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  1. jaunty

    Oslo imam seriously wounded in axe attack

    Is this a hate crime?
  2. jaunty

    These Men Heard A Girl ‘Being Raped’ In A Parked Car. How They Reacted Will Leave You Speechless

    Not specific to India. Remember the Sialkot brothers? and that was not an experiment.
  3. jaunty

    Did we evolve to be religious?

    The irony is that many religions don't believe in evolution. :lol:
  4. jaunty

    Did we evolve to be religious?

    You use the word "ratification" with uninhibited enthusiasm. Modi "ratifying" TNT, Sandy "ratifying" your logic etc. FYI it is a very formal word used to mean formal approval of treaties, agreements, policies etc. A Sandy on the internet does not ratify anything.
  5. jaunty

    Pakistan Taliban warn foreign firms to leave country amid offensive

    The news report is from AFP, don't display your ignorance.
  6. jaunty

    The man who broke Pakistan and created Bangladesh: Serazul Alam Khan

    PDF Bangladeshis won't give you that credit, don't worry. ;)
  7. jaunty

    The man who broke Pakistan and created Bangladesh: Serazul Alam Khan

    So how is Serajul Alam Khan viewed by common Bangladeshis? I don't have time to go through all the pages.
  8. jaunty

    MQM - Political Desk

    Meanwhile PTI are still thinking.
  9. jaunty

    Bangladesh is now very much part of FIFA world cup 2014

    And Honduras scored 0 goals. :lol:
  10. jaunty

    Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Updates, News & Discussions.

    So has Imran Khan supported this or is he still weighing his options?
  11. jaunty

    Do you support Operation Zarb-e-Azb

    What would that be and why? I am not criticizing it. I have said it in the past that this is the only way to defeat them. First of all, learn some manners. Secondly, you said the same thing as me.
  12. jaunty

    Do you support Operation Zarb-e-Azb

    Yes, killing everyone indiscriminately would solve the problem. Na rahega Baans na bajegi bansuri.
  13. jaunty

    Chak Bamu, new PDF Mod

    Congratulations @Chak Bamu I hope you would be a little more unbiased as a mod than you were at giving negative ratings.
  14. jaunty

    BIMARU Corner.

    Anyone interested in tennis here? I am really excited about the Roland Garros final between Nadal and Djokovic today. Ha ha I know, I was just kidding.
  15. jaunty

    BIMARU Corner.

    You are only 37 right? So you would be 78 by the time it gets completed. There is a good chance that you would be alive, don't worry. :P
  16. jaunty

    US found Zia ‘most patriotic liar’ on nukes, reveal declassified memos

    That was Om Puri not Amrish. Om Puri - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  17. jaunty

    BIMARU Corner.

    For anyone else I wouldn't even consider it, but he deserved it. And if he was an Indian he would be perm banned years ago. This guy is an elite member, has no negative rating and he is immune to even short term bans.
  18. jaunty

    BIMARU Corner.

    No. :confused: Translate hawa into English. :D
  19. jaunty

    BIMARU Corner.

    hawabaaz :D
  20. jaunty

    BIMARU Corner.

    He has a very poor reputation there as he should. But the way he behaves, it is his own fault. You should see his posts after a bomb blast or a military operation in Pakistan. The most common dialogue is -- "just spoke to ISPR on the phone". I am sure ISPR has better things to do than calling...
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