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  1. Z

    South China Sea Forum

    1) We signed the UNCLOS so we don't claim waters. We have our 200-mile EEZ that extends from our baseline near our shore. 2) We have real history proofs from the authorities level (claiming, setting sovereignty, pitching flag, administrating..), not from fishermen level like china (not visiting...
  2. Z

    South China Sea Forum

    We drill inside our Exclusive Economic Zone. Go to dig inside your EEZ and there will be no problem. Why do you have to drill in other's EEZ when you already have yours?
  3. Z

    South China Sea Forum

    In fact China's claim is based on Nothing. Their so-called 'historical proofs' are some chinese fishermen came there and they named the islands. There is no action related to claiming sovereignty at the authorities level from them.
  4. Z

    South China Sea Forum

    Not that long, man. Just wait. What will come will come :woot: Invaders are invaders. They can stay, yes, but not for long. Things always go that way.
  5. Z

    South China Sea Forum

    No. Let's just make every statement correct. We are not chinese, and we don't tell lies. 1) Vietnamese people were not living their. We set the sovereignty, claimed the sovereignty,administrated it, pitched the flag, ... but we just garrisoned there, not lived. 2) Paracels are just islands...
  6. Z

    South China Sea Forum

    Russia just doesn't care. They just sell guns, and China buy a lot. Btw China is helping Russia in Ukraine, and Russia is very appreciate. So, never rely on people who sell you guns.
  7. Z

    South China Sea Forum

    It's absolutely indisputable area. Philippines people have the right to drill oil there by themselves. It's their own Exclusive Economic Zone. China has its own EEZ and must drill oil only in their areas, not others' areas.
  8. Z

    South China Sea Forum

    China is powerful, it's true, but it doesn't mean that China can reward itself the right to break international laws. If you dont obey the contract that you have signed for, will there be anyone who still believes you? Don't rely on Russia, man. They just sell guns.
  9. Z

    South China Sea Forum

    Wait and see, man. This is not over yet.
  10. Z

    South China Sea Forum

    You definitely know that your 'vassal state' thing has no effects in the International Court, don't you? It's just what you masturbate with. Yes, you didn't have the concept of sea sovereignty. And we had. That's why we had the legal sovereignty. Isn't it so simple?
  11. Z

    South China Sea Forum

    Firstly, let's the world know the true face of china. The country that can't do what it signed for. The country that doesn't know that when you sign something, you have to do that. The country that breaks international laws. The greedy invaders.
  12. Z

    South China Sea Forum

    Paracels are not legal your islands, since you invaded it in the modern age (1974). We, Vietnamese, were owning and administrating Paracel Islands from 18th Century, we pitched the flag in 1816, we have a lot of documents about setting our sovereignty and administrating those islands, a lot of...
  13. Z

    South China Sea Forum

    You are underestimating Vietnam. And that's really good for us. Thank you.
  14. Z

    South China Sea Forum

    Can that ship help you learn the international laws, or help you learn that you have to obey the contract that you created and signed for? If no, i don't care. This whole world knows that if you break a contract, you will break more!
  15. Z

    South China Sea Forum

    1) No one whoever signed this Convention can extend the EEZ from a disputed island! Are you an archipelago country? Definitely not. So the EEZ must extend from you BASELINE. If you can read a little bit, read this, not the 'Chinese verion' of this. Oh, is the UN website banned in China? If no...
  16. Z

    South China Sea Forum

    We don't want to do that. We want to be a friend of China. But with all the actions from the invasion in 1974 to today, I don't think China let us to be its friend, they force us to ask for support from US allies. So, my answer is, if we are forced to go to war, we will request supports from...
  17. Z

    South China Sea Forum

    1. According to what you have signed for (UNCLOS 1982), your territorial water extends 12 miles from the baseline of your shore. Your 200 nm EEZ even doesn't extend to that location. So, no overlapping with your legal. 2. Again. No overlapping with your legal right. 3. Ok. You did obey, like...
  18. Z

    South China Sea Forum

    Oh sh*t Sherlock the Nazi was reborn. :cheesy: And china is wondering how the heck they have so may problems with other countries :cheesy: Checked. 3 times. Word by word. No overlapping with your legal 12-mile territorial water and 200-mile extends from your BASELINE. So the answer is NO. You...
  19. Z

    South China Sea Forum

    Come on, someone taught China how to read the convention please! EEZ extends from the BASELINE of the shore, not from a disputed island! If you don't read a contract, why do you sign it? I'm really confused! Btw you have no legal right on Paracels. We, Vietnamese, were owning and administrating...
  20. Z

    South China Sea Forum

    I just wonder does any chinese man/woman have a clue about the UN Laws of Sea - what China has signed? Any knowledge about Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone, Exclusive Economic Zone, Continental Shelf? I thought they are educated somehow. Or their authorities just brainwashed them all?
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