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  1. Taygibay

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    I must be too obtuse, Dash mate, for I do not comprehend the meaning of your advice? 1 link to contract content + 1 to implied material with specs seemed logical enough? Don't hesitate to complete your suggestion here or maybe by way of PM, Tay.
  2. Taygibay

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    M 2000 H upgrade to full dash 5 includes JTIDS India’s Fighter Upgrades: Mirage 2000s Finally Get a Deal Joint Tactical Information Distribution System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Which is fully Link 16 compatible. It can be delivered with or without L-16 and/or upgraded later. Good day...
  3. Taygibay

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    OK, Sancho, that reply was filled enough with bad faith for me to catch your drift. You quote a Google translation ( while I speak French ) the title of which you conveniently avoided as it says that "Since the export deal has not been signed the govt will have to fund the building of those...
  4. Taygibay

    Air Force Question Thread

    Hello back Drebin! I fully understand about any delays as I have an "analog" life too ( and sort of pity the poor devils that don't )! In fact, I was feeling sorry myself for not having answered you quicker and even mentioned you on my blog in yesterday's Post, LOL shaming myself for my...
  5. Taygibay

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    Sadly, there are more ( clarifications ) needed! Sancho mate, I have recognized in the past that you are one of the most knowledgeable posters on the Rafale and I maintain it. This said, your sources are most often too general (not insider cues ). The Rafale planes at STANDARD F3-R will be...
  6. Taygibay

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    @sancho, you got the time table for Meteor integration mixed with the French procurement mate! The integration has started already at DGA. Rafale tests Meteor air-to-air missiles - Brahmand.com The 2018 date is for the first missiles bought to be delivered! Hence there is no problem for the use...
  7. Taygibay

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    No one can talk about equipment for the Indian Rafales for now, DacterSaab! We may venture guesses but that's pretty much it. Consider that the deal is under negotiation so that any revealing information could jeopardize the results? What we have heard so far that makes sense is that the Kh-31PM...
  8. Taygibay


    As both French and a fan of Dassault planes, it is a real treat to see how incredibly well kept the PAF's Mirage III-5 are after so long. Most immense thanks and respect to those who serve and service them! Good day all, Tay.
  9. Taygibay

    Air Force Question Thread

    No problem with the long post Drebin my friend, better long &clear than short and imprecise. First on the "light" thing. Most numbers for the Thunder are around 80% of the equivalent ones for the Falcon of the blocks owned by Pakistan! The avionics are not superior either? Its only valid...
  10. Taygibay

    MMRCA Tamasha was Political: Ex IAF Official

    How interesting! The above Poster answers my remarks to someone else acknowledging the substance to be aimed at himself : "You were condescending long before you pretended that I earned it :lol: ... let us not pretend otherwise." That sounds suspiciously like dual/double log-ins? If that is...
  11. Taygibay

    Air Force Question Thread

    Of course the Thunder can fire missiles! Don't trust any poster on the Internet, Zohaib! Even Wikipedia could have told you that. The question of being better than another Aircraft is more complex though. Until they either face each other or face the same type in exercises, it can't be known...
  12. Taygibay

    MMRCA Tamasha was Political: Ex IAF Official

    @Manvantaratruti I am sorry to answer you while you are suspended but then again, it was none of my doing and likely some of yours so ... You end your reply to my post thus : "Thank you for sharing your opinions on politicians and your condescending advice. Now get back to delivering on your...
  13. Taygibay

    France finalizing plan for new Rafale F3-R standard

    Too bad then as your option seems quite credible to me! ^^^^^ And Phased out did stand for that : was to be upgraded / which was not decided upon / which played in the decision to procure / etc; simple vicious circle there. But indeed there was an obsolescence of the components crucial to it...
  14. Taygibay

    MMRCA Tamasha was Political: Ex IAF Official

    Wholly agreed with Dash above! This bulls..t about undisclosed source and anonymous expert officials is useless, whatever the context, nation or subject. Besides, anyone in their right mind remembering the offer by Dassault to ship the whole production line for Mirage 2000 to India shows the...
  15. Taygibay

    France finalizing plan for new Rafale F3-R standard

    Sancho, my friend, your answer concerning the OSF is partly incorrect. The original IR way relied on technologies that were being phased out. As the new solutions were still in development but not ready, the money for them was divested to more pressing upgrades. Then 2 things happened : A-) the...
  16. Taygibay

    France finalizing plan for new Rafale F3-R standard

    That is not quite a news? Let me explain : The contract to Dassault for preliminary studies on the F3_R was awarded at the end of 2012. The DGA ( Mili armament engineering body ) confirmed that it was on the job by February 2013 : Rafale : la DGA lance le standard F3-R - Air&Cosmos The content...
  17. Taygibay

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    It seems both of the above posters don't dabble in reality all that much? Rafale was not rejected everywhere on account of cost. That is an oversimplification that hints to a lack of knowledge in military procurements. In many instances, it came out of evaluations first and was not picked (...
  18. Taygibay

    Dassault Woos India Sensing MMRCA Deal Conclusion

    Thank you for the precisions, Janon! Then I guess Dash's initial claim was correct if added to the 18 ACs from the standard deal/order. 25 would give 7 extra birds on a second squadron with the original 18 counted in which gives the leeway for testing and experimenting. Which also joins Sancho's...
  19. Taygibay

    Dassault Woos India Sensing MMRCA Deal Conclusion

    Wouldn't you say 40, Dash? If I am not mistaking, the IAF runs on a 34 AC Squadron format? So that 34 + 6 experimentation testing birds and this unit can carry formation of some newer pilots as the locally produced machines trickle in? It is what was done with the EC 01-007 Provence in France...
  20. Taygibay

    Is Dassault Raffale a Wrong choice by India?

    Small correction, he-man? Being French and a Rafale enthusiast does not make me a blind fanboy and neither should it for you! The OSF detects at roughly 100 km and identifies at half of that. It has since been abandoned and replaced by the IT version. This new iteration uses one common sensor...
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