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  1. eachus

    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    AWACS and electronic jammer are not stealthy and can not be stealthy, once you emit radar and waves, everyone will see you and detect the distance and direction then you are dead. that is contradiction to the stealthy purpose. AWACS and electronic jammer require power in MW units, where...
  2. eachus

    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    you guess China is still relies on Russians, what age is now? 1990s? Today, China can develop radars far better than Russia. there is an example, China reject Russian offer to build its own one. The current KJ-2000 AWACS in Chinese service is equipped with a domestic AESA (active...
  3. eachus

    Indian Economy-News & Updates

    developing countries start from very low GDP level grows at 3% is piteous. there are already some one gives middle 5% estimate. I hope the world economic especially EU and China will keep up the growth. otherwise is not fun. down under 5% will be painful for most people. India government...
  4. eachus

    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    even US partners had been ordered F35, UK for instance they only get one copy F35 for a test purpose, then later may order a few more for eval. who is going to trust US "tested independently and evaluated" results. every country will test again by its own "independent" organization.
  5. eachus

    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    I dont argue with the export version of fighters like Su27, F16. but for F22, I doubt it. all valuable specifications are top secrets of the Pentagon. If F22 tested by other than USA, the info can be leak out so that will not be a case. all tests are fake. you wont have those tests and no...
  6. eachus

    Indian Economy-News & Updates

    India expanding faster than China, shows HSBC survey? what a survey! your link gave this number, copy-pasted: Reuters polls forecast China grew 7.6 per cent in the second quarter versus the same three months a year ago. (Reuters) - India's annual economic growth slumped in March quarter to...
  7. eachus

    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    supercruise is not max speed, you need to have supersonic last for 30 minutes. under 50km Su27 can do. by the way, 5G is called stealthy fighter, not supercruise fighter. its hard condition is stealthy, anything else is optional --- sure not out of range. you can see the stealthy on T50 is...
  8. eachus

    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    oh boy, you came here and have never see a Su27? "SU-27 with unframed canopy" were you from the moon?
  9. eachus

    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    ignorance is truly happy!!!! he even can not understand what do those meant when 2 people from different locations and gave out such accurate words: "I didn’t see anything …" and “It looks like a plane we’ve seen before,” guys, you see a "metal framed canopy"...
  10. eachus

    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    zzzz here we go, I dont want to re-invent the wheels. found some old messages and photos. Framed canopy, Fully exposed compressor face. Gaps around the inlets. Seams, gaps, protrusions, changes in surface material, sudden changes in shape, and surface, discontinuities all over the lower...
  11. eachus

    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    haha, you dont know what radars are. F35 is one plane to meet dozens countries's requirements. added too much feature, land attack, short take off, vertical landing,,,, and is not specified on front line air fighting. J20 is simple, get F35 and T50 from front in 40-50km before they see...
  12. eachus

    With China on mind, India steps up Latin America diplomacy

    Thanks for your link, I did not read through, spent 5 seconds on the artical found these. ------------------ India-Cuba trade that in the heydays of the 1980s was over $300 million has now dipped to $50 million. "If we can bring it back to the 1980s' level, it will be a great achievement,"...
  13. eachus

    With China on mind, India steps up Latin America diplomacy

    Veneuzela is an oil export country with small population. higher GDP per capital is possible but that will not last long. within 5 years they will fell behind China. there is the list of growth of Veneuzela in the last 3 years. since international oil price tumbled, Veneuzela has 0% or...
  14. eachus

    With China on mind, India steps up Latin America diplomacy

    compare SA countries and India, both have similar industry structure. both rely on export raw resources. What SA wants mostly India does not have an offer. What India sells the SA have the same. I find only one is for sure, SA export oil, India import oil. IT outsource does not fit for...
  15. eachus

    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    most of the thoughts from you are momentum logic. you assume anything you dont see means China does not have. anything you can not prove, that means China is inferior the west. J20 and F22 are heavy fighter, they have ability to installed more advance electronic with larger volume and...
  16. eachus

    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    I see the other way around, J20 will jam F35 since J20 is more powerful than F35. if F35 tries to jam J20, j20 will fire missile and take it down since F20 will see further and can kill longer distance. F22 has its legs too short, 500KM is nothing and if you fight against China you can...
  17. eachus

    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    F-35 does not know what type of radar J20 is going to use, J20 knows what F35 is using and will export. how do you and how can you jam something you dont know? let me translate the comparison in my own words. F-22 is air superior fighter, it has great stealthy features and also...
  18. eachus

    Indian Economy-News & Updates

    my god, that was even lower than 5.8% economictimes.indiatimes.com 2012-07-03 news Nomura lowers India GDP growth projection for 2012 to 5.5 per cent PTI Jul 3, 2012, 08.48PM IST NEW DELHI: Attributing economic slowdown in India to monetary and fiscal policy, global financial service...
  19. eachus

    The clearest J-20 pictures.

    lets put down all technical arguments first, just compare with 2 pictures there. photo #1, the vertical tail of the J10 was perpendicular(around 90degree) to the tall grassy path where ppl stood. the distance of the J10 tail to the grassy path was around 15-20 feet, no more than 20 feet...
  20. eachus

    China Economy Forum

    the biggest companies are strongest companies on earth. An empire building need to have a lots of column supports. US is the biggest empire with 132 columns, down from 197 in 10 years. China is new empire building with 73 columns, add 12 new columns a year. There also small companies and...
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