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  1. Grand Historian

    Vietnamese nationalist fabrications

    Chang Jiang and Yangtze are the same river,you are the one that brought it up not me so you only have yourself to blame. You are raging at me because your own scholars disagree with you,you write nothing of value. It doesn't matter if Vietnamese or Chinese wrote it,we have to critically...
  2. Grand Historian

    It Is Chiguajiao(Johnson South Reef)No More

    The emperor may have been non Han however your lies that Han Chinese were slaves is hilarious.
  3. Grand Historian

    It Is Chiguajiao(Johnson South Reef)No More

    Still repeating your debunked lies?
  4. Grand Historian

    Vietnamese nationalist fabrications

    Thank you for the suggestion I'll check it out.
  5. Grand Historian

    Vietnamese nationalist fabrications

    Why are you talking about the Chang Jiang? He clearly stated that Van Lang was separated by Xi and Dian from Ba and Shu neither of these 4 states held allegiance to a Vietnamese sovereign. Dai Viet Su Luoc is wrong,no Chinese source ever records this event. Otherwise find it in the...
  6. Grand Historian

    Vietnamese nationalist fabrications

    I agree unless you are Confucius or some famous landed gentry I don't think you can trace your ancestry that far. My jiapu traces back to Song dynasty any further it is pretty much nonsense.
  7. Grand Historian

    Vietnamese nationalist fabrications

    Dian,Ba,Shu and Xi were all separate entities Read your own historty book that denies these claims. Van Lang did not own Southern China,show me the archaeological evidence. Same language family doesn't mean you can claim the entire language family as one ethnicity. Nothing you say refutes...
  8. Grand Historian

    Vietnamese nationalist fabrications

    And that graph is supposed to be the ultimatum? I take back what I said about O2b 47z not existing in China as there are 2 samples in Shanghai. It still doesn't change a thing,O2b is exceedingly rare and studies show that O2b 47z originates in Korea/Manchuria.
  9. Grand Historian

    Vietnamese nationalist fabrications

    Looks like you are in denial,your own history book criticizes your myths yet you can't accept reality. If you even bothered to read my post you can see that Van Lang is separated from Lake Dongting by Xi and Dian. We can't trust ancient Vietnamese historiography as they blatantly distort...
  10. Grand Historian

    Vietnamese nationalist fabrications

    Considering how small the O2b 47z is in Vietnamese populations I would say no,from autosomal studies Vietnamese are closer to Chinese than Japanese.
  11. Grand Historian

    China on course to become 'world's most Christian nation' within 15 years

    Religion is the bane of scientific education. I believe all religions should be tolerated, however telling someone you'll go to hell or killing a non believer is despicable and denying Science ie evolution is what it holding us back.
  12. Grand Historian

    Vietnamese nationalist fabrications

    What a joke, your own historians noticed the inconsistencies. From Kham dinh Viet su Thong giam coung muc(欽定越史通鑑綱目) 洞庭地夾兩湖實在百粵之北巴蜀猶隔雋滇(今屬雲南) 不相接壤舊史侈大其辭殆與後蜀王之事皆屬傳虛而未之 Lake Dongting is situated between the two Hu's ie Hunan and Hubei. Lake Dongting is North of the Baiyue. Ba and Shu were...
  13. Grand Historian

    Vietnamese nationalist fabrications

    O2b 47z didn't originate in Northern China rather it originated in Korea. Investigative Genetics | Full text | High frequencies of Y-chromosome haplogroup O2b-SRY465 lineages in Korea: a genetic perspective on the peopling of Korea "In addition, the coalescence time (~4,400 years) for the age...
  14. Grand Historian

    Vietnamese nationalist fabrications

    Yes I have though only the portions dealing with Hong Bang/Van Lang/Shu Pan and Nanyue in the Dai Viet su ky toan thu I haven't read Dai Viet su ky. I can quote you texts from Dai Viet su ky toan thu if you wish. Read the Kham dinh Viet su Thong giam coung muc to see that Vietnamese scholars...
  15. Grand Historian

    Vietnamese nationalist fabrications

    You share O M134,O M117,O3 002611 all East Asian populations are related. No,O2b is not entirely absent from Han Chinese there are still really small quantities mainly of O2b K3(most common in Manchurians) and even fewer O2b L682(most common in Koreans) with no O2b 47z(most common in Japanese)...
  16. Grand Historian

    Vietnamese nationalist fabrications

    Anything before the Shang is uncorroborated with archaeological evidence that's why I don't believe in Huangdi,Yandi,Xia dynasty etc. Also any mythological elements in the Shiji is not taken seriously by modern day historians. Stories of the Shang dynasty was written in the Spring...
  17. Grand Historian

    Vietnamese nationalist fabrications

    In my opening post I already said why Dai Viet su ky toan thu and Lingnan chich quai are full of nonsense. Yet your Vietnamese members keep on repeating the same lies.
  18. Grand Historian

    Vietnamese nationalist fabrications

    How could Han Chinese steal something if they didn't even exist back then,Shang is one of the many components of Han Chinese. The only one stealing anything are nationalist Vietnamese members such as you. What I find hilarious is that I show all the flaws of Dai Viet su ky toan thu and Linh...
  19. Grand Historian

    Vietnamese nationalist fabrications

    Yea like every single Chinese were Song and Yuan loyalists,there were plenty of Han Chinese that served in the Yuan and Qing armies get your facts straight. No they weren't Northern barbarians,and there was no Han Chinese back then either.
  20. Grand Historian

    Vietnamese nationalist fabrications

    Thank you for your kind advice Fattyacids,I don't think you even need a college education to see that nationalist trolls fabricate history in an attempt to glorify their ethnicity/country. The reason why I made this thread is not to incite hatred it is to stop this blatant revisionism from...
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