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  1. Nike

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Next shopping list in hands, can be varied from time to time it all depending on political situation and the next administrator, but according from some local forum the big items on the list are 1. 2 Unit of second hand Kilo Class submarine 2. 1 Squadron of Su-35 3. Around 4 to 6 Second hand...
  2. Nike

    We're China's Czechoslovakia, says Philippines

    Why he doesn't reform the political situation in Philippine first, and then going to modernize his armed forces and put more resources to build up again from scratch their already very antiquated and obsolete armed forces
  3. Nike

    Hong Kong imposes sanctions on Philippines over 2010 hostage deaths

    Sorry, Indonesian government will not allow more maids to be sent abroad for a few years ahead, the improving economic situation in Indonesia led a huge demand for local maid workers. Only skilled worker will be allowed to get their permits for working abroad.
  4. Nike

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Indonesia Ministry of Defence Looking For A400M and Eurofighter Typhoon In order to increase defense cooperation between Indonesia and Spain , particularly in the defense sector , the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Indonesia, Purnomo Yusgiantoro visit to Spain , on 5 and 6 February 2014...
  5. Nike

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    I just mention the examples, i think those two countries (India and China) had an established and matured armory and arsenal for their own use. What i am wanna to say is, if you want to marketing your home made assault rifles, 5,56 cal had a better chance than any battle rifle caliber to go...
  6. Nike

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Indonesia-Netherland Strengthen Defense Cooperationship Today 18:42 The armed forces of the Netherlands and Indonesia to strengthen their cooperation . Minister Jeanine Hennis - Plasschaert and its Indonesian counterpart Purnomo Yusgiantoro signed before today in The Hague a statement...
  7. Nike

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    No, 5,56 had a better a chance at export market than the battle rifle caliber like 7,62, even the India and China has using the same 5,56 caliber for their main assault rifle for their regular armies
  8. Nike

    Indonesia Economy Forum

    You can see in this link Indonesia | Economic Forecasts | 2013-2015 Outlook As long as dollar from overseas coming to Indonesia, we can keep the economics growth in absolute terms. So it will be doesn't matter if Rupiah got depreciate for a while against US Dollar.
  9. Nike

    "Chinese" demand apology as Indonesian communist-purge film gets Oscar nod !

    So maybe you can started WW III, because overseas Chinese has a long history to be persecuted around the world by so many recognized government around the world.
  10. Nike

    Indonesia Economy Forum

    nope, still our economic grows and doesn't contracted at all because of that depreciated value of Rupiah, thanks to massive investment in infrastructure and manufacturing sector from our local investor and aboard last year.
  11. Nike

    "Chinese" demand apology as Indonesian communist-purge film gets Oscar nod !

    Why, we Indonesian need to be forgiven by China? It is our history and we are redeeming what we have done for ourselves, for our people and yeah we are very sorry for all of our native Chinese-Indonesian so we had promised them a better Indonesia for them and for their grandchildren in future...
  12. Nike

    Indonesia Economy Forum

    around 950 billion US dollar per Desember, i read it in some local newspaper
  13. Nike

    IHS Janes | Pakistan & Saudi Arabia in talks over JF-17, Al-Khalid sales.

    out of topic, but made me wonder are Al-Khalid can using 120 mm smooth bore cannon like Rheinmetal L-44 as their main gun? just asking, because if you can installed it, and made it worked perfectly you can expand your base target market tremendously.
  14. Nike

    Religious Discord clouds Malaysia Truly Asia

    Abu Bakar has spent most of his life in Malaysia, truly Malaysia can made somebody mind rotting like a corpse This is very true, Malaysia will be Balkanized before they know it, and Indonesia will pick the cherry fruit from the bushfire Almost all of mastermind terrorism activity in ASEAN can...
  15. Nike

    Religious Discord clouds Malaysia Truly Asia

    The mastermind of Bali Bombing is Noordin M Top and Dr. Azahari, very Malays name. Yes indeed, the mastermind of Bali Bombing and even Australian Embassy is Malaysian. So shut up your yap fucking disgrace Malays. BTW, how the Malays doing right now in economic and politics? doing good like a...
  16. Nike

    Indonesia Economy Forum

    doesn't know it, i am not using smart phone until now :P
  17. Nike

    China risking Asean unease with patrol off Malaysia

    Malays never dare to challenge an entity who is much more powerful than her, let alone to barking instead they will cowering in their comfort hotel/apartment rooms in Putrajaya.
  18. Nike

    Religious Discord clouds Malaysia Truly Asia

    Helloooo, can you tell me why you naming Indonesia in the same base as those no brainer Malays? It is you guys the Indian who very oppressive against low level caste and Moslem with so many racial and religions riot in India big cities
  19. Nike

    Religious Discord clouds Malaysia Truly Asia

    you guys, it is not too late to join with Indonesia we will always welcoming you with open arms together we will stand against Malaysian evil discrimination against minorities
  20. Nike

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Indonesian made UAV LSU 03
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