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  1. RezRoll

    Bush, Blair guilty in Malaysia 'war crimes trial'

    Every ASEAN thread these days seems to be turned into a Vietnam-China story. Seriously cut the off-topic crap, post if you have something to say on "Malaysia", "Bush", "Blair", "War crimes" or "Mahathir".
  2. RezRoll

    Bush, Blair guilty in Malaysia 'war crimes trial'

    The Chinese here have been staying for generations, they're very much as Malaysian as the rest. Though I'll give you credit, your story could make for a good movie. China has no reason to spy on Malaysia, we're not a world power or a regional power.
  3. RezRoll

    Bush, Blair guilty in Malaysia 'war crimes trial'

    False. Have you even met a Malaysian Chinese in your life? If there are China spies here, I am pretty sure they're not Malaysian Chinese. The Chinese people here have contributed a lot to the country.
  4. RezRoll

    Bush, Blair guilty in Malaysia 'war crimes trial'

    Talking trash. The only people that are controlling Malaysia are Malaysians regardless of whatever race. Oh, Maju-lah Singapore ;)
  5. RezRoll

    Bush, Blair guilty in Malaysia 'war crimes trial'

    In simple words, cheap labor. Do you have any ideas how much Indonesians hate Malaysians? Read this about how Malaysian athletes were treated at the recently held Sea Games in Indonesia. Shame on you! You expect an Indonesian to give a neutral opinion about Malaysia? Thanks but...
  6. RezRoll

    Bush, Blair guilty in Malaysia 'war crimes trial'

    Cut your off-topic rants. What does Malaysian-Chinese have anything to do with the topic being discussed? Stick to "Bush-Blair and war crimes"
  7. RezRoll

    Bush, Blair guilty in Malaysia 'war crimes trial'

    Mahathir was an excellent leader while he was a PM, but now, at the age of 86, he's best fit in an old folk's home. The fact I didn't notice this in any paper shows that no one really cares. Am surprise you know about "Malaysia Boleh" though. Main - Malaysia - Stir over Bangladesh website...
  8. RezRoll

    Sri Lanka vs Australia: 2018 Commonwealth Games bid, Vote on Saturday

    I hope Sri Lanka gets it. Australia has already hosted this event so many times, time to give a chance to Sri Lanka.
  9. RezRoll

    The Chinese Success Story

    1990 vs 2010 - Shanghai - To me, this is a success :tup:
  10. RezRoll

    Dangers of Facebook

  11. RezRoll

    Dangers of Facebook

    If you don't like facebook's privacy policies, you can always delete your account. Don't get why these Americans like making a big hoo-haa over their privacy on facebook. No one's forcing you.
  12. RezRoll

    Pakistanis, where would you choose to live in India, and vice versa!

    ""Beta subsay ghatia lokh Indian, Yahudi, Saudi, aur Lahori hotay hain". "ab itnay bhi buray nahi hum" Translate?
  13. RezRoll

    Pakistanis, where would you choose to live in India, and vice versa!

    Depends on what kind of girls you like? Lots of mixtures and races here :lol:
  14. RezRoll

    Pakistanis, where would you choose to live in India, and vice versa!

    :lol: Haha! I was just about to reply him that he'll love Malaysia. It rains every freaking evening here, but thankfully no flood. But the trafiic jam will be shyte :hitwall:
  15. RezRoll

    India wins two global awards at World Tourism Mart

    India is a nice place to travel if you're willing to spend. Some sights (Taj Mahal) were unforgettable, and I fell in love with the historical ambiance of Delhi. The experience was unlike any other in the world, both the bad and good. With better infrastructure, India could be a real hot spot...
  16. RezRoll

    Affluent Indian families killing unborn girls

    This is an international forum hosted by Pakistanis, anyone can comment on anyone's matter. If you can't handle criticism and opinions, perhaps you shouldn't be here.
  17. RezRoll

    Finally my turn has come

    Congrats brahh.. Am a big fan of your picture threads.. Especially your "Army food" thread :P Keep up the good work, cheers!
  18. RezRoll

    congrats to Abingdonboy

    Congrats mate :)
  19. RezRoll

    The curious case of Indian Punjabis

    Strong bromance in this thread. I don't get this logic of brothers across the border. When I look at an Indonesian, he looks almost the same as me, I can understand what he's saying, we pray to the same God, we dress almost the same, cuisine almost the same. Everything is so similar...
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