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  1. j20blackdragon

    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    The gaps divert boundary layer air. DSI fixes that problem.
  2. j20blackdragon

    Report On Indian MMRCA IN CHINESE..

    But what's the point of talking about something as trivial as the canopy when the rest of the aircraft looks like this? :lol:
  3. j20blackdragon

    Report On Indian MMRCA IN CHINESE..

    A two-piece canopy creates an extra gap that wouldn't be there with a one-piece canopy. You could perhaps argue that the RCS difference is negligible. But that still wouldn't make the two-piece superior from a stealth perspective.
  4. j20blackdragon

    Report On Indian MMRCA IN CHINESE..

    This model turned out to be real. This model turned out to be real. This model...:lol:
  5. j20blackdragon

    China defence budget to double over 5 years

    Sliding economy? :lol: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ch.html
  6. j20blackdragon

    Report On Indian MMRCA IN CHINESE..

    I suppose both of these are copies of the Su-30. :lol:
  7. j20blackdragon

    Report On Indian MMRCA IN CHINESE..

    I want everyone to take a good hard look at the PAK FA's lower fuselage. Is there a problem? Is it against the rules to post pictures of airplanes? :lol:
  8. j20blackdragon

    Report On Indian MMRCA IN CHINESE..

    A real stealth aircraft. NOT a real stealth aircraft. :lol:
  9. j20blackdragon

    Report On Indian MMRCA IN CHINESE..

    China has the world's largest current account balance in the world. India is in the negative. Check it out for yourself. :lol: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/rankorder/2187rank.html
  10. j20blackdragon

    Report On Indian MMRCA IN CHINESE..

    I just wanted you to know that the H-6K can nuke India from over 1,000 miles away. :lol:
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