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  1. j20blackdragon

    China's 294 megatons of thermonuclear deterrence

    Why would the annexation of Vietnam be atrocious? Once Vietnam becomes a Chinese province, China will build infrastructure, create jobs, and Vietnam would be better off economically than ever before. Vietnam is currently a third world country with a standard of living comparable to some African...
  2. j20blackdragon

    China's Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) capability

    The goal is not to 'win' a nuclear war. There are no winners in a MAD scenario. The goal of the Underground Great Wall is to create a second-strike capability that is almost untouchable. Let's take a quick look at the other options. 1. Silos are stationary targets -- easily destroyed by...
  3. j20blackdragon

    China's Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) capability

    It's also important to understand that the 3,000 mile figure isn't some kind of speculation by nutjobs. The state-run Chinese media has openly given out this information. Digging into China’s nuclear tunnels - Yahoo News
  4. j20blackdragon

    China's Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) capability

    For those of you who need an actual example of a Chinese underground plutonium production reactor that's hidden from satellites, do a Google search for Project 816. China literally hollowed out an entire mountain to build this. 816 Nuclear Military Plant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia...
  5. j20blackdragon

    China's Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) capability

    14 Ohio class SSBNs carry 336 Trident IIs. China can match this easily with 336 DF-41s. Give me one good reason why the 3,000 mile Underground Great Wall is incapable of hiding 336 missiles. China allegedly has 1,600+ missiles aimed at Taiwan, but suddenly the Underground Great Wall is empty...
  6. j20blackdragon

    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    Moreover, any hopes of the PAK FA doing well in the export market has been trashed by the J-31. We already know NATO and US allies will be going for the F-35. Everyone else with a brain will be buying J-31. The Indians are openly criticizing the PAK FA at this point, and with the rupee...
  7. j20blackdragon

    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    That's rich coming from a company that makes a 'stealth' aircraft with a lower fuselage that looks like this. No flat lower fuselage. Inlet/engine contraption hanging out. Engines completely unpainted and untreated with RAM. Edge alignment problems all over the place -- with the most...
  8. j20blackdragon

    China's Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) capability

    The 3,000 mile Underground Great Wall already guarantees MAD capability. Anyone that thinks China built 3,000 miles of tunnels to hide just a few hundred warheads is delusional. Look up the costs of much smaller tunneling projects like 'Big Dig' in Boston or the Channel Tunnel between UK and...
  9. j20blackdragon

    Chinese Navy (PLAN) News & Discussions

    This variant (Z-18FQ?) carries a large surface search radar under its nose and the FLIR/TV turret was relocated to the starboard side. The helicopter also has large pylons installed for carrying large AShMs (e.g. YJ-83K). Dozens of small openings are positioned along its rear loading ramp which...
  10. j20blackdragon

    Pentagon Concerned by China’s New High-Speed Missile

    I wonder if India can even build the truck that's carrying this shoddy looking ballistic missile, or did they have to import that too? To be fair, practically all ballistic missiles are supersonic/hypersonic. Even the WWII era V-2 rocket was supersonic. A standard ICBM is mach 20+. So the...
  11. j20blackdragon

    China Conducts First Test of New Ultra-High Speed Missile Vehicle

    Craney Island Fuel Terminal Same comments as above.:lol:
  12. j20blackdragon

    China Conducts First Test of New Ultra-High Speed Missile Vehicle

    Here's Naval Station Norfolk. How about sending an ICBM launched conventional hypersonic glide vehicle through each and every one of these ships? If you want to respond with nukes, we will respond in kind with the DF-41. Have a nice day.:lol:
  13. j20blackdragon

    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    Inside China: Stealth fighter revealed - Washington Times By Miles Yu Thursday, January 23, 2014 Chinese military forums on the Internet were abuzz recently over the posting of the first photo of China’s latest test flight of a prototype jet. The photo identified the aircraft as the...
  14. j20blackdragon

    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    According to rumors, new engines with F-35 style serrations may have been installed. The fact that we have seen '2011' from several different angles but do not have a single clear picture of the engine nozzles is suspicious in and of itself. Why 'striptease' something as trivial as AL-31?
  15. j20blackdragon

    China confirms to build 4 Aircraft Carriers

    China, the world's largest shipbuilding nation, has just announced that it is building its second carrier and has plans for at least four carriers. I wonder which part is more unsettling for India. The fact that China is building at least four carriers in peacetime, or the fact that China has...
  16. j20blackdragon

    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    The large number of changes would suggest that the initial rumors of '2011' no longer being a prototype are probably true. We are now looking at the pre-production or low rate initial production (LRIP) version of the J-20. In other words, the J-20 has undergone a YF-22 to F-22 transition.
  17. j20blackdragon

    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    Nose landing gear door has changed. Yellow EOTS visible under the nose.:yahoo:
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