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  1. RezRoll

    How many of us can write a proper sentence ?

    Malaysian talking to a Singaporean. Would like to see how many people can understand this? :lol:
  2. RezRoll

    How many of us can write a proper sentence ?

    Malaysian English and Singapore English is taking over pretentious Queen's English here. So, no, I can't write a proper sentence to save my life :lol:
  3. RezRoll

    Norway massacre: Breivik declared insane

    Having such a system would complicate alot of things. Would you agree with terrorist who have killed 100's being given a second chance at life? It just isn't fair. Norway's overall crime-rate is low, so they get away with such a system. But implementing the same system in Asian and...
  4. RezRoll

    Norway massacre: Breivik declared insane

    Would it be fair to the family who lost a loved one due to a murderer? After 10 years, the criminal will be released to walk around freely while the victim is long dead and buried. Imagine the feeling of seeing someone who murdered your love one's walking freely in the street.. What kind...
  5. RezRoll

    What is your view about Korea and Vietnam?

    K-pop is pretty big over here. Wonder girls, Super Junior have all come and done concerts here. Pretty impressive when you consider there are virtually no Koreans here.
  6. RezRoll

    Pak to ban Foreign news channels !!

    They can ban all the news channels they want, won't make a difference. Pakistan people can still get foreign news access through the internet. Though I'm not sure how much of Pakistan is wired to the online world.
  7. RezRoll

    Rang De Basanti

    Props to the first girl. Must have been awkward as heck for her to just start dancing in the middle of a busy train station :lol:
  8. RezRoll

    Norway massacre: Breivik declared insane

    Only 11 years for the murder of so many innocent people. Wonder how the family members of the one's killed would feel. Norway's legal system is so flawed.
  9. RezRoll

    Pregnant U.S. war photographer strip-searched by Israeli soldiers

    Well, the security situation in Israel is different from the rest of the world. Hence, these tough security measures. Though they didn't have to do this :
  10. RezRoll

    Breaking : Iranian students storm British Embassy

    Dai ko, you agree with students storming an embassy?
  11. RezRoll

    Breaking : Iranian students storm British Embassy

    Iranian government can well handle this situation with the Brits. There was no need for students to take law in their hands and make a bigger issue out of it.
  12. RezRoll

    Will English kill off India's languages?

    Already happening here. Try as much to deny it, but people with better spoken English are often perceived to be smarter. Preferably with a British/Australian/American accent for added "coolness". Yes, i know. It sounds ridiculous. Even in a job interview, a strong command of English is a...
  13. RezRoll

    Will English kill off India's languages?

    I doubt that figure. Sounds more reasonable if you told me that was the figure of people who spoke English as their first language. Anyway, I'm pretty sure English is the language spoken in the most amount of countries, be it as first or second language. I've tried learning Mandarin, but...
  14. RezRoll

    Will English kill off India's languages?

    Agreed, this has probably something to do with most East-Asian countries never being part of the British colony. Singapore though, has adapted English as it's official language. It's not about being brainwashed by western powers, it's more due to the fact we need a language that enables us to...
  15. RezRoll

    Will English kill off India's languages?

    Perhaps your situation is abit more complex, like what Roy said, it'll probably be bilingual. I can speak on behalf of Malaysia though, in about 50 years, only two languages will be spoken by Malaysians. Malay and English, and probably the mastery of Malay language will be low in priority...
  16. RezRoll

    Will English kill off India's languages?

    That's the reality of globalization. Other language might still exist, but everyone will know how to speak English one day. English is after all, the language of the internet and computers.
  17. RezRoll

    Syed Zaid Hamid With his Gun

    The closest I've ever been to a gun. Feels bad :undecided:
  18. RezRoll

    TV commercials ban to take effect

    The ads can be placed after a TV drama is finished, or in between two TV dramas. But not while the drama is going on.
  19. RezRoll

    Username Changes II

    For privacy purposes, please change my name to RezRoll Thanks in advance.
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