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  1. S

    US says strategic ties with India 'will carry over into next century

    :omghaha: Yes,India's behaviour makes it look timid and like a vassal state.And the only thing USA wants India to be is Cannon fodder for upcoming war against China. If Indian admin is smart ,they will become neutral rather than play into US hands
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    NSA accused of hacking into India's nuclear systems By Daniel Cooper

    Actually I agree with lighteningbolt. India was never this timid whether in 90's ,early 2000's or 60's or 70's. This is the first time in history that I am seeing Indian administration act in such a manner.
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    4-year-old freed after he tells Nairobi attack ******: ‘You’re a bad man’

    why are you needling her? She already has condemned the bombing of the church...
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    Jim Rogers: Forget India, try Myanmar or North Korea for next EM bonanza

    Looking at the debt to GDP ratio ,I am doubtful.There is scope for further devaluation.
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    Jim Rogers: Forget India, try Myanmar or North Korea for next EM bonanza

    Jim Rogers: Forget India, try Myanmar or North Korea for next EM bonanza September 24, 2013, 1:01 PM Bad times are coming for India, says Jim Rogers. So where does the high-profile investor suggest for the next emerging-markets gold rush? “You should get on the next plane you can and head...
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    China to rent 5% of Ukraine(area the size of Belgium)

    At least Eastern Ukraine considers itself part of Russia. I doubt Ukraine will join the failing EU,more likely they will join the Eurasian customs union.
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    China to rent 5% of Ukraine(area the size of Belgium)

    Ukraine has not sold the sovereignty of the land.
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    India concerned about widening trade deficit with China

    And note here,the figures are for just for the mining aspects ,not concentration and refining part of the supply chain. Currently both these components are primarily in China ,so for next 2 decades , It will be hard to break the chinese monopoly. And Molycorp has been a total failure to...
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    India concerned about widening trade deficit with China

    Did you read through your own articles or is it just you want to google and prove yourself right huh? With exception of Lynas I do not know of others who replicating what Lynas has done. Molycorp claims turned out to be total failures. I was a regular reader of Rare earth investing. Do you...
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    India concerned about widening trade deficit with China

    Agreed. China recently imposed some REE quotas and many companies bought REE's via shady methods.
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    India concerned about widening trade deficit with China

    Yes.Cheap is the word.But the production processes of REE's have been exponentially improved by the chinese,along with the initial cheap labor component also(but that is not main now). The only guys who I know have improved production processes for REE's are Lynas and their competitiveness with...
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    India concerned about widening trade deficit with China

    80-90% of the REE's are made in China. The only alternatives you might find might be from the russian military stockpiles . Second,the time needed to establish REE production facilities and their support facilities is over 10 years according to US department of Defense.
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    India concerned about widening trade deficit with China

    Many of the consumer goods you talk about ,use large amounts of REE's (rare earth elements) of which China is a major producer.China too could impose exponential tariffs on sale of REE's to india to make enough of a difference and REE's cannot be easily substituted also.
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    India concerned about widening trade deficit with China

    Biggest import component of India is Crude oil. I have stated enough in this. Link global inflation and oil prices . Link global inflation and indian inflation .do a regression or correlation of the data. You will change your stance .
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    India concerned about widening trade deficit with China

    Do you think precision machine tools or oil rigs are easy to make. Check the magnitude of difference in prices . Even with tariff barriers you will not be able to reduce demand,unless the tariffs are simply exponential in nature. Not in the high technology sectors like precision...
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    India concerned about widening trade deficit with China

    TV's and other consumer products can be substituted.The real thing India cannot substitute is the necessity for chinese high tech industrial products/industrial machines whose expertise is needed. Nowadays ,ONGC and major oil companies either outsources drilling operations to...
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    India concerned about widening trade deficit with China

    Practically for high technology products ,even I doubt India has a choice.Chinese are able to produce several high technology goods at a fraction of price compared to what the Russians or Germans can. Most companies prefer to buy Chinese industrial machines these days and Even Siemens,GE type...
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    India concerned about widening trade deficit with China

    His economic concepts are fine,but he does not have full understanding of the nature of imports of the indian economy and thus tries to overstate his case. lighteningbolt,India's deficits and inflation are heavily correlated to oil prices and oil imports. Don't believe me. Run a Regression...
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    India concerned about widening trade deficit with China

    Relax and cool off. Go and take fresh air for now.
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    India is among the top 5 NSA spying targets.

    Indian govt is nothing but a pathetic joke.
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