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  1. Filipino

    South Korea to donate warship to Philippines amid sea tensions

    Part of it was military adventurism (coup plotters among the military) -- why arm them when they would just use the hardware against the government? Part of it was the 1997 Asian financial crisis, which we had a more difficult time to recover from than our neighbors. Part of it is as...
  2. Filipino

    South Korea to donate warship to Philippines amid sea tensions

    Our navy used to be much larger, as well as our air force. We just lost 30 years, however, and didn't start recovering economically or militarily until 2010. We still have to catch up to what we were 40 years ago, much less our neighbors as they are today. The US is helping us, but we have...
  3. Filipino

    Japan PM says will take time to provide patrol ships to Vietnam

    even if vietnam cannot get *used* japanese ships, they can still get them new. last year we signed a deal for 2 large patrol ships and 10 smaller patrol ships with good financing terms. the two larger ones were supposed to be used units slated to retire, but I believe it was changed at the last...
  4. Filipino

    Chinese exceeds Indians in Ivy League

    america gained $24 billion from international students last year The International Student Economic Value Tool | NAFSA most of them didn't go to ivy leagues, so they're not even paying for prestige. i live next to a mediocre state school (i was also a student there 10 years ago), and there are...
  5. Filipino

    South China Sea Forum

    we're not provoking you intentionally. we take poaching seriously, and that's why we also arrested filipino fishermen in the area that were doing the same thing. the environment and our fish stocks are very important to filipinos. we risked damaging our relationship with america last year after...
  6. Filipino

    Filipino militants kidnap Chinese tourist and hotel worker from Malaysian resort

    uhh, the filipino militants you're complaining about are enemies of the filipino government and filipino people. in fact, they don't want to be called filipinos, that's why they're fighting in the first place. one of the victims was also a filipino
  7. Filipino

    Japan OKs easing of military-related exports

    Japan is already doubling the size of our coast guard with the 10 new patrol vessels they are building for us. We were also supposed to get 2 100m ex-japan coast guard ships as well, but i haven't heard anything about them in a while. And all that was before their export law change. last week's...
  8. Filipino

    South China Sea Forum

    the southern tip of the philippines is not really representative of the whole. that region contains 3.5% of our population. and the warlord who perpetrated the maguindanao massacre in 2009 was installed by a pro-chinese presidential administration. we voted in aquino to clean house, and that's...
  9. Filipino

    We're China's Czechoslovakia, says Philippines

    you guys realize president aquino is ethnic chinese right? he's part of the cojuangco clan, a family descended from chinese traders who later became landlords The clan is descended from Co Yu Hwan (Chinese: 許玉寰; pinyin: Xŭ Yùhuán; Quanzhou Hokkien literary: Hěu Ggiókhuán; colloquial: Koǒ...
  10. Filipino

    U.S. seeks to defuse spat with India

    if done, that could possibly work, and would be pretty sneaky. it would set off a turf war between the department of state and the department of justice, since as has been pointed out, state has already done this relatively recently. in any case, i'm not gonna rule out obama being spineless on...
  11. Filipino

    U.S. seeks to defuse spat with India

    The US State Department and Department of Defense were dealing with Afghan warlords in the last decade (everyone knows this). Many of those warlords are also druglords. When at least one of them visited America to confer with the state department and DOD to work out some deals, he was arrested...
  12. Filipino

    U.S. seeks to defuse spat with India

    You foreigners (well, technically I'm a foreigner too) have absolutely no idea. Right now this is barely news in america, but the second Obama obstructs a US Attorney, even though he appoints them, it will become a huge scandal. And for US domestic news, it will not be about the Indian consular...
  13. Filipino

    Won’t apologise or withdraw charges against Devyani: US

    I think you guys are mistaking a strip search for a cavity search. the US admits to a strip search, but not a cavity search -- they're two different things. There are frisks/pat-downs (no clothes taken off), there are strip searches (most outer clothes taken off, underwear usually not taken off...
  14. Filipino

    U.S. seeks to defuse spat with India

    Your meaningless calculations are off, by the way, because wage workers in america are entitled to overtime rate after 40 hours per week. She was probably working longer than 8 hours per day as well. The sad part about all this is that I wish your workers had the same labor protections that ours...
  15. Filipino

    U.S. seeks to defuse spat with India

    Rent is cheaper than $2,000 a month, and no that doesn't count toward minimum wage, that's not how american labor laws work. New York City has rent control, has housing assistance (state, city, and federal). Poor people exist in NYC, it's not a rich-only enclave. It's a hardscrabble life, but...
  16. Filipino

    U.S. seeks to defuse spat with India

    Yeah, states set different minimum wages. $7.25 is the Federal one, which means state minimum wages can go higher but not lower than that. Cities can also declare their own minimum wages. Lucky for your consular official she didn't reside in Seatac, where they just passed a $15 an hour minimum...
  17. Filipino

    U.S. seeks to defuse spat with India

    All I can really say to that is "okay, fine, good luck, have fun"
  18. Filipino

    U.S. seeks to defuse spat with India

    Most people in the US find the idea of having maids weird. And if you can't afford to have a maid, don't get a maid. Having a maid is not a human right, it's an obscene luxury
  19. Filipino

    U.S. seeks to defuse spat with India

    Non-cash benefits do not count towards minimum wage in America, so that's irrelevant.
  20. Filipino

    Can Indonesia Lead ASEAN?

    the philippines has always considered indonesia a friend, i'm sure our country would be happy to see indonesia lead ASEAN as a good example. the only country in ASEAN that could possibly not be okay with indonesian leadership is malaysia, but surely there's less bad blood nowadays than before
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