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  1. Ajatashatru

    Mistreatment of Indian Muslims

    So you post a video and start making judgements about minorities in India? Well, over the net you can find such videos from almost all countries in the world. What matters is hard data. Now we all know in which country minorities are declining and fleeing the country and the one in which they...
  2. Ajatashatru

    India's fear of Chicken Neck and annexation plan of Nepal and Bhutan

    He must have made a mistake. But I'm saying BD because he used the word 'freeing'. Go ask him if you think he meant sth else.
  3. Ajatashatru

    India's fear of Chicken Neck and annexation plan of Nepal and Bhutan

    Whatever. I still think that he was talking about BD.
  4. Ajatashatru

    India's fear of Chicken Neck and annexation plan of Nepal and Bhutan

    Its actually 147,570 sq km if he was talking about freeing BD from Pak.
  5. Ajatashatru

    India's fear of Chicken Neck and annexation plan of Nepal and Bhutan

    Yeah right and we do not keep any forces or vigil in the Silliguri corridor so that China and BD can attack and annex it.
  6. Ajatashatru

    Why is the southern part of South Asia more developed than the northern part of South Asia

    Indian govt works on caste system? Where did you get that crap? Caste system is outlawed in India. It is only used as the basis for affirmative action for backward classes. The last time caste system was used in govt was during the British colonial regime, which promoted caste based divisions in...
  7. Ajatashatru

    First Asteroid-Like Object Discovered With Rings

    That must be the case. Its orbit might be intersecting the orbits of Saturn and Uranus. But that would also mean that it can collide with Saturn or Uranus in the future if it gets too close to them.
  8. Ajatashatru

    Christian couple sentenced to death for blasphemy in Pakistan

    My point is, taali ek se nahi bajti. Don't blame communal violence on one side. Its a two way game. And everyone knows the history about how Hindu-Muslim violence started in India.
  9. Ajatashatru

    Why is the southern part of South Asia more developed than the northern part of South Asia

    Come to South India and see for yourself. South India is more developed than north in terms of human development. In fact if human development in north was similar to south, India would have been similar to Sri Lanka in terms of human development.
  10. Ajatashatru

    Christian couple sentenced to death for blasphemy in Pakistan

    I knew that it will happen. Pakistanis will always bring in India even when we are discussing an internal matter of Pak. After all, Pak can only be defined with respect to India. BTW, both Hindus and Muslims have killed each other in the subcontinent for centuries for the offences of a few...
  11. Ajatashatru

    I am a Hindu in Pakistan, but a Pakistani in India,

    I am sure about my information. I am only writing facts that I've learnt from news reports that I keep reading from time to time. There might be some fraud by some people but in no way can you say that a majority of Indians are engaged in such activities unless you have proof from a reliable...
  12. Ajatashatru

    World Domination of American Culture shown in Maps, How America robs the World with useless stuff

    If indigenous culture should be respected then stop sending Han Chinese into Xinjiang and Tibet, suppressing there culture, religion and people and stop destroying monasteries. Recognize the independence of Taiwan. And BTW, neither is India bound by English language nor is 'secularism' a British...
  13. Ajatashatru

    I am a Hindu in Pakistan, but a Pakistani in India,

    The Indian govt has long stayed silent about the plight of Pak Hindus. It is time that we must put diplomatic pressure on Pak to give Hindus there rights & security and also bring the issue to international organizations. India is the only major Hindu majority country in the world. If we don't...
  14. Ajatashatru

    New Zealand tops social progress index, India at 102nd position

    If that is so, then why don't you take up the job of patrolling the India-BD border and telling all poor, uneducated East Bengalis that approach it that India has mass starvation and that they should not go there. Really, it would be a lot of help to India. I personally do not blame immigrants...
  15. Ajatashatru

    Tagore, The Islamophobe....

    I don't know if the above lines belong to Gurudev Tagore but everything written there is true, especially about Islam and Hinduism. Christianity in India has changed much since Gurudev's days (especially since colonial European missionaries are gone) but Hindus and Muslims have stayed just like...
  16. Ajatashatru

    Kashmir is not India’s internal matter: Pakistan

    Then why does Pak send terrorists into J&K, if they want to resolve it through dialogue? Hypocrites...
  17. Ajatashatru

    People of West Bengal - please rise up and take on the Indian state

    Really, so are you now a behavioral psycologist? I didn't saw any anger on his face despite my best efforts. If East Bengalis want any merger (which I know that they don't), they can join India.
  18. Ajatashatru

    Friends .Who is the Kalash people?

    Hinduism itself derives from proto Indo-European religion through Vedic Hinduism through Indo-Iranian religion. It may have been that "Kalaṣa-ism" originally represented a cult of the Hindu god Indra, centering on sâma with its famous orchard reputedly planted by Indra himself, in contrast to a...
  19. Ajatashatru

    Pakistani Hindus demand religious freedom

    You simply cannot keep India aside even when an internal matter of Pak is being discussed, can you? Muslims of India are much better off than Hindus of Pak. This is evident from demographic data. Pak's Hindu population is constantly decreasing as a percent of total because many Hindus are...
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