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  1. Ajatashatru

    Open Debate | Do Bangladeshis regard India as a 'savior' ?

    India invaded East Pakistan after Pakistan bombed 11 Indian air bases in a ridiculous raid. So it was Pakistan which invaded India first against all international laws, however ridiculous and ineffective that raid may have been.
  2. Ajatashatru

    The Real Reason of Germany's defeat in the Second World War

    The Great Patriotic War.:bounce: Stupid Nazis were thinking Slavs were inferior and subhuman and incapable of ruling themselves. See what the subhumans did. Poor:sniper:Nazis!
  3. Ajatashatru

    Welfare Recipients by Race and Region and immigrant groups in the US

    Roma have left India centuries ago but Europeans still do not accept them as part of Europe. They did not emigrate from modern Republic of India. And if they are living in segregation today, that's because of hundreds of years of widespread discrimination. For the Pakistanis who liked this post...
  4. Ajatashatru

    Pakistan second worst in gender equality : Global Gender Gap Report 2013

    Global Gender Gap Report 2013: Pakistan second worst in gender equality By Neha Ansari / Creative: Essa Malik Published: October 26, 2013 Share this articlePrint this pageEmail Pakistan ranked 64 out of 136 countries when it came to political empowerment of women. DESIGN: ESSA MALIK KARACHI...
  5. Ajatashatru

    Indian girl raped by three and set on fire before dying

    See for yourself which are the failed states. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_Failed_States_Index
  6. Ajatashatru

    While Indians look up to China, the Chinese look down on India

    Our first PM Pandit Nehru believed that Indians and Chinese are brothers and that they should form an Asian axis to counter the traditional powers of the west. Chinese replied to him by invading our borders in 1962. Now if any fellow Indian thinks (which I know that some do) that India and China...
  7. Ajatashatru

    Indian Muslims pose as Hindus to get jobs

    You should worry about anti-communism and pro-democracy movements in China and leave our problems with us. This problem with Muslims is global because of people who spread terror in the name of Islam. Even in western countries, many Muslims pose as non-Muslims. I know many stories of...
  8. Ajatashatru

    World Health Organisation Covers Up Iraq War Crimes

    Even if it is true, it'll be no surprise. The only country which has ever used a nuke on an opponent lectures the world about nuclear issues but still maintains the second highest nuclear arsenal in the world in a constant state of readiness to use them anytime it wishes.
  9. Ajatashatru

    Eye Opener | An Indian-American Visits Pakistan.

    Yeah there are some differences too, no doubt. 1. No one in India gets raped for being a religious minority and there are no forced conversions of religious minorities. 2. As you said, religion is a BIG difference, India being secular and Pak being Islamic. 3. India is million times more stable...
  10. Ajatashatru

    PLA would lose 40% of its fleet to sink a US carrier

    And how many aircraft carriers did the US use in that war, you idiot, nonsensical Chinese brat?
  11. Ajatashatru

    'Go Home' vans could be introduced across Britain, says immigration ministe

    Probably stupid but not offensive. Every country has a right to remove illegal immigrants from their land.
  12. Ajatashatru

    Will Russia ever have its own aircraft carrier?

    If employed properly, a carrier strike group is a lethal force. A carrier air wing is a mini air force in itself. This is especially true for supercarriers. Carriers are not floating targets. They have defensive capabilities themselves and a carrier strike group has a range of heavily armed...
  13. Ajatashatru

    PLA would lose 40% of its fleet to sink a US carrier

    In an actual war, China will have to fight all the NATO countries plus Japan and South Korea, not only the US. And China can count only on North Korea. They can't even be sure about any overt military support from Russia.
  14. Ajatashatru

    The Greatest Leader of all Time!

    Ashoka the Great, Mahatma Gandhi, Pandit Nehru, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr. etc
  15. Ajatashatru

    Indian allegations are 'nonconstructive and provocitive' | Gen Kayani

    The history of Pakistani intrusions (do 1947, Gibraltar and Kargil ring a bell?) and their going into denial mode afterwards clearly shows that they are pathological liars.
  16. Ajatashatru

    The Greatest Leader of all Time!

    Ashoka the Great, Mahatma Gandhi, Pandit Nehru, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr. etc
  17. Ajatashatru

    Will Russia ever have its own aircraft carrier?

    If employed properly, aircraft carriers are lethal machines. The air fleet of a carrier is a mini air-force in itself. This is especially true for super-carriers. Carriers are not floating targets. They have some defensive systems themselves and the carrier battle group contains many other...
  18. Ajatashatru

    The Greatest Leader of all Time!

    Ashoka the Great, Mahatma Gandhi, Pandit Nehru, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr. etc
  19. Ajatashatru

    Will Russia ever have its own aircraft carrier?

    If employed properly, aircraft carriers are lethal machines. The air fleet of a carrier is a mini air-force in itself. This is especially true for super-carriers. Carriers are not floating targets. They have some defensive systems themselves and the carrier battle group contains many other...
  20. Ajatashatru


    You laugh at the plight of the people of your country like that! You guys can't be humans.
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