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  1. S

    San Francisco Police Shoot Teen Over $ $2.00 Bus Fare !!!! ( **** POLICE BR

    This is a slightly percentage of what I mentioned before which is obviously mostly related to the "conspiratorial imprisonment and psychological warfare" part of the current activities. It's much bigger than that.
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    San Francisco Police Shoot Teen Over $ $2.00 Bus Fare !!!! ( **** POLICE BR

    Doesn't surprise me at all. Because I already knew about the secret war been wage around the world against Blacks. Its not like all wars, this one is more sophisticated relying itself of psychological and biological warfare, conspiratorial imprisonment and guns, more covert and overt than any...
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    Little Uighur boy gets beaten up in China

    That also show what kind of enemy you will be dealing with in time of war, one that will be absolute pitiless, welcome to the Chinese world.
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    Hindu scripture order prompts row

    Mr. Kageri is totally right. India as an ancient culture with rich cultural heritages should protect itself against foreign subversions.
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    mass production type99A2

    The old type 89 tank, is it still in service?
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    mass production type99A2

    Another pic of A2.
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    Xinjiang erupts again, many killed

    Your last sentence reminded me of Chi Haotian.
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    Xinjiang erupts again, many killed

    It's very simple, neutralize or incapacitate the sources, cut their funding and expose them all.
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    Xinjiang erupts again, many killed

    You sure about that!
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    Xinjiang erupts again, many killed

    @gagaga Li Hongzhi follower
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    Xinjiang erupts again, many killed

    You misinterpreted my sentence.
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    Xinjiang erupts again, many killed

    Si il était tout bon comme tu l'a décrit, mais pourquoi cette constante manipulation mediatique face a la Chine?
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    Xinjiang erupts again, many killed

    Ca ne m'etonnerait pas dutout si ces traines des disciples d'Li Hongzhi étaient derriere cette manoeuvre.
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    Xinjiang erupts again, many killed

    Les separatistes sans vergogne se sont encore mis a la tempete, ces enfoirés.
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    Xinjiang erupts again, many killed

    Terroristes sans scrupule, les enfoirés. C'est une honte pour l'islam.
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    Petraeus’ next war: Pakistan

    We all know why the US military is Pakistan and Afghanistan, it's all part of the containment strategy, BTW, Afghanistan is now a carrier itself.
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    US resolution calls for freedom to navigate Strait.

    US resolution calls for freedom to navigate Strait By William Lowther / Staff Reporter in Washington A new resolution calling for continued operations by the US military to support freedom of navigation in the Taiwan Strait has been introduced in the US House of Representatives. It also...
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    U.S. national debt: dancing on the brink of a world crisis

    People better go to gold now, before it's to late.
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    George Friedman views on some current trends

    I don't know. All, I can tell u is, this guy is well know in the arena for his previous predictions which turns out to be true. His organisation calls "Stratfor" an intelligence company.
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    George Friedman views on some current trends

    -George Friedman- June 2011
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