pro-sharia, Pro-Talibani control over the areas that they all ready control. ;)
  7. seethru

    India decides to fight back aggressive China

    so much for high IQ. CHINA , as in PRC controlled by CPC and PLA today, is NOT a Nation or Civilisation or Empire. (You could make a case for an empire but Kingdoms have to have reasonably autonomous Armed forces and institutions.) PRC has Tibeto-Burman, Chinese, Turko-Mongolian(Islamic)...
  8. seethru

    India decides to fight back aggressive China

    I am flabbergasted. Your comprehension skills are excellent. While China can be a Nation state from so and so date in History, Not everyone, unlike chinese are so intreseted in and care about fitting in to the definations of Nation/empire/Kigndom.(Irrespective of the meme being Western or...
  9. seethru

    India decides to fight back aggressive China

    India was not a Nation state(Racial/Ligustic basis) or Empire(Political Union under most powerful Kingdom) for most of it's History. so is every nation on the planet. Nation state is a reletively new concept. India is whatever it may claim to be in it's own right. what were you trying prove...
  10. seethru

    Indian Killed in Hate Crime in New York City

    Russell Peters once made a comment: 9/11 has spoiled it for us brown people here in the west. I doubt the accent part though. Native Urdu speakers's accent is quite different from say native Tamil or Telugu speakers accent.
  11. seethru

    Indian math genius Ramanujan's theory finally proved right.

    Ramanujan was perhaps the greatest Mathematician when it comes to pure abilities, probably only comparable to Euler. One of the intresting things about 19th century India is that Indians for the first time were coming in to contact with vast amounts of literature in variety of subjects other...
  12. seethru

    Youtube to be unblocked in 24 hours, tweets Malik

    Pakistan isn't Islamic enough. It's still a bit hinduy for most muslims?
  13. seethru

    Pakistani Islamists outraged by paintings

    Because Muslims abuse Freedom of speech the most. For example overt Bigotry of Mullahs and Muslim community leaders w.r.t Christianity/Liberalism/Free societies in the west or Hinduism/Pluralism/Free thought in India. Anyone with required number of neurons would naturally call on Islamic...
  14. seethru

    Pakistani Islamists outraged by paintings

    Visit Indian/Hindu Temples. Thank God(not Allah), the Islamic marauders couldn't destroy all of them.
  15. seethru


    In Pakistan, land of the purest of the pure, Rapes don't occur because, Rapes aren't recognised as crimes in this great Islamic country, well in most of the cases! 1. Usually raping a non-believing women is cheered by Momins for, blessed is that momin, who after raping the non believing...
  16. seethru

    shame on rupee news

    Rupee News, a Web News service, is actually a Propaganda tool for Perception Managment through social media. what's more intresting though, is the choice of the name Rupee News. Although Pakistani currency is also called Rupee, The Rupee is essentially Indian currency like Dollar is US currency...
  17. seethru

    Tahir ul Qadri wants to accept the challenging position in Caretaker Setup!

    i do have issues with Qadri as you noticed. I have issues with every lying prick. I won't bother you with my posts anymore regarding demestic issues in pak.
  18. seethru

    Tahir ul Qadri wants to accept the challenging position in Caretaker Setup!

    5,6,7,9 and 10 have always been that way in Pakistan. It's the norm. Rest of the things are because of Energy Crisis(demanding population and industries) and slow down in the world economy. Tahir ul Qadri is a fruadster and two faced lying trickster.
  19. seethru

    Tahir ul Qadri wants to accept the challenging position in Caretaker Setup!

    Exhibit 1 IK PTI got huge crowds Exhibit 2 Pakistan Defence council drew huge crouds Exihibit 3 Tahir ul Qadri (May allah give him a single Tounge) drew huge crowds Either all have a huge support amongst Pakistanis other than the regulars like PPP, PMNL, MQM in Karachi, ANP in KP etc., or...
  20. seethru

    Tahir ul Qadri wants to accept the challenging position in Caretaker Setup!

    ok, so, pakistan will not have elections? We won't see Tsunami of IK?
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