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  1. j20blackdragon

    US expert says China close to producing fighter engines

    Relax. The world's largest rhenium producer is Chile, producing slightly over half of world production. Central Asian countries like Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan also have a lot. These guys are not going to say no to $4 trillion in forex reserves. The important thing is that China is finally...
  2. j20blackdragon

    US expert says China close to producing fighter engines

    US expert says China close to producing fighter engines Staff Reporter 2014-06-15 16:06 (GMT+8) China is close to volume production of aero-engines that will be used in advanced combat aircraft, according to Bradley Perrett, Asia-Pacific bureau chief of the Washington-based Aviation Week &...
  3. j20blackdragon

    DF-41 now confirmed by the Pentagon

    The annual report is out.:enjoy: http://www.defense.gov/pubs/2014_DoD_China_Report.pdf
  4. j20blackdragon

    South China Sea Forum

    Virtually all of the European countries industrialized before China did. This is old news. The year is now 2014. I'm waiting for you to list out Vietnam's technological advantages over China...I'm waiting...
  5. j20blackdragon

    South China Sea Forum

    All the 'small' countries you mentioned had a massive technological advantage for the given time period. Britain and Japan were industrialized countries. The Manchus and Mongols had a unique advantage in terms of cavalry -- i.e. horses. What advantage does Vietnam have over China in 2014...
  6. j20blackdragon

    China, Rome, and the United States

    China's PPP GDP is 13.370 trillion. At last year's 7.6% growth rate, China will catch up to the EU in 2 years. The EU is currently experiencing near 0% growth. The World Factbook Vietnam's PPP GDP is 0.358 trillion. At last year's 5.3% growth rate, Vietnam will require over 70 years to catch...
  7. j20blackdragon

    Ten different ways to kill a carrier

    Let me propose an even better idea. Use the DF-21D to drop a torpedo.
  8. j20blackdragon

    Type 052D DDG News & Discussions

    Learn some geography. Asia is one large landmass. China can actually drive across Asia...and then into Africa and Europe if we choose. It's all land connected. China produced over 22 million vehicles in 2013. Do the math. Production Statistics | OICA In the meantime, here are more pics.
  9. j20blackdragon

    Analysis points to China's work on new anti-satellite weapon

    In other words, China now has a road-mobile ASAT missile capable of taking out GPS and communication satellites on a whim. :enjoy:
  10. j20blackdragon

    US lasers? PLA preparing to raise its deflector shields

    The better question is what did the US gain from over 20 years of involvement in Iraq and the Middle East since Operation Desert Storm? Iraq and the rest of the region have been completely destabilized. Iran's nuclear program continues unabated. Syria crossed your red line with no consequences...
  11. j20blackdragon

    Russia and China to develop next generation Bomber together?

    Chinese Military Aviation: Attack Aircraft II
  12. j20blackdragon

    Russia and China to develop next generation Bomber together?

    China has already shown all the crucial technologies needed to build a B-2 style bomber by unveiling the J-20, J-31, Sharp Sword, and Y-20. The engines won't be a problem. The B-2's F118 engines are nothing more than a non-afterburning derivative of the F110 used to power the F-16. The H-20 is...
  13. j20blackdragon

    Improved Chinese Stealth Fighter Nears First Flight

    And here we have an actual Chinese anechoic chamber. Note the cruise missile models.
  14. j20blackdragon

    Improved Chinese Stealth Fighter Nears First Flight

    Furthermore, the notion that Chinese aircraft have never undergone RCS testing just because you've never seen a pole model is ridiculous. We have pictures showing actual REAL aircraft being propped up for RCS testing. You can very clearly see anechoic chamber style pyramidal shaped RAM...
  15. j20blackdragon

    Improved Chinese Stealth Fighter Nears First Flight

    Let me know when the Shinshin gets beyond the model/mock-up stage. Meanwhile, the J-20 appears to have reached the pre-production stage. The J-31 and Sharpsword UCAV tech demonstrators have already flown. The H-20 is rumored to be in development.
  16. j20blackdragon

    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    You're already looking at the pre-production J-20. It won't be very long now. At the rate China is advancing, you should probably be expecting something like this in 8-10 years. The J-20 could be the least of your concerns at that point.
  17. j20blackdragon

    Improved Chinese Stealth Fighter Nears First Flight

    I think you need to be more specific instead of using meaningless vague terms such as "superior radar technology." Why don't you explain what this "superior radar technology" entails and how it works? I'll throw out some examples. Are you saying the F-35 has a low frequency radar system similar...
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