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  1. eachus

    SAC FC-31 Stealth Fighter: News & Discussions

    I am sure the manufacture of Shenyang J31 knows what they are doing. I deed they avoided the problem 35 has, too fat, too heavy. the J31 goal is very simple and clear, air superiority for navy and export market. yes will be low cost mid size fighter. we can see the stealthy is still in...
  2. eachus

    SAC FC-31 Stealth Fighter: News & Discussions

    your correct! Russian T50 is not stealthy, you can call it Su30 upgrade or whatever you like. Rafale and Typhoon are even not in the same class, let them be. Now, F22, J20 and F35 are in the top end, J31 looks pretty cool except the temporary engines. T50 follows behind has too much...
  3. eachus

    Indian Economy-News & Updates

    Yes, Indian need to speed up the export, I give you these data you know what I meant. https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/rankorder/2078rank.html Rank..country....Exports....Date of Information 1 . China .... $ 1,898,000,000,000...2011 est. 2 . European Union.....$...
  4. eachus

    China Economy Forum

    the more you type, the more ignorance you are showing to the message board. high productivity does not mean the country is on top of competition and efficiency. you know the next famous county is going to bankrupt is Greece. they have so call "productivity " times higher than Chinese. so in...
  5. eachus

    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    has some more details Facing the Raptor ‘Distant Frontier’threw up one of the most exciting opportunities for the Luftwaffe Eurofighters, as eight 1-V-1 BFM (basic fighter manoeuvres) sorties were arranged with the 525th Fighter Squadron’s F-22s. Oberstleutnant Marc...
  6. eachus

    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    getting tired to keeping you on topic. I will let go of you.
  7. eachus

    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    Yes, I am sure it helps, F16 equips with IRST can have salad lunch. you make a cheap shot on F22 turns out Gamgit is not happy.
  8. eachus

    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    he does learning fast, try to drive off the road and confuse everybody. the latest argument was focus on these key words, please stay on. "WVR and (Within Visual Range), dogfight, salad and super maneuverability". he claimed "If I were to enter a dogfighting training exercise, I would choose...
  9. eachus

    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    gambit, lets go back to the point of argument, dont drive too far off. you still playing the old trick, "I can not convince you, I will confuse you.". I read your link and replies carefully, those are unprofessional replies(or too professional replies). not convince at all. first, you win...
  10. eachus

    China Economy Forum

    "too big to fail" was an excuse, GM and AIG had their asserts felt short far below their loans, they should bankrupts number of times. In EU and other countries, they should be taking over completely by government. but in US, GM for example the Fed injected around $20 billion to buy and own...
  11. eachus

    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    Well, J-20 nobody claim it is perfect. very few ppl insist it has supercruise capability at least for now. but, F-22 is different, it it supposed to be the king of the sky. fifth-generation fighters F-22 defined as big "3S". 1) having all-aspect stealth even when armed. 2) with super...
  12. eachus

    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    you did not answer this, Moreover, at a distance of about 50 km the Typhoon IRST (Infra-Red Search and Track) system is capable to find even a stealthy plane “especially if it is large and hot, like the F-22″ a Eurofighter pilot said. I thought F22 has 3-S, how come it lost to...
  13. eachus

    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    gambit, can you read and explain how that happens? July 13, 2012 “Yesterday we had Raptor salad for lunch” Typhoon pilot said after dogfighting with the F-22 at Red Flag Alaska Farnborough 2012: “Yesterday we had Raptor salad for lunch” Typhoon pilot said after...
  14. eachus

    China Economy Forum

    privatization is not a solution for everything. everyone in on Earth knows public transportation in all major cities owned by states. NewYork, DC, LA,,,HongKong,,, some Indian members can add more Indians cities on list. how inefficient they are? NY for example, there ten of golden...
  15. eachus

    China Economy Forum

    you got the point, much better than those "experts".
  16. eachus

    China Economy Forum

    great! "the Plaza Accord" was an award to japan! and that was the key for US and Western counties wash Japanese wealth home. ask Japanese how do they like the "lost of 10 years".
  17. eachus

    China Economy Forum

    I can not agree with you anymore. that logic is laughable. you think in the same way Russian did in the 1990s. sell all state enterprises to private will jump start the industry efficient and become develop country overnight. Guess what, they crash. GM was a private company, bankrupted...
  18. eachus

    China Economy Forum

    China economy set for soft landing, needs more reform: IMF "Policies should continue to be geared toward achieving this year's growth targets. In the event of a worsening of the external outlook, China has ample room to respond forcefully, using fiscal policy as the main line of defense and...
  19. eachus

    China Economy Forum

    Huawei sees 2012 Revenue Growth of 15 - 20% Cisco Systems has a Revenue Growth of 6.64%. ... July 25, 2012 mobile communication industry, there was a War Age(like 7 States Period) in 1st generate. Japan was leading in technology it ended up the USA united the mobile in 2nd generation...
  20. eachus

    China Economy Forum

    An economic is running out of gas or not, has too many indexes to consider. to make long story short, I can summary them in key values. let me compare the best known 3 major countries. the US Federal and central bank in China has number of roles, mainly lays down as 1) determine...
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