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  1. Ajatashatru

    Four illegal Bangladeshi immigrants caught in Modi's Gujarat

    Those who have evidence of BD nationality can be deported. We need to build pressure on Bangladesh to take even those who are without proper documents. This can be done by making it clear that contentious issues like water sharing and enclaves will not be discussed if India's concerns are not...
  2. Ajatashatru

    Four illegal Bangladeshi immigrants caught in Modi's Gujarat

    We need to send them back. BD border is porous. Its very difficult to stop infiltration. Infiltration can only be stopped if BDis know that they will be arrested and sent back if caught. Giving them work permits will only encourage more migrants. So its essential that they be deported because...
  3. Ajatashatru

    Hindutva outfit launches campaign to ban Fajr Adhan in India

    The guys in the article are opposed to the use of loudspeakers before 6am which is against the rules of sc. Personally I'll prefer mosques and temples not play loudspeakers even during day time if they have any civic sense but I respect sc ruling.
  4. Ajatashatru

    Hindutva outfit launches campaign to ban Fajr Adhan in India

    People who like chaos and noise pollution may not have any problem but people who love peace and order in their cities have always opposed such misuse of loudspeakers. I guess you count among the former.
  5. Ajatashatru

    Hindutva outfit launches campaign to ban Fajr Adhan in India

    You can always go inside the mosque to listen to it. No need to play it on the loudspeaker. If mosques and temples intend to invite people for prayers, they can ring bells or call on the loudspeaker a few times so that people can know and join the prayer if they want to. But after that it...
  6. Ajatashatru

    Hindutva outfit launches campaign to ban Fajr Adhan in India

    All mosques and and temples should stop playing their prayers on loudspeakers. Its just so irritating and disturbing. Prayers are supposed to be peaceful. If anyone wants to listen to prayers, he can easily enter the mosque or temple to join the prayer. Why force anyone to listen if they...
  7. Ajatashatru

    RSS leader says Kashmir isn't Omar Abdullah's 'parental estate'

    India needs to deal with Kashmir valley in the same manner that China deals with Xinjiang. China always knew what threat Islamic extremism poses. So it settled Xinjiang with Hans and reduced the Uighurs to a minority. India needs to repeal article 370 and allow people from the rest of India to...
  8. Ajatashatru

    Roots across the Border

    I was talking about what it was known as in the past. I know its in Pak. Otherwise I wouldn't have mentioned it on this thread "roots across the border".
  9. Ajatashatru

    Roots across the Border

    Well of course, there is a reason why Swat Valley was known as the Switzerland of India. I will definitely visit it.
  10. Ajatashatru

    Roots across the Border

    Its still worth a visit. Swat valley is very beautiful. And the fact that it may be the place where my my clan originated is enough for me to visit it. In fact I want to see all of Pakistan, especially historical monuments. As for connections, well connections need to be made. Thats what the...
  11. Ajatashatru

    Roots across the Border

    Why is that?
  12. Ajatashatru

    Roots across the Border

    While my ancestors have lived within the boundaries of modern Republic of India since many generations but according to one theory put forward by historians, my clan originated on the banks of the Swat river. Even my surname is believed to be based on ancient Sanskrit name of Swat river. I...
  13. Ajatashatru

    My reasons why SCS islands belong to China

    Historical Fiction: China’s South China Sea Claims | World Affairs Journal
  14. Ajatashatru

    Modi Effect : Pakistan govt holding internal parleys to formulate India policy

    Well, its your media. I am a regular reader of foreign news sites including that from Pak. Pak coverage of present elections is very different from previous ones. This time all Pak media talks about is Modi. Even small and insignificant statements from Modi have become headlines in Pak news...
  15. Ajatashatru

    New Railway engines from China stopped working after 1 month. PMLN EXPERICE AT ITS BEST

    Ek bar karo to galti hoti hai...lekin bar bar karo to usey kya kahenge? When you already had problems with their locos in the past, why did you purchase from them again? The Chinese got your money and they are not gonna give it back. So who loses here...Pakistani people!
  16. Ajatashatru

    The rise of Hindutva.. only 20 muslims in Parliament of Modi..

    This article clearly shows that in states ruled by BJP, Muslims voted for them because they saw the development done by them. But in other states, they fell to the propaganda of congress that BJP is anti-Muslim. In BJP ruled states Muslims have clearly shown that they do not believe in such...
  17. Ajatashatru

    5,000 Hindus migrating to India every year, NA told

    Don't make assumptions. I am talking about the average folks.
  18. Ajatashatru

    5,000 Hindus migrating to India every year, NA told

    Yes, ignore the issue and do victim blaming. Will work wonders for peace loving and civilized society of Pakistan. Nope. East Bengalis get thrown by to BD every now and then and live under constant fear of deportation. But Pak Hindus do not. The fact is East Bengalis did not flee any religious...
  19. Ajatashatru

    5,000 Hindus migrating to India every year, NA told

    Babri started with the religious terrorism of Babur. Going by your logic, Turko-Mongols are responsible for every religious conflict in Indian subcontinent. Really such a stupid logic you are giving. So you learn only bad things from others? If you like to learn from us, why don't you learn...
  20. Ajatashatru

    Should we make a Petition to change the Devanagari script of Bangla!?

    Bengali language and its root languages have been written in Brahmi derived scripts since time immemorial. Persian script only came with Muslim invaders. So those who are saying that Bengali was "originally" written in Persian/Arabic script need to read some history. And if the intention is to...
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