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  1. Ajatashatru

    Anurudhati Roy About Modi

    Reincarnation is just one of many concepts in Dharmic faiths but dharma doesn't mean reincarnation. And some Chinese or native American faiths having concepts of reincarnation neither makes them dharmic nor does it mean dharma is Chinese or American in origin. And I'm well aware that...
  2. Ajatashatru

    Anurudhati Roy About Modi

    And Pakistan was born in India. :yay:
  3. Ajatashatru

    Anurudhati Roy About Modi

    Dharma is an Indian philosophy. Dharma doesn't mean reincarnation. You need to know more about dharma. And 'Dharmic Faiths' is a classification used by sociologists and historians to refer to Hinduism/Buddhism/Jainism/Sikhism. You talk about research. Any sane researcher will laugh at the...
  4. Ajatashatru

    Anurudhati Roy About Modi

    Point out any delusion or else don't talk about things you don't understand.
  5. Ajatashatru

    Chile backs India, Brazil's UNSC bid

    Not only the US, the entire world does not want any more Islamic countries having nukes. Islamic world has the world's most superstitious, fundamentalist and extremist societies. We can't have nukes in the hands of crazies! दीवाने क&#2375...
  6. Ajatashatru

    Chile backs India, Brazil's UNSC bid

    Contain Pak????:omghaha: USA doesn't need anyone to contain Pak because firstly, Pak is no threat to US and secondly, Pak is being more than enough contained by TEHREEK-E-TALIBAN-E-PAKISTAN.
  7. Ajatashatru

    Chile backs India, Brazil's UNSC bid

    And how? Any examples or evidence?
  8. Ajatashatru

    Chile backs India, Brazil's UNSC bid

    So according to you, India is a "vassal state" of which power?
  9. Ajatashatru

    India's greatest gifts to China : Kung Fu and Zen Buddhism

    Indian mathematics also developed independently. Indians and Europeans came to know about each other's maths because of historic contact b/w them and through transmissions by Arabs.
  10. Ajatashatru

    Chile backs India, Brazil's UNSC bid

    I too believe that this veto system is wrong. Security Council is an organisation whose aim is to establish peace in the world, not an organisation made to further the policies of a handful of countries. Its structure should be that resolutions should be passed through the democratic votes of...
  11. Ajatashatru

    India's greatest gifts to China : Kung Fu and Zen Buddhism

    Nepal has always been part of Indian civilization. Civilization is how both India and China are referred to as ancient countries. Many rulers dynasties of Nepal have origins from other parts of India. In ancient times, only the region around Kathmandu was called Nepal which did came under the...
  12. Ajatashatru

    Anurudhati Roy About Modi

    Do you even understand the meaning of word 'origin'. Hinduism was founded on Indian soil by Indian sages. Buddha, an Indian founded Buddhism in India, Jainism was founded in India by Indians. Guru Nanak was Indian. Then, how the heck are you saying dharmic faiths have anything to do with China...
  13. Ajatashatru

    Anurudhati Roy About Modi

    This happens because religions and faiths influence each other. That does not make Dharmic faiths Indo-Chinese. They originated in India and then went on to influence all those you mentioned. I read about a survey a few years ago that was conducted in major western countries which said that a...
  14. Ajatashatru

    Anurudhati Roy About Modi

    Yeah, and that's why historians all over the world call India the oldest continuous civilisation on earth. Really love to see Pakistanis suffering from such inferiority complex and identity crisis.:yay:
  15. Ajatashatru

    Anurudhati Roy About Modi

    Firstly, there's only one Buddha who was born in Lumbini in the ancient "Indian" kingdom of Kapilvastu. When we say India is very old, we mean India as a civilization is very old not necessarily a political union. Nepal was a part of Indian civilisation. Modern political boundaries of 1947 did...
  16. Ajatashatru

    Anurudhati Roy About Modi

    Roy claims the riots took place 'under his watch' but does she has any evidence to proof that NaMo deliberately let the riots happen? If she has, why doesn't she present that evidence in a court of law? Why does she has to repeat 'suni sunayi baatein' without any factual basis? NaMo has not been...
  17. Ajatashatru

    The Atlantic: Refugees Eke Out a Hard Life in India

    Giving citizenships will only encourage more refugees. We have to keep high security on borders to discourage illegal immigration. But those who have already here should be given some legal identifications, treated with respect and given access to employment and education. And they must be...
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