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  1. Taygibay

    Acts of Terrorism in Pakistan

    I am a bit confused here, Muse. I suppose my lack of knowledge on the specifics of Pakistan's situation is to blame but how could a bombing in a public place be acceptable, especially since explosions rarely differentiate between sectarian appurtenance in victims? I think I missed your point...
  2. Taygibay

    Acts of Terrorism in Pakistan

    R.I.P. This has to stop.
  3. Taygibay

    Acts of Terrorism in Pakistan

    Just saw this on Al-Jazeera : Dozens killed in Pakistan army post attack - Central & South Asia - Al Jazeera English A whole outpost bombed 13 soldiers and 10 civilians, RIP
  4. Taygibay

    Air Force Question Thread

    Peace process with India? Isn't that like the water in a river, a never ending flow? And now it's going to be J-17 against Rafale which is not correct. I hope the Indians are fair play and use Tejas on that border. Maybe M2Ks and keep the MKI and Raffys for China :D All kidding aside, your...
  5. Taygibay

    Air Force Question Thread

    "... I am suggesting we distance ourselves from a security relationship with the US..." Silly me, I had entirely disregarded that aspect of things. I'm so sorry, from that perspective, you are quite right. The rest of the post was then not necessary but I am glad to have read it nonetheless...
  6. Taygibay

    Air Force Question Thread

    @muse You end with this : I detect a clear animosity at the US in there, i.e. "you can always be sure that it is hostile". and what follows. Let me ignore that as unrelated to PAF in particular and say this : What you describe would happen with all vendors; it is the type of control or...
  7. Taygibay

    French Rafale strikes over Mali

    Hello all, although I suppose most of you heard about it, I just wanted to signal the presence of the French SF in Kidal. Mali is now back in control as far as cities go. The huge desert up North and mountains of the Ifogah where the Tuaregs live will be left for later. The French got to Kidal...
  8. Taygibay

    French Rafale strikes over Mali

    ^^^ I'm not sure that I properly understood some of the intent nor all of the meaning of your above post, sorry. As for my "learning soon", let me cover the geo-politics of the Islam / Western Civ half-unassumed clash on my blog today so as not to hinder the works of pros here then? You could...
  9. Taygibay

    French Rafale strikes over Mali

    I don't agree, mate, sorry to say! I served my country and lost friends, the last of which in A-stan ( three nations ) whom I know have/would have done what the poster depict. So you're entitled to your opinion but my experience of reality contradicts it. And yes, Afghanistan resisted almost...
  10. Taygibay

    French Rafale strikes over Mali

    Hey punit, nice to hear from you. It is interesting to a foreigner to see Indians in Pakistani fora even at times of tension and fighting as is the case presently. Good grace enough around here that it does not degenerate? Impressive! Or maybe both nations have the experience that fighting...
  11. Taygibay

    French Rafale strikes over Mali

    You're right on the whole, my friend but let me venture that there are ways to distinguish between terrorists and good guys, wheteher it be in A-Stan, Pakistan, France or the USA : In Mali, the population is happy to get help! But yes, it should not turn into a lengthy advert for fighters...
  12. Taygibay

    Pew poll finds Romney edges ahead of Obama after debate

    Hey all! It has been a long time since I last came around. Still, I wrote a post today on my blog that might be of interest. Either Definitive Lapse of Reason or : USA Last Presidential Debate on Foreign Policy : Is it necessary? « Definitive Lapse of Reason The second link in that post from...
  13. Taygibay

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    ^^^^^^^^^^ Yeah well, I'll wait by a coffee with crazzze on that one :azn:
  14. Taygibay

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    Sorry to be so insistant, rissriva but RAFALE :hitwall: :wave:
  15. Taygibay

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 4]

    Agreed with Mastakhan and Raftar too. If the MMRCA had been completed in time, for instance, the political game might have allowed for JF-17 upgrade by France. But it ties in nicely with S-A-B-E-R's point too in that the expertise is built on parts and systems first. So that Pakistan has...
  16. Taygibay

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    Sancho is right, Trucker. The UAE are a very demanding customer. Both their present fleet of F-18 and M2000 have been tailored to suit them. They have made requirements for specific equipments, ranging from new weapons to new engines. So that they include in their contract the...
  17. Taygibay

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 4]

    Generally agreed with PWFI save reservations on the post scriptum. If India had finished the (M)MRCA or the Rafale been cut out, who knows but the Chinese part would still be there. The J-17 should move from China to Pakistan for production entirely. Then, maybe ... Good day all, Tay.
  18. Taygibay

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    I suppose that you are referring to the Indian industry, Luckyyy? Your post was not clear on that :what: Because if you meant that France is not ready to produce or sell or export helicopter turbines, you should not be posting in military forums at all :rofl: If the former interpretation...
  19. Taygibay

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    @ Sancho ^^^^^^^^^ Entirely agreed with your sale/re-sale analysis. Those UAE M2Kdashnine are swing roles ACs :azn: Without a market they are a thorn in the UAE deal. With the possibility of going to Libya, they form an advantage as they would allow the country's Airmen to get back on...
  20. Taygibay

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    ^^^^^^^^^ :wave: Take heart westtowel! Even though a Rafale proponent myself, I can assure you that the Typhoon is a very good fighter in its own right. AND, it is present over Libya! What favors the Rafale in that campaign is of time's nature. The EF is in service with countries that are...
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