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  1. S

    China, India too rich for state handouts

    Well, if you don't think it has nothing to do with race. You are blind my friend. It's time for you to wake up to the reality that race matter and that the white Anglo-Saxon is in control today just like "Arthur James Balfour" has proposed it back in the 1800s with the creation of the what we...
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    Filipino officials ban Chinese diplomat amid spat

    ASDF F-15 and pilot missing in the East China Sea By ALEX MARTIN Staff writer An Air Self-Defense Force F-15 fighter from the Naha Air Base in Okinawa Prefecture apparently went down Tuesday morning in the East China Sea during a training flight and the pilot is listed as missing, Defense...
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    Chinese Muslim Capital, Urumuqi, City, people and life

    Amazing pictures. I never thought of Urumuqi like that.
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    Filipino officials ban Chinese diplomat amid spat

    Democracy with Chinese characteristic is the way to go China. Even Wen Jiabao said it himself. You can still be a democracy with a huge army.
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    Filipino officials ban Chinese diplomat amid spat

    I find it hard to believe the reality of Vietnamese anti-Chinese sentiments when they themselves have Chinese genes in their makeup.
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    Filipino officials ban Chinese diplomat amid spat

    Hope, you appreciate the tremendous wealth, this amazing empire have brought to you, my friend.
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    Filipino officials ban Chinese diplomat amid spat

    Well, that wasn't our ideas. Ask Balfour what was he thinking at that time!
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    Filipino officials ban Chinese diplomat amid spat

    I think there can be place for China in the New World Order. Since, after all we got half of our current ideologies from you. Remember Marco Polo first visit in China and how fascinated he was with your culture!
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    Filipino officials ban Chinese diplomat amid spat

    The oil fields is one of the most important reasons of the disputes in the first place. Which means, one cannot exclude US participation in that matter, the same for China. Because we all know of the shortage is coming and one cannot wait for 1000 yrs for more oil to flourish.
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    Tommorrow Conflicts, the real conflict.

    Attention please! that misconception of the Germans(Nazi) at that time may lead to misunderstandings.
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    Filipino officials ban Chinese diplomat amid spat

    You are right my friend! "Racism" has always be the name of the "game"
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    Filipino officials ban Chinese diplomat amid spat

    That whole South China Sea disputes looks like a high school drama to me in which the US is the school principal.:pop:
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    Tommorrow Conflicts, the real conflict.

    Gambit, we all know that the debt will never be paid, anyways.
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    Tommorrow Conflicts, the real conflict.

    I don't think there is that much difference between you and us. You just not showing it now. Remember Zheng He(鄭和). Tell me why there is that much numbers of Confucius Schools growing so fast worldwide.
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    Tommorrow Conflicts, the real conflict.

    "Racial superiority" interesting! Never heard it from them before. Where did you heard that?
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    Vietnam SU-30 locked by J-10, 10 times

    Does Vietnam and China have EMP bombs or other variants in their arsenal?
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    Tommorrow Conflicts, the real conflict.

    For the past 10 years, I've been observing some strange media trends especially in the western medias and how they're trying to demonizes China by turning their people perceptions against China. I'm beginning to wonder "Is the West trying to go to war with China after they have finished to used...
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    Chinese people must see: the six-minute film shocked China

    Wish you the best China! I know how hard it could be for someone to get itself be respected no matter how hard he or she worked it out. Especially, when you live in a world system which is dominate by a few powerful people. Your Government should put laws to reduce the number of foreign...
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