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  1. Zero_wing

    Why is China trying to bully its neighbors?

    Ya you only did that when the whole world condemn you for not sending help so you can put in your @$$
  2. Zero_wing

    South China Sea Forum

    Wow see how chinko imperials make stupid map
  3. Zero_wing

    Philippines hits China over ‘10-dash line’ map

    Ya sure imperial whatever
  4. Zero_wing

    Philippines hits China over ‘10-dash line’ map

    Oh please imperial this just prove you have no intention of solving this diplomaticly or peacefully this other expansionist move on the part ofchina
  5. Zero_wing

    Yes, China, we can also draw our own map!

    Wow very stupid sir very stupid indeed one out of 10 million workers overseas only 5% are maids so that post is like your claims are just so stupid second of all this allocated from base conversion and tax collections and laws mainly the AFP modernization act which was extended last 2012 still...
  6. Zero_wing

    Why is China trying to bully its neighbors?

    Wow what do you think been doing past decades sir 556 i mean for the youth of this country we been doing that but even us young people are cut to many factions thanks to our stupid elders. Any way its kinda our N word the word Pinoy its for our use only its kinda insulting for other people to use it
  7. Zero_wing

    Philippines hits China over ‘10-dash line’ map

    Wow peaceful rise i think not
  8. Zero_wing

    Filipino WW2 rape victims demand justice from Japan

    OH ok make post with value you people are piss because a lot of people hates you for being d bags on everyone no your trying to open an old wounds to hide the fact people call bull on your illegal illogical claims of 90% of West Philippine Sea.
  9. Zero_wing

    Filipino WW2 rape victims demand justice from Japan

    Sure sure whatever different issue over other issue typical chinese custer f
  10. Zero_wing

    Google removes Singapore hate blog against Filipinos

    Ya i know your just @$$
  11. Zero_wing

    Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

    We support that as long is done right but for now the two side must try a political settlement first a peaceful means to end a porblem.
  12. Zero_wing

    Chinese Premier: “Sea of peace” with neighbours

    Oh please other chinese bull lies actions speak actions speak louder than words imperials sea of peace my foot
  13. Zero_wing

    Google removes Singapore hate blog against Filipinos

    Ha opinions as hate crimes are too different things imperial Ha really who started this custer f huh its you chinese who did so why the f?
  14. Zero_wing

    China to sell value of 540 million yuan light rail to Philippines

    Oh please your guys stealing islands and converting shoals to military facilities flooding local markets with cheap fake dangerous goods and one of the groups of people making many crime related activities here from drugs to human traficing and also illegal fishing and illegal mining so stop...
  15. Zero_wing

    Google removes Singapore hate blog against Filipinos

    Well racist jerks should be jailed i wish it happen here in the forum there a lot of chinese jerks here that need to be kick out of the form
  16. Zero_wing

    Japan Economy Forum

    Yes you dont your not really that bright. Is moron like majority of his kind
  17. Zero_wing

    China to sell value of 540 million yuan light rail to Philippines

    Dude you wish and you fit that bill very well and besides they still process to stop this project its too late
  18. Zero_wing

    New HK textbook describes Filipinos as ‘domestic helper’

    Well what do expect from Racist chinese majority countries anyway same old stories same old arrogance same old stupidity nothing new
  19. Zero_wing

    Japan Economy Forum

    first of all F all that you said second of all in the end they all went to hell so in the end as we say here wala rin na puntahan (end up no were) so your point is not only useless and no relavance in the 21st century otherwise serve as a lesson that imperialism with anti semitic ideas with...
  20. Zero_wing

    Japan Economy Forum

    Huh wow ang layo dude please since when did we compare 1940s Germany to the Present i was talking about your same idiocy with the Racist arrogant imperialist expansionist nazis
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